
[1] “Export and Innovation: Quantifying the Value of Inter-Firm Knowledge Networks"(with Zi Wang)

[2] “Agglomeration, Geographic Industry Distributions and Local Industry Policies” (with Yingyan Zhao)

[3] “Environmental Change, Water Scarcity and Farmers' Differentiated Adaptations: Evidence from the Three Gorges Dam”(with Ting Chen and Sen Ma)

[4] “Market Access, Resource Reallocation and Firm Productivity” (with Qunfeng Wu)

[5] “More Trusting, Less Trust? An Investigation of Early E-Commerce in China” (with Hongbin Cai, Ginger Jin, Li-an Zhou), NBER Working Paper No. 18961

[6] “Corporate Taxes and the Geogarphy of Foreign Multinationals” (with Zi Wang, Jianpeng Deng)

[7] “Highway Access, Financial Dependence and Development” (with Chenran Liu, Wenjing Peng and Wei Wang)

[8] “Does Carbon Emissions Trading System Promote Enterprise Innovation?Evidence from China (with Min Wu and Lingyu Zhang)

[9] “高校扩招政策、人力资本提升与企业创新”(与钱留杰、刘青、孙腾)

[10] “文化、技术扩散与经济发展”(与陈婷、沃迈)

[11] “外商投资能否带来技术转移——来自清洁发展机制项目的证据”(与张辉、张玲玉)

[12] “环境规制与绿色创新--来自中国“两控区”的证据”(与张玲玉、刘青)

[13] “碳排放权交易体系能否激励企业研发和技术创新?”(与张玲玉)

[14] “隐性财政风险:形成逻辑、治理机制与PPP异化之谜”(与龚强、梁玮、张一林)

[15] “长期护理保险、医疗服务利用及其福利效应”(与吴敏)

[16] “通向智能制造的转型之路:来自产学研协同创新的证据”(与沙学康、朱开笛)