科研成果 by Year: 2022

Deng H, Poonoosamy J, Molins S. A reactive transport modeling perspective on the dynamics of interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation. Applied geochemistry. 2022;137:105207.
Deng H, Breunig H, Apte J, Qin Y. An early career perspective on the opportunities and challenges of team science. Environmental Science & Technology. 2022;56:1478–1481.
Zhang Q, Deng H, Dong Y, Molins S, Li X, Steefel C. Investigation of coupled processes in fractures and the bordering matrix via a micro-continuum reactive transport model. Water Resources Research. 2022;58:e2021WR030578.
Xiong W, Deng H, Stuckman M, Lopano C, Hakala AJ. Fe Oxidation and Species Distribution at the Rock–Fluid Interface of Marcellus Shale Reacted with Hydraulic Fracturing Fluid. Energy & Fuels. 2022;36:8150–8160.
Deng H, Gharasoo M, Zhang L, Dai Z, Hajizadeh A, Peters CA, Soulaine C, Thullner M, Van Cappellen P. A perspective on applied geochemistry in porous media: Reactive transport modeling of geochemical dynamics and the interplay with flow phenomena and physical alteration. Applied Geochemistry. 2022;146:105445.
Deng H, Li L, Kim JJ, Ling FT, Beckingham LE, Wammer KH. Bridging environmental geochemistry and hydrology. Journal of Hydrology. 2022:128448.
Li P, Deng H, Molins S. The Effect of Pore-Scale Two-phase Flow on Mineral Reaction Rates. Frontiers in Water. 2022;3:734518.