
Guo C, Zheng X. Prenatal exposure to the SARS epidemic emergency and risk of cognitive impairment in toddlers. Science BulletinScience Bulletin. 2021;66:2153-2156.
Guo C, Zheng X. Restoration of Population Disability Trajectory During Hundreds of Years — China, 1896–2006. China CDC WeeklyChina CDC Weekly. 2021;3:468-471.
Guo C, He P, Song X, Zheng X. Long-term effects of prenatal exposure to earthquake on adult schizophrenia. British Journal of PsychiatryBritish Journal of Psychiatry. 2019;215:730-735.
Guo C, Pang L, Wen X, Zheng X. Risky Sexual Behaviors and Repeat Induced Abortion Among Unmarried Young Women in China: Results from a Large, Nationwide, Population-Based Sample. J Womens Health (Larchmt)J Womens Health (Larchmt)J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2018.
Guo C, Zheng X. Health Challenges and Opportunities for an Aging China. Am J Public HealthAm J Public HealthAm J Public Health. 2018;108:890-892.
Guo C, Wen X, Li N, Wang Z, Chen G, Zheng X. Is Cigarette and Alcohol Use Associated With High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Youth in China?. J Sex MedJ Sex MedJ Sex Med. 2017;14:659-665.
Guo C, Wang Z, Li N, Chen G, Zheng X. Comorbid Visual and Psychiatric Disabilities Among the Chinese Elderly: A National Population-Based Survey. Curr Eye ResCurr Eye ResCurr Eye Res. 2017;42:1733-1737.