科研成果 by Year: 2005

Leykin I, Hao K, Cheng J, Meyer N, Pollak MR, Smith RJH, Wong WH, Rosenow C, Li C. Comparative linkage analysis and visualization of high-density oligonucleotide SNP array data. 2005.
LaFramboise T, Weir BA, Zhao X, Beroukhim R, Li C, Harrington D, Sellers WR, Meyerson M. Allele-specific amplification in cancer revealed by SNP array analysis. 2005;(6):0507-0517.
Weir B, LaFramboise T, Lin M, Beroukhim R, Garraway L, Beheshti J, Lee J, Janne P, Li C, Sellers W, et al. High resolution SNP arrays identify amplified regions in lung cancer. [Internet]. 2005;(8). 访问链接
Widlund HR, Rubin MA, Milner D, Granter SR, Lee C, Getz GA, Rimm DL, Berger A, Ramaswamy S, Du J, et al. Identification of an amplified transcription factor (MITF) in melanoma. [Internet]. 2005;(8). 访问链接
Garraway LA, Widlund HR, Rubin MA, Getz G, Berger AJ, Ramaswamy S, Beroukhim R, Milner DA, Granter SR, Du J, et al. Integrative genomic analyses identify MITF as a lineage survival oncogene amplified in malignant melanoma. [Internet]. 2005;(7047):117-122. 访问链接
Goodison S, Yuan J, Sloan D, Kim R, Li C, Popescu NC, Urquidi V. The RhoGAP protein DLC-1 functions as a metastasis suppressor in breast cancer cells. [Internet]. 2005;(14):6042-6053. 访问链接
Wang V, Li C, Lin M, Welch W, Bell D, Wong Y-F, Berkowitz R, Mok SC, Bandera CA. Ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous disease. [Internet]. 2005;(2):170-173. 访问链接
Dahia PLM, Hao K, Rogus J, Colin C, Pujana MAG, Ross K, Magoffin D, Aronin N, Cascon A, Hayashida CY, et al. Novel pheochromocytoma susceptibility loci identified by integrative genomics. [Internet]. 2005;(21):9651-9658. 访问链接
LaFramboise T, Weir BA, Zhao X, Beroukhim R, Li C, Harrington D, Sellers WR, Meyerson M. Allele-specific amplification in cancer revealed by SNP array analysis. [Internet]. 2005;(6):e65. 访问链接
Wang Z, Neuburg D, Li C, Su L, Kim JY, Chen JC, Christiani DC. Global gene expression profiling in whole-blood samples from individuals exposed to metal fumes. [Internet]. 2005;(2):233-241. 访问链接
Leykin I, Hao K, Cheng J, Meyer N, Pollak MR, Smith RJH, Wong WH, Rosenow C, Li C. Comparative linkage analysis and visualization of high-density oligonucleotide SNP array data. [Internet]. 2005. 访问链接
Tang D, Khaleque MA, Jones EL, Theriault JR, Li C, Wong WH, Stevenson MA, Calderwood SK. Expression of heat shock proteins and heat shock protein messenger ribonucleic acid in human prostate carcinoma in vitro and in tumors in vivo. [Internet]. 2005;(1):46-58. 访问链接
Zhao X, Weir BA, LaFramboise T, Lin M, Beroukhim R, Garraway L, Beheshti J, Lee JC, Naoki K, Richards WG, et al. Homozygous deletions and chromosome amplifications in human lung carcinomas revealed by single nucleotide polymorphism array analysis. [Internet]. 2005;(13):5561-5570. 访问链接