

曾经作为全球环境基金第四和五期基金战略专家;IPCC/TEAP 特别工作组成员;联合国环境署《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》下属新持久性有机污染物评估委员会委员(2005-2014)。



每年计划招收1名硕士研究生,1名博士研究生,接受博士后和访问学者。 招生专业为:环境科学 研究方向包括: 痕量有机污染物控制(博士研究生) 环境化学与环境过程模拟(硕士研究生) 城市与区域污染控制(硕士研究生)

He holds a Bachelor and a Master degree in Chemistry at the Peking University in 1983 and 1986. Since 1986, he works in Peking University as a faculty; currently, he is a Professor and executive director of College of Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Peking University. He has involved in many research activities on controlling, management of Halocarbons including Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and greenhouse gases (HFCs and PFCs ), under the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol and Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) under the Stockholm Convention. His special research areas includes source of Halocarbons and POPs, technical and economic assessment of controlling of Halocarbons and POPs, master plans for controlling Halocarbons and POPs.

Since 2009, he is the team lead for the project to develop China’s updated country program for management of HCFCs (Chinese HPMP) funded by Multilateral fund and also the team lead for the project to assess new POPs funded by Ministry of Environmental Protection of China.

During 2007, as the team leader of domestic experts, cooperated with the international experts finished the report “Major Issues and Policy Framework for Environmentally Sound and Strategic Management of Chemicals in China” which is one of fundament reports for the Ministry of Environmental Protection to establish a chemical division in the beginning of 2009.

Since 2005, he is one of the members of Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee under the Stockholm Convention; and a member of UNEP Chemicals Technical Options Committee. He is one of the very active members to contribute the new POPs assessment with his expertise, especially on chemical identification, technical and economic assessment, and chemical management. He was the member of Chemical Strategy Advisory Group of GEF-4 and GEF-5 in 2006 and 2010, respectively. During 2003-2005, he, as one of the Lead authors, participated in draft of the IPCC special report on safeguarding the ozone layer and the global climates system. During 1997-2004, he was a Member of UNEP Solvents, Coating and Adhesives Technical Options Committee. 

During 2004-2007, he was the team leader for the Sino-German project to develop long-term management strategy for controlling HCFCs in China which is one of the key supporting documents for the UN agreed with the accelerated phaseout schedule of HCFCs in 2007 during the 20 anniversary of Montreal Protocol for Protection Ozone Lay. He was the team leader for the project to develop China’s National Plan (NIP) for Implementation the Stockholm Convention on POPs which indorsed by the Chinese State Council in April 2007. ??The NIP was published in Chinese and also submitted to the Conference of the Parties of Stockholm Convention. 

During 2001-2004, as the team leader, he was in charged for developed the Strategy for Phaseout POPs Pesticides in China for Implementation the Stockholm Convention. The strategy is the first strategy for dealing with POPs controlling under the Stockholm Convention in China. The implementation of this strategy already bought on the elimination of production and consumption of all POPs Pesticides including DDT, chlordane, mirex and HCB in China.

During 1995-2004, as a team leader or a key expert, he contributed to drafting more than ten sector plans or strategies for phaseout ODS in China, such as Phaseout Plan for Halon in China Fire Fighting Sector, Sector Plan for Phaseout CFC Production in China, Sector Plan for Phaseout CFC-11 in China Foam Sector, Strategy for ODS Substitute Development in China, Updated Country Program for ODS Phaseout in China and so no. These sector plans were implemented and brought on elimination of 91,433 ODP-tonnes of production and 64,326 ODP-tonnes of consumption in China.

During 1993-1995, he, as a visiting scholar, researched on Nitro-Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. Previously, he worked as Assistant professor within Peking University during 1986-1992 on researching of controlling acid deposition in China.

  • 研究领域
  • 奖励荣誉
作为工作组主要成员于2004年获第二届国家“保护臭氧层贡献奖”特别金奖,2005年获美国环保局颁布的保护臭氧层奖,以奖励“Leadership in ODS Phaseout in Developing Countries”;2006年获联合国60周年UNEP保护臭氧层贡献奖。2007年,因对IPCC工作的贡献,与其他IPCC科学家共享了诺贝尔和平奖的荣誉。2015年获得“消除持久性有机污染物杰出贡献奖”。
  • 学术兼职与会员栏目
  • 教育背景
1983年9月-1986年7月 北京大学技术物理系生物无机化学研究方向研究生;毕业并获硕士学位
1979年9月-1983年8月 北京大学技术物理系放射化学专业本科生;毕业并获学士学位


1983 – 1986 M. S. Chemistry, Department of Technical Physics, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China.

1979 – 1983 B. S. Chemistry, Department of Technical Physics, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China.

  • 工作经历
1990年1月-现在 北京大学环境科学与工程学院(环境科学中心)讲师、副教授、教授


1986 – Present???? Assistant Professor\\Associate Professor\\Professor, College for Environmental Sciences & Engineering, Peking University, Beijing, P. R. China

1993 – 1995 Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA