【学术午餐会2022年第1期】罗金峰:Wealth, Wages, and Employment


星期五, 九月 9, 2022, 12:30pm2:00pm



【主讲人】罗金峰 博士
【主持人】高明 长聘副教授;李博 助理教授
【报告题目】Wealth, Wages, and Employment

【报告摘要】The canonical search mode is shown to have difficulty in 1) reconciling with business cycle patterns of the labor market and 2) nesting wealth into the analysis. We develop an alternative with directed job search and wage commitment. The framework can naturally incorporate wealth and has the potential to replicate business cycle patterns of both the labor and goods market, while at the same time remaining tractable. In this framework, risk, employment, wealth, and wages are all responsive to policies, making it a potent tool for policy analysis. This framework also offers some insights into the extent of wage rigidity.

【主讲人介绍】罗金峰是宾夕法尼亚大学经济学博士、清华大学经济学学士,现为德国波恩大学博士后研究员。研究领域涵盖宏观经济理论、宏观劳动力市场、经济发展与波动、货币政策、企业家精神、产业组织等。研究论文见刊于Journal of Monetary Economics、Emerging Markets Finance and Trade、《财经研究》、《经济学报》、《中国经济问题》、《清华大学学报》等。担任Economic Journal、Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control、Macroeconomic Dynamics、China Economic Review等学术杂志匿名审稿人。