科研成果 by Year: 2022

Wen T, Song S, Cheng X, Zhang G, Allen MB, Su L, Wang C. Carbonatitic pockets in intra-ocean arc volcanics (Qilian orogen): Petrogenesis and implications for carbon recycling in subduction zones. Chemical Geology. 2022;606:120981.
Zhang G, Wang J, Webb AAG, Zhang L, Liu S, Fu B, Wu C, Wang S. The protoliths of central Himalayan eclogites. GSA Bulletin. 2022;134:1949-1966.
Liu S, Zhang G, Zhang L, Wang S, Upreti BN, Adhikari DP, Wu C, Wang J. Diverse Anatexis in the Main Central Thrust Zone, Eastern Nepal: Implications for Melt Evolution and Exhumation Process of the Himalaya. Journal of Petrology. 2022;63(3):1-26.
Liu S, Zhang G, Zhang L, Liu Z, Xu J. Boron isotopes of tourmalines from the central Himalaya: Implications for fluid activity and anatexis in the Himalayan orogen. Chemical Geology. 2022;596.
Xu J, Zhang G, Marschall H, Walters JB, Liu S, Lü Z, Zhang L, Hu H, Li N. Boron isotopes of white mica and tourmaline in an ultra‑high pressure metapelite from the western Tianshan, China: dehydration and metasomatism during exhumation of subducted ocean‑floor sediments. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 2022;177:46.
Liu Z, Zhang G, Xiong L, Chang F, Liu S. Evolution of the Continental Crust in the Northern Tibetan Plateau: Constraints From Geochronology and Hf Isotopes of Detrital Zircons. Frontiers in Earth Science. 2022;10.
Chen X, Zhang L, Zhang G, Lü Z. The Calcite-Dolomite Solvus Temperature and T-X(CO2) Evolution in High-Grade Impure Marble from Thongmön Area, Central Himalaya: Implications for Carbon Cycling in Orogenic Belts. Minerals. 2022;12:724.
Li Q, Zhang L, Chu X, Zhang G, Bader T, Wang Y, Wu C. Metamorphic PT path, U-Pb zircon dating and tectonic implications of High-pressure Pelitic Granulites from the Kharta region, Southern Tibet, China. Gondwana Research. 2022;104:23-38.
Liu Y, Yang Y, Song B, Galy A, Zhang F, Jin Z, Zhang G, Ye C, Fang X. Hydrothermal systems with radiogenic Sr in the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, NE Tibetan Plateau and implications for regional dissolved Sr budget. Applied Geochemistry. 2022;138:105214.