


2021-         北京大学,中国农业政策研究中心,博士后,助理研究员

2019-2020     德国吉森大学,农业政策和市场研究所,助理研究员

2013-2019     德国吉森大学,农业政策和市场研究所,农学博士

2010-2013     西北农林科技大学,水利与建筑工程学院,工学硕士


水资源管理;环境政策评估;生态-经济模型; 生态系统服务评估


2016  African ESP conference: Ecosystem Services for SDGs in Africa. The Poster Award.
      Nairobi, Kenya.
2017  Tropentag, Future Agriculture: Social-ecological transitions and bio-cultural shifts.
      University of Bonn and the Centre for Development Research, Bonn, Germany.
      Presentation: “A tool of future trans-boundary water sharing to facilitate land use                      
      transition and poverty alleviation in the Okavango River Basin”.

2018  The international conference ‘Water Science for Impact’, Wageningen University &
      Research (WUR), Wageningen, the Netherlands. Presentation: “Modelling a water           
      pricing regime to resolve future water conflict at a river level — a case study from the  
      Okavango River Basin of Southern Africa”.


Zhang, L.; Wang, J.; Sun, T.; Wang, X. Impacts of Climate Change on the Mean and Variance of Indica and Japonica Rice Yield in China. Agronomy 2022, 12, 3062. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12123062

X. Wang & Nuppenau, E. A. (2021). Modelling payments for ecosystem services for solving future water conflicts at spatial scales: The Okavango River Basin example. Ecological Economics, 184 (58): 106982.

X. L. Wang (2020) An Optimal Spatial Water Flow Model Based on Payments for Ecosystem Services — a Case Study from the Cubango-Okavango River Basin of Southern Africa. Margraf Publisher. ISBN-10: 3823617745.

X. Wang & Nuppenau, E. A. (2017). A Tool of future trans-boundary water sharing to facilitate land use transition and poverty alleviation in the Okavango River Basin. Proceedings Tropentag 2017.

S. Domptail, B. Kowalski, X. L. Wang et al. (2016) The Future Okavango: Sustainable land use in the Okavango River Basin - SP08: Economic and Ecological Valuation - Final Project Report 2010-2016. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2314/GBV:875847811.