
(* corresponding author; † Ph.D student)  

1. Xu, L., Liu, Z. (co-first authors), Ji, M., Dong, Y., Wu, C. H. (2021). Leader perfectionism—friend or foe of employee creativity? Locus of control as a key contingency. Academy of Management Journal, in press [HTML]

2. Yang, X.,Liu, Z.*,Tan, L., & Song, P. (2020). A review of research on leader self-serving behaviors and future research agenda. Nankai Management Review (Chinese), 23(5),  213-224. [HTML]

3. Liu, Z.*, Liu, X-x., Hong, Y-y., Brockner, J., Tan, K-p., & Li, Y-m.  (2017).  Is individual bribery or organizational bribery more intolerable in China (versus in the United States)? Advancing theory on the perception of corrupt acts.   Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 143, 111-128.[HTML]

4. Siegel, P. A., Brockner, J., Wiesenfeld, B. M., & Liu, Z. (2016). Non-contingent success reduces people’s desire for processes that adhere to principles of fairness. Social Justice Research, 29(4), 375-401. [HTML]
- “Morton Deutsch Awards” for the only one best article published in Social Justice Research in 2016

5. Morris, M. W., Hong, Y-y., Chiu, C-y., & Liu, Z. (2015). Normology: Integrating insights about social norms to understand cultural dynamics. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 129, 1-13. [HTML]

6. Brockner, J. Wiesenfeld, B. M., Siegel, P. A., Bobocel, R., & Liu, Z. (2015). Riding the fifth wave: Organizational justic as dependent variable. Research in Organizational Behavior, 35, 103-121.  [HTML]

7. Morris, M. W., Chiu, C.-y., & Liu, Z. (2015).  Polycultural psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 66, 631-659.  [HTML]
* SCI Impact Factor: 24.137

8. Liu Z.*, & Brockner, J. (2015). The interactive effect of positive inequity and regulatory focus on work performance. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 57, 111-116.  [HTML]

9. Morris, M. W., & Liu, Z.* (2015). Psychological functions of subjective norms: Reference groups, moralization, adherence and defiance. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology46, 1279-1287.  [HTML]

10. Chiu, C.-Y., Gelfand, M. J., Harrington, J. R., Liu, Z., Morris, M. W., Mu, Y., Shteynberg, G., Tam, K.-P., Wan, C., & Zou, X. (2015). A conclusion, yet an opening to enriching the normative approach of culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 1261-1271. [HTML

11. Liu, Z., & Morris, M. W. (2014). Intercultural interactions and cultural transformation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 17, 100-103. [HTML

12. Xu, L., Ji, M., Liu, Z., & Dong, Y. (2019). Does leader perfectionism foster or kill creativity? It depends on followers’ locus of control. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings[HTML]

13. Feldman, S. W., Brockner, J., Liu, Z., & Higgins, E. T. (2014). Parental maltreatment, regulatory focus theory, and the decision to recommend placement of children in foster care. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings.  [HTML