科研成果 by Year: 2023

Zhao Y. et al. Google Earth Engine-Based Estimation of the Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Suspended Sediment Concentrations in a Multi-Channel River System of the Yangtze River Basin. Water Resources Research [Internet]. 2023;59:e2023WR034967. 访问链接Abstract
Lowland multi-channel alluvial river systems are highly variable in frequency and magnitude of floodplain inundation and are vulnerable to human activities such as damming. In the Yangtze River Basin, the Three Gorges Dam (TGD) has trapped >80% of upstream sediment supply, causing downstream scouring and rapid geomorphic changes in river and its floodplain lakes. Suspended sediment concentration (SSC) is widely used to monitor river morphodynamics, but traditional measurements of SSC are time consuming, costly and difficult to quantify SSC in a large spatial scale. Using Google Earth Engine and in situ observed hydrological data, we created a multiple linear regression model to map SSC in the multi-channel system Songzi River of the Yangtze. The new SSC predictive model achieved high accuracy (R2: 0.87) and showed opposite downstream trends in SSC during peak flood years and normal flood years. For the first time, we found that in the peak flood year of 1998 the study rivers exhibit a downstream increase trend of SSC with an abrupt increase in their middle reach, while SSC in normal flood years experiences a downstream decline with minimal changes. A prominent difference in SSC is also revealed after the TGD with a reduction of 60%. Furthermore, SSC in the closely hydrologically connected lakes is more dynamic than the less connected lakes. Our study demonstrates that the proposed method enables to rapidly quantify the spatio-temporal SSC distribution in the multi-channel systems on the floodplain of large alluvial rivers and highlights the importance of connectivity in regulating SSC dynamics.
Zhang T, Li D, East AE, Kettner AJ, Best J, Ni J, Lu X. Shifted sediment-transport regimes by climate change and amplified hydrological variability in cryosphere-fed rivers. Science Advances [Internet]. 2023;9(45):eadi5019. 访问链接Abstract
Climate change affects cryosphere-fed rivers and alters seasonal sediment dynamics, affecting cyclical fluvial material supply and year-round water-food-energy provisions to downstream communities. Here, we demonstrate seasonal sediment-transport regime shifts from the 1960s to 2000s in four cryosphere-fed rivers characterized by glacial, nival, pluvial, and mixed regimes, respectively. Spring sees a shift toward pluvial-dominated sediment transport due to less snowmelt and more erosive rainfall. Summer is characterized by intensified glacier meltwater pulses and pluvial events that exceptionally increase sediment fluxes. Our study highlights that the increases in hydroclimatic extremes and cryosphere degradation lead to amplified variability in fluvial fluxes and higher summer sediment peaks, which can threaten downstream river infrastructure safety and ecosystems and worsen glacial/pluvial floods. We further offer a monthly-scale sediment-availability-transport model that can reproduce such regime shifts and thus help facilitate sustainable reservoir operation and river management in wider cryospheric regions under future climate and hydrological change. Intensified glacier melt and discharge pulses remarkably increase summer sediment fluxes and threaten social-ecological systems.
Li D, Zhang T. Fluvial sediment load sensitivity to climate change in cold basins on the Tibetan Plateau: An elasticity approach and the spatial scale effect. Geomorphology [Internet]. 2023;440:108887. 访问链接Abstract
The sensitivity of fluvial sediment load to climate change and predictions of future sediment load in cold basins remain poorly investigated, although changes in river sediment transport have important geomorphological, ecological, and societal implications. Here, we adapt a sediment elasticity approach to examine the sensitivity of fluvial suspended sediment load to changes in air temperature and precipitation in the headwater of the Yangtze River (HYR) on the inner Tibetan Plateau. Results show that every 1 °C increase in air temperature can increase the suspended sediment load by 14–27 % by intensifying thermally-driven glacial and permafrost erosional processes, and every 10 % increase in precipitation can increase the suspended sediment load by 16–24 % through enhancing pluvial-driven erosional processes. We predict an increase of 60–85 % in the suspended sediment loads in HYR by 2050 relative to the present-day period under the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5, as both air temperature and precipitation are projected to increase. Our analysis highlights that smaller upland rivers appear to respond to modern climate change more rapidly and intensively than larger downstream rivers due to the larger glacier and permafrost coverages, poorer vegetation, as well as steeper fluvial relief, and higher sediment connectivity. This study provides a framework and a data-driven sediment elasticity approach to predict climate change and cryosphere degradation-driven changes in future fluvial suspended sediment load in cold basins, highlights the importance of the spatial scale effects in modulating fluvial responses, and has implications for assessing the impacts of climate change on channel morphology and aquatic ecosystems.
Xu R, Zeng Z, Pan M, Ziegler AD, Holden J, Spracklen DV, Brown LE, He X, Chen D, Ye B, et al. A global-scale framework for hydropower development incorporating strict environmental constraints. Nature Water [Internet]. 2023;1(1):113-122. 访问链接Abstract
The benefits of developing the world’s hydropower potential are intensely debated when considering the need to avoid or minimize environmental impacts. However, estimates of global unused profitable hydropower potential with strict environmental constraints have rarely been reported. In this study we performed a global assessment of the unused profitable hydropower potential by developing a unified framework that identifies a subset of hydropower station locations with reduced environmental impacts on the network of 2.89 million rivers worldwide. We found that the global unused profitable hydropower potential is 5.27 PWh yr−1, two-thirds of which is distributed across the Himalayas. Africa’s unused profitable hydropower is 0.60 PWh yr−1, four times larger than its developed hydropower. By contrast, Europe’s hydropower potential is extremely exploited. The estimates, derived from a consistent and transparent framework, are useful for formulating national hydropower development strategies.