科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Li H, Wang Z, Chen Z, Tian W, Wei W, Zhang G, Zhang L. A petrogenetic study of apatite in Chang’E-5 basalt: Implications for high sulfur contents in lunar apatite and volatile estimations for the lunar mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2024;385:118-140.
Zhang G, Wu C, Wang Y, Zhang L, Webb AAG. Rapid heating (<2 My) to ultrahigh-temperature metamorphism via asthenospheric upwelling. Science Advances [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
Xiong L, Zhang G, Song S, Liu S, Feng D, Chang F. Eclogite in the East Kunlun Orogen, northwestern China: A record of the Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia and early Paleozoic continental subduction. Geological Society of America Bulletin. 2024;136(3/4):1413–1430.
王淑真, 张贵宾, 刘帅奇. 中喜马拉雅陈塘地区基性麻粒岩变质作用、原岩特征及其地质意义. 岩石学报 [Internet]. 2024;40(5):1603-1627. 访问链接
Chang F, Zhang G, Xiong L. The Discovery of the New UHP Eclogite from the East Kunlun, Northwestern China, and Its Tectonic Significance. Minerals. 2024;14:582.
黄思民, 张贵宾. Fe-Cu-Zn-Mo同位素示踪氧化还原过程. 岩石矿物学杂志. 2024;43:469-494.
王琳, 张贵宾. 俯冲板片稳定同位素(Fe⁃K⁃Li⁃B⁃Ba)的分馏行为. 地球科学. 2024;49(2):685-699.
刘学, 张贵宾, 张立飞, 刘帅奇. 中喜马拉雅日玛那地区退变榴辉岩岩石地球化学及年代学研究. 岩石矿物学杂志. 2024;43(2):360~392.
Chang F, Zhang G, Xiong L, Liu S, Wang S, Liu Y. Metabasites from the Central East Kunlun Orogenic Belt Inform a New Suture Model for Subduction and Collision in the Early Paleozoic Proto-Tethys Ocean. Minerals. 2024;14:449.
Liu S, Zhang G, Xiong L, Wang S, Chang F, Liu X, Zhang L. Multi-episodes of pre-Cenozoic bimodal magmatism in the Himalaya in response to arc-back-arc settings. Lithos. 2023;454-455:107291.
Liu S, Zhang G, Li H. Fingerprinting crustal anatexis with apatite trace element, halogen, and Sr isotope data. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 2023;351:14-31.
Zhang G, Han L, Zhang L, Song S, Liu S. The transition from oceanic to continental subduction and collision: A case study of the North Qaidam ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic belt, northern Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 2023;242:105488.
Liu S, Zhang G, Li H. Detrital zircon, monazite and tourmaline reveal the magmatic and metamorphic history of the Himalayan orogen from Archean to present. Lithos. 2023;436-437:106949.
Feng D, Wang C, Song S, Xiong L, Zhang G, Allen MB, Dong J, Wen T, Su L. Tracing tectonic processes from Proto- to Paleo-Tethys in the East Kunlun Orogen by detrital zircons. Gondwana Research. 2023;115:1-16.
吴晨光, 张立飞, 张贵宾, 王杨. 藏南亚东地区超高温叠加的榴辉岩中文象浅色体成因及其对软流圈上涌的制约. 岩石学报. 2023;39(8):2238-2256.
Xiong L, Song S, Su L, Zhang G, Allen MB, Feng D, Yang S. Detrital zircons from high-pressure trench sediments (Qilian Orogen): Constraints on continental-arc accretion, subduction initiation and polarity of the Proto-Tethys Ocean. Gondwana Research. 2023;113:194-209.
Liu S, Zhang G, Zhang L, Webb AAG. Omphacite Melting and the Destruction of Early High‐Pressure Rock Records. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth. 2023;128:e2023JB027395.
Zhang G, Wang J, Webb AAG, Zhang L, Liu S, Fu B, Wu C, Wang S. The protoliths of central Himalayan eclogites. GSA Bulletin. 2022;134:1949-1966.
Liu S, Zhang G, Zhang L, Wang S, Upreti BN, Adhikari DP, Wu C, Wang J. Diverse Anatexis in the Main Central Thrust Zone, Eastern Nepal: Implications for Melt Evolution and Exhumation Process of the Himalaya. Journal of Petrology. 2022;63(3):1-26.
Liu S, Zhang G, Zhang L, Liu Z, Xu J. Boron isotopes of tourmalines from the central Himalaya: Implications for fluid activity and anatexis in the Himalayan orogen. Chemical Geology. 2022;596.
