Information, Awareness, and Mental Health: Evidence from Pollution Disclosure in China


Tingting Xie; Ye Yuan; Hui Zhang. 2023. “Information, Awareness, and Mental Health: Evidence from Pollution Disclosure in China.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 访问链接


This paper assesses mental health responses to information on environmental risks. We exploit the progressive implementation of a national program in China that introduces more comprehensive air pollution monitoring and provides real-time air-pollution information to the public. The program leads to a sharp increase in public awareness and attention to air pollution issues and results in a large increase in the sensitivity of individual’s mental health to changes in air quality, especially among those with more exposure to pollution information and those more susceptible to mental illnesses. Information of worsening air quality has a direct effect on mental health as a source of stressors and an indirect behavioral effect through reducing outdoor activities and social integration. Our findings shed light on the design and delivery of environmental information disclosure programs, especially for countries with pressing environmental threats.