




2009 — 北京大学环境科学与工程学院环境管理系,讲师、副教授、长聘副教授、长聘教授

2008 — 2009,美国太平洋西北国家实验室,研究科学家(Research Scientist)


  1. S. Chen#, J. Xu* (2025). Regulatory capture in managing environmental risks: A review on empirical studies. Environmental Politics. (Forthcoming)
  2. J. Xu, S. Fan, J. Zheng (2025). Valuing mortality risk reductions in the time of COVID-19: A stated-preference analysis. Risk Sciences, 1: 100007.
  3. J. Ma# and J. Xu* (2024): Potential economic impacts of carbon tariffs on target countries: a systematic review, Climate Policy, DOI:10.1080/14693062.2024.2407830
  4. J. Xu, Liu, J. (2023). Managing the risks of new pollutants in China: The perspective of policy integration. Environment & Health, 1(6): 360-366.
  5. J. B. Horton, K. Brent, Z. Dai, T. Felgenhauer, O. Geden, J. McDonald, J. McGee, F. Schenuit, J. Xu (2023). Solar geoengineering research programs on national agendas: A comparative analysis of Germany, China, Australia, and the United States. Climatic Change, 176: 37.
  6. F. Pan#, J. Xu*, L. Xue (2023). Beyond the campaign-style enforcement: A consensual approach to bridge the environmental policy implementation gap. Environmental Policy and Governance, 33(4): 374-385.
  7. H. Tan, G. Wong-Parodi, S. Zhang, J. Xu* (2022). Public risk perceptions of shale gas exploitation: a comprehensive review. Energy Research & Social Science, 89: 102548.
  8. H. Li#, J. Xu*, J. Wiener (2022). Comparing environmental risk regulations in China and the United States. Risk Analysis, 42(4): 730-756.
  9. H. Yu#, J. Xu*, L. Xue (2021). Engaging experts in global biotech governance: what influences their judgement on value-laden challenges? Science and Public Policy, 48(4): 553-561
  10. Z. Dai#, E. Burns, P. Irvine, D. Tingley, J. Xu, D. Keith (2021). Elicitation of US and Chinese expert judgments show consistent views on solar geoengineering. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8: 18.
  11. M. Tu, B. Zhang, J. Xu, F. Lu (2020). Mass media, information and demand for environmental quality: evidence from “Under the Dome”. Journal of Development Economics, 143: 102402.
  12. H. Tan, G. Wong-Parodi, J. Xu (2020). Not Under My Backyard? Psychological distance, local acceptance, and shale gas development. Energy Research & Social Science, 61: 101336.
  13. H. Tan, and J. Xu* (2020). Differentiated effects of risk perception and causal attribution on public behavioral responses to air pollution: a segmentation analysis. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 65: 101335.
  14. C. Qin#, J. Xu*, G. Wong-Parodi, L. Xue (2020). Change in public concern and behavioral intention toward air pollution Under the Dome. Risk Analysis, 40(10): 1983-2001.
  15. H. Tan, J. Xu, G. Wong-Parodi (2019). The politics of Asian fracking: public risk perceptions towards shale gas development in China. Energy Research & Social Science. 54: 46-55.
  16. B. Sergi#, I. Azevedo, T. Xia#, A. Davis, and J. Xu* (2019). Support for emissions reductions based on immediate and long-term pollution exposure in China. Ecological Economics, 158: 26-33.
  17. J. Xu*, C.S.F. Chi, K. Zhu# (2017). Concern or apathy: the attitude of the public toward urban air pollution. Journal of Risk Research, 20(4): 482-498.
  18. C.S.F. Chi, I. Ruuska, J. Xu* (2016). Environmental impact assessment of infrastructure projects: a governance perspective. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 59(3), 393-413.
  19. J. Xu and Z. Peng (2015). People at risk of influenza pandemics: the evolution of perception and behavior. PLoS ONE, 10(12): e0144868.
  20. C.S.F. Chi, J. Xu, L. Xue (2014). Public participation in environmental impact assessment for public projects: a case of nonparticipation. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57(9), 1422-1440.
  21. L. Li#, J. Xu*, J. Hu, J. Han (2014). Reducing nitrous oxide emissions to mitigate climate change and protect the ozone layer. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(9), 5290-5297.
  22. J. Xu, X. Wang, S. Zhang (2013). Risk-based air pollutants management at regional levels, Environmental Science & Policy, 25, 167-175.
  23. D. Huang#, J. Xu, S. Zhang (2012). Valuing the health risks of particulate air pollution in the Pearl River Delta, China, Environmental Science & Policy, 15(1): 38-47.
  24. J. Xu*, H. K. Florig, M. DeKay (2011). Evaluating an analytic-deliberative risk-ranking process in a Chinese context. Journal of Risk Research, 14(7), 899-918.
  25. S. Blumsack and J. Xu (2011). Spatial variation of emissions impacts due to renewable energy siting decisions in the Western U.S. under high-renewable penetration scenarios. Energy Policy, 39(11), 6962-6971.
  26. J. Xu*, M. Small, P. Fischbeck, J. VanBriesen (2010). Integrating location models with Bayesian Analysis to inform decision making. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 136(2), 209-216.
  27. J. Xu*, M. Johnson, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen (2010). Robust placement of sensors in dynamic water distribution systems. European Journal of Operational Research, 202, 707-716.
  28. Wan, D. #, Xu, J., Zhang, J., Tong, X., Hu, J. (2009). Historical and projected emissions of major halocarbons in China. Atmospheric Environment, 43, 5822-5829.
  29. J. Xu*, P. Fischbeck, M. Small, J. VanBriesen, and E. Casman (2008). Identifying sets of key nodes in dynamic water distribution networks. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134(4), 378-385.
  30. 李焕宏#,薛澜,徐建华*(2024). 用概念分析指导公共政策定量研究的变量测度. 公共管理学报,21(01):29-40.
  31. 徐建华,薛澜(2023). 《插电式电动车的全球兴起:公共政策、技术创新与国家战略》书评:政府-市场关系视角. 公共管理评论,5(01):200-212.
  32. 潘翻番#徐建华*,薛澜(2020). 自愿型环境规制:研究进展及未来展望. 中国人口·资源与环境,30(01):74-82.
  33. 徐建华*,范世炜,薛澜(2020). 环境风险规制的经济成本及次生影响 — 决策中需要重视的向度. 中国环境管理,12(02):56-61.
  34. 刘晓#徐建华*(2020). 公众对电力来源清洁化的支付意愿. 资源科学,42(12):2328-2340.
  35. 张晓东#徐建华*(2019). 气代煤政策执行中的气荒成因解析:政府和市场相继失灵的视角. 中国行政管理,408:117-121.
  36. 汪若宇#徐建华*(2018). 环境治理中的协商式公众参与——基于文献案例的研究. 公共管理评论,28: 47-60.
  37. 徐建华,薛澜,寿明佳#(2016). 环境社会治理中的公众风险认知:半个世纪研究的回顾与未来展望. 公共管理评论,22(02):85-103.


  1. Geoengineering: proactive measures to tackle climate change. National Science Review, 2023, nwad271, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwad271 (Panelists: Fei Chai, Zhijun Jin, Shaw Chen Liu, J. Xu, Tong Zhu)
  2. J. Xu, J. Wiener (2021). Comparing U.S. and Chinese Environmental Risk Regulation. The Regulatory Review. (Opinion) (The Regulatory Review is a publication of the Penn Program on Regulation) https://scholarship.law.upenn.edu/regreview-opinion/112/
  3. 薛澜,徐建华(2020). 提升应急管理风险沟通能力. 中国应急管理,2020(04):14-16.
  4. 徐建华(2010). 环境风险 — 高悬于中国经济之上的达摩克利斯之剑. 中国与世界观察,总第20期,2010年第3/4合期.


  1. Lead Author of chapter 11: Policy responses and solutions pathways: Pathways for transformation of economic models. The seventh edition of UNEP’s Global Environment Outlook (GEO-7). (on-going)
  2. Felgenhauer, T., Bala, G., Borsuk, M., Brune, M., Camilloni, I., Wiener, J.B., Xu, J. (2022). Solar Radiation Modification: A Risk-Risk Analysis, Carnegie Climate Governance Initiative (C2G), January, New York, NY: www.c2g2.net
  3. 李文军,徐建华,芦玉(2018).《自然保护领域管理体制改革方向和路径研究》(中国国家公园体制建设研究丛书). 中国环境出版集团.(A vision for Reform: Roadmap and Trends for China’s Conservation of Natural Resources).(专著)
  4. 徐建华,薛澜 (2018).《环境与健康领域的风险权衡》. 清华大学出版社.(原著:Graham J D, Wiener J B. (1995). Risk vs. Risk: Tradeoffs in Protecting Health and the Environment. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press)(译著)


  1. Ÿ2023 — 至今,联合国环境规划署旗舰报告《全球环境展望》第十一章“经济转型模式:政策与路径”的主要作者(lead author)及“行为、社会及文化”专家组专家

  2. 2023 — 至今,美国地球物理联合会气候干预研究伦理框架委员会委员


  1. 国家社科基金重点项目,健全现代环境治理体系研究
  2. 国家社科基金重点项目,绿色发展路径选择与政策创新研究,子课题四“驱动生产和生活方式绿色低碳转型的政策研究”


  1. 环境政策与管理(Environmental Policy and Management). PKU-LSE硕士项目,研究生课程,2学分,必修,英文
  2. 社会研究设计原理与方法(The Principles of Research Design in Social Sciences), 研究生课程,2学分,必修,中文


  1. 碳边境调节机制
  2. 环境监管俘获
  3. 利用太阳地球工程措施应对气候变化的风险权衡
  4. 气候变化领域的框架效应