2009 — 北京大学环境科学与工程学院环境管理系,讲师、副教授、长聘副教授、长聘教授
2008 — 2009,美国太平洋西北国家实验室,研究科学家(Research Scientist)
- S. Chen#, J. Xu* (2025). Regulatory capture in managing environmental risks: A review on empirical studies. Environmental Politics. (Forthcoming)
- J. Xu, S. Fan, J. Zheng (2025). Valuing mortality risk reductions in the time of COVID-19: A stated-preference analysis. Risk Sciences, 1: 100007.
- J. Ma# and J. Xu* (2024): Potential economic impacts of carbon tariffs on target countries: a systematic review, Climate Policy, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2024.2407830
- J. Xu, Liu, J. (2023). Managing the risks of new pollutants in China: The perspective of policy integration. Environment & Health, 1(6): 360-366.
- J. B. Horton, K. Brent, Z. Dai, T. Felgenhauer, O. Geden, J. McDonald, J. McGee, F. Schenuit, J. Xu (2023). Solar geoengineering research programs on national agendas: A comparative analysis of Germany, China, Australia, and the United States. Climatic Change, 176: 37.
- F. Pan#, J. Xu*, L. Xue (2023). Beyond the campaign-style enforcement: A consensual approach to bridge the environmental policy implementation gap. Environmental Policy and Governance, 33(4): 374-385.
- H. Tan, G. Wong-Parodi, S. Zhang, J. Xu* (2022). Public risk perceptions of shale gas exploitation: a comprehensive review. Energy Research & Social Science, 89: 102548.
- H. Li#, J. Xu*, J. Wiener (2022). Comparing environmental risk regulations in China and the United States. Risk Analysis, 42(4): 730-756.
- H. Yu#, J. Xu*, L. Xue (2021). Engaging experts in global biotech governance: what influences their judgement on value-laden challenges? Science and Public Policy, 48(4): 553-561
- Z. Dai#, E. Burns, P. Irvine, D. Tingley, J. Xu, D. Keith (2021). Elicitation of US and Chinese expert judgments show consistent views on solar geoengineering. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8: 18.
- M. Tu, B. Zhang, J. Xu, F. Lu (2020). Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: evidence from “Under the Dome”. Journal of Development Economics, 143: 102402.
- H. Tan, G. Wong-Parodi, J. Xu (2020). Not Under My Backyard? Psychological distance, local acceptance, and shale gas development. Energy Research & Social Science, 61: 101336.
- H. Tan, and J. Xu* (2020). Differentiated effects of risk perception and causal attribution on public behavioral responses to air pollution: a segmentation analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65: 101335.
- C. Qin#, J. Xu*, G. Wong-Parodi, L. Xue (2020). Change in public concern and behavioral intention toward air pollution Under the Dome. Risk Analysis, 40(10): 1983-2001.
- H. Tan, J. Xu, G. Wong-Parodi (2019). The politics of Asian fracking: public risk perceptions towards shale gas development in China. Energy Research & Social Science. 54: 46-55.
- B. Sergi#, I. Azevedo, T. Xia#, A. Davis, and J. Xu* (2019). Support for emissions reductions based on immediate and long-term pollution exposure in China. Ecological Economics, 158: 26-33.
- J. Xu*, C.S.F. Chi, K. Zhu# (2017). Concern or apathy: the attitude of the public toward urban air pollution. Journal of Risk Research, 20(4): 482-498.
- C.S.F. Chi, I. Ruuska, J. Xu* (2016). Environmental impact assessment of infrastructure projects: a governance perspective. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59(3), 393-413.
- J. Xu and Z. Peng (2015). People at risk of influenza pandemics: the evolution of perception and behavior. PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0144868.
- C.S.F. Chi, J. Xu, L. Xue (2014). Public participation in environmental impact assessment for public projects: a case of nonparticipation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57(9), 1422-1440.
- L. Li#, J. Xu*, J. Hu, J. Han (2014). Reducing nitrous oxide emissions to mitigate climate change and protect the ozone layer. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 5290-5297.
- J. Xu, X. Wang, S. Zhang (2013). Risk-based air pollutants management at regional levels, Environmental Science & Policy, 25, 167-175.
- D. Huang#, J. Xu, S. Zhang (2012). Valuing the health risks of particulate air pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China, Environmental Science & Policy, 15(1): 38-47.
- J. Xu*, H. K. Florig, M. DeKay (2011). Evaluating an analytic-deliberative risk-ranking process in a Chinese context. Journal of Risk Research, 14(7), 899-918.
- S. Blumsack and J. Xu (2011). Spatial variation of emissions impacts due to renewable energy siting decisions in the Western U.S. under high-renewable penetration scenarios. Energy Policy, 39(11), 6962-6971.
- J. Xu*, M. Small, P. Fischbeck, J. VanBriesen (2010). Integrating location models with Bayesian Analysis to inform decision making. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(2), 209-216.
- J. Xu*, M. Johnson, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen (2010). Robust placement of sensors in dynamic water distribution systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 707-716.
- Wan, D. #, Xu, J., Zhang, J., Tong, X., Hu, J. (2009). Historical and projected emissions of major halocarbons in China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 5822-5829.
- J. Xu*, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen, and E. Casman (2008). Identifying sets of key nodes in dynamic water distribution networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(4), 378-385.
- 李焕宏#,薛澜,徐建华*(2024). 用概念分析指导公共政策定量研究的变量测度. 公共管理学报,21(01):29-40.
- 徐建华,薛澜(2023). 《插电式电动车的全球兴起:公共政策、技术创新与国家战略》书评:政府-市场关系视角. 公共管理评论,5(01):200-212.
- 潘翻番#,徐建华*,薛澜(2020). 自愿型环境规制:研究进展及未来展望. 中国人口·资源与环境,30(01):74-82.
- 徐建华*,范世炜,薛澜(2020). 环境风险规制的经济成本及次生影响 — 决策中需要重视的向度. 中国环境管理,12(02):56-61.
- 刘晓#,徐建华*(2020). 公众对电力来源清洁化的支付意愿. 资源科学,42(12):2328-2340.
- 张晓东#,徐建华*(2019). 气代煤政策执行中的气荒成因解析:政府和市场相继失灵的视角. 中国行政管理,408:117-121.
- 汪若宇#,徐建华*(2018). 环境治理中的协商式公众参与——基于文献案例的研究. 公共管理评论,28: 47-60.
- 徐建华,薛澜,寿明佳#(2016). 环境社会治理中的公众风险认知:半个世纪研究的回顾与未来展望. 公共管理评论,22(02):85-103.
- Geoengineering: proactive measures to tackle climate change. National Science Review, 2023, nwad271, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwad271 (Panelists: Fei Chai, Zhijun Jin, Shaw Chen Liu, J. Xu, Tong Zhu)
- J. Xu, J. Wiener (2021). Comparing U.S. and Chinese Environmental Risk Regulation. The Regulatory Review. (Opinion) (The Regulatory Review is a publication of the Penn Program on Regulation) https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/regreview-opinion/112/
- 薛澜,徐建华(2020). 提升应急管理风险沟通能力. 中国应急管理,2020(04):14-16.
- 徐建华(2010). 环境风险 — 高悬于中国经济之上的达摩克利斯之剑. 中国与世界观察,总第20期,2010年第3/4合期.
- Lead Author of chapter 11: Policy responses and solutions pathways: Pathways for transformation of economic models. The seventh edition of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7). (on-going)
- Felgenhauer, T., Bala, G., Borsuk, M., Brune, M., Camilloni, I., Wiener, J.B., Xu, J. (2022). Solar Radiation Modification: A Risk-Risk Analysis, Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G), January, New York, NY: www.c2g2.net
- 李文军,徐建华,芦玉(2018).《自然保护领域管理体制改革方向和路径研究》(中国国家公园体制建设研究丛书). 中国环境出版集团.(A vision for Reform: Roadmap and Trends for China’s Conservation of Natural Resources).(专著)
- 徐建华,薛澜 (2018).《环境与健康领域的风险权衡》. 清华大学出版社.(原著:Graham J D, Wiener J B. (1995). Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press)(译著)
2023 — 至今,联合国环境规划署旗舰报告《全球环境展望》第十一章“经济转型模式:政策与路径”的主要作者(lead author)及“行为、社会及文化”专家组专家
2023 — 至今,美国地球物理联合会气候干预研究伦理框架委员会委员
- 国家社科基金重点项目,健全现代环境治理体系研究
- 国家社科基金重点项目,绿色发展路径选择与政策创新研究,子课题四“驱动生产和生活方式绿色低碳转型的政策研究”
- 环境政策与管理(Environmental Policy and Management). PKU-LSE硕士项目,研究生课程,2学分,必修,英文
- 社会研究设计原理与方法(The Principles of Research Design in Social Sciences), 研究生课程,2学分,必修,中文
- 碳边境调节机制
- 环境监管俘获
- 利用太阳地球工程措施应对气候变化的风险权衡
- 气候变化领域的框架效应