Welcome to my personal homepage! I am a 3rd-year Ph.D. student at the [Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research](https://bicmr.pku.edu.cn/) at [Peking University](http://pku.edu.cn/), advised by Prof. [Zaiwen Wen](http://faculty.bicmr.pku.edu.cn/~wenzw/index.html). I am a member of the [Elite Ph.D. Program in Applied Mathematics](https://cmlr.pku.edu.cn/Graduate/ElitePhDProgram/Students/index.htm).
My research interests lie in the fields of machine learning and optimization. Specifically, I am interested in designing new optimization algorithms using machine learning techniques, known as Learning to Optimize (L2O). I also have a strong interest in analyzing and developing new optimization algorithms from the ODE perspective. Furthermore, I am keen on addressing problems in deep learning using tools and insights from optimization.
I received my bachelor's degree in 2021 from the [School of Mathematical Sciences](https://www.math.pku.edu.cn/) at Peking University, majoring in computational mathematics. Additionally, I was a member of the [Elite Program of Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Undergraduates](https://www.math.pku.edu.cn/amel/syscgzs/bjxskycgzs/134601.htm). I also obtained a bachelor's degree in economics from the [National School of Development](https://nsd.pku.edu.cn/) from 2018 to 2021.