科研成果 by Year: 2008

Loerch PM, Lu T, Dakin KA, Vann JM, Isaacs A, Geula C, Wang J, Pan Y, Gabuzda DH, Li C, et al. Evolution of the aging brain transcriptome and synaptic regulation. [Internet]. 2008;(10). 访问链接
Luo B, Hiu WC, Subramanian A, Sharifnia T, Okamoto M, Yang X, Hinkle G, Boehm JS, Beroukhim R, Weir BA, et al. Highly parallel identification of essential genes in cancer cells. [Internet]. 2008;(51):20380-20385. 访问链接
Li C, Beroukhim R, Weir BA, Winckler W, Garraway LA, Sellers WR, Meyerson M. Major copy proportion analysis of tumor samples using SNP arrays. [Internet]. 2008. 访问链接
Li C. Automating dChip: Toward reproducible sharing of microarray data analysis. [Internet]. 2008. 访问链接