科研成果 by Year: 2023

Iyer G, Cui R, Edmonds J, Fawcett A, Hultman N, McJeon H, Ou Y. Taking stock of nationally determined contributions: Continued ratcheting of ambition is critical to limit global warming to 1.5° C. One Earth. 2023;6(9):1089-1092.
Gao P, Gao Y, Ou Y, McJeon H, Zhang X, Ye S, Wang Y, Song C. Fulfilling global climate pledges can lead to major increase in forest land on Tibetan Plateau. iScience. 2023;26(4).
Khan Z, Zhao M, Ahsan H, Wolfram P, Snyder A, Kyle P, Rice J, Vernon C, Ou Y, Binsted M. GCAM-USA electricity demand results for National Climate Assessment 5. MultiSector Dynamics-Living, Intuitive, Value-adding, Environment; 2023.
Khan Z, Zhao M, Ahsan H, Wolfram P, Snyder A, Kyle P, Rice J, Vernon C, Ou Y, Binsted M. Version of GCAM-USA used for National Climate Assessment 5, Chapter 5: GCAM-USA-v5. 3-IM3-NCA5. MultiSector Dynamics-Living, Intuitive, Value-adding, Environment; 2023.
Acharya S, Ghosal M, Thurber T, Burleyson CD, Ou Y, Campbell A, Iyer G, Voisin N, Fuller J. Weather Sensitive High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Transportation Electric Load Profiles For Multiple Decarbonization Pathways. arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.15237. 2023.
Fauvel C, Fuhrman J, Ou Y, Shobe W, Doney SC, McJeon H, Clarens AF. Regional implications of carbon dioxide removal in meeting net zero targets for the United States. Environmental Research Letters. 2023.