Wang Mengqian, Ph.D. Candidate, Peking University
Educational Experience
2015-present, PhD Candidate, Department of Educational Technology, Graduate School of Education, Peking University.
2016.4-2016.7, program assistant, Oslo Metropolitan University.
2011-2015, Major Bachelor Degree, Educational Technology, Capital Normal University.
2011-2015, Minor Bachelor Degree, Applied English, Capital Normal University.
王梦倩, 郭文革, 罗强, 高洁, & 乔博. (2020). 中学生数字化读写特征研究. 现代教育技术.(已接收)
Wang, M., Guo, W., Le, H., & Qiao, B. (2019). Reply to which post? An analysis of peer reviews in a high school SPOC. Interactive Learning Environments. (Accepted, in press, SSCI indexed)
Wang, M., Sun, B., Le, H., & Guo, W. (2019). Does group size influences middle school students’ interaction in online forums?. Journal of Computers in Education. (ESCI indexed)
王梦倩, 范逸洲, 郭文革, & 汪琼. (2018). MOOC学习者特征聚类分析研究综述. 中国远程教育(7). 9-19)
Sun, B., Wang, M., & Guo, W. (2018). The influence of grouping/non-grouping strategies upon student interaction in online forum: A social network analysis. 2018 International Conference on Innovative Approaches in Sciences, Engineering and Technology (pp. 173-177). IEEE.
Gao, J., Guo, W., & Wang, M. (2017). Learners’ critical thinking characteristics in online asynchronous online discussion. 2017 The 6th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology (pp. 70-74). IEEE.
Zhang, G., Hu, Y., & Wang, M. (2016). An empirical study on the effect of classroom interaction using a self-developed classroom interactive support system. 2016 The 10th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (pp. 5340-5347).
王梦倩, 张晓丽, 石静, & 胡又农. (2014). A-classroom课堂交互系统的教学效果实证研究. 中国教育技术装备(14), 15-18.)
Invited Talks
2020.05 |
网络会议 |
清华大学,第九届清华大学教育研究院博士生论坛,报告主题为“中学生数字化写作中的身份建构与认同研究——多模态话语分析的视角” |
2019.01 |
江苏苏州 |
苏州市教育质量监测中心,报告主题“中学生数字素养调查报告” |
2018.09 |
浙江嘉兴 |
北大附属嘉兴实验学校,“北大青鸟同文”国际中文教师论坛,报告主题“数字化阅读的教学与研究” |
2017.12 |
日本大阪 |
Osaka University, 2017 The 6th International Conference of Educational Innovation through Technology, “Learners’ critical thinking characteristics in online asynchronous online discussion” |
2017.08 |
北京 |
北京师范大学,首届教育大数据挖掘与应用年会,报告主题“在线异步讨论区学习者批判性思维研究” |
Participating Project
National Educational Science Planning Research Project in the 13th Five-year (Grant No. BCA160056): Develop students’ digital literacy through digital reading.
Suzhou Education Quality Monitoring Center, Micro Project, The current situation of middle school students’ digital literacy
Academic Experience
Course designer, I have designed some SPOCs (small private online course), such as Becoming A Better Adult, Animation: Craftsmanship Spirit behind Innovation, System Thinking and Technology Innovation.
Teaching assistant, Media and Education Evolvement.
Academic assistant, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, Peking University.
Honor Awards
2018-2019, President Scholarship, Peking University
2018-2019, National Scholarship
2017-2018, Merit Student, Peking University
2017-2018, Hailiang Scholarship, Peking University
2015-2016,Jiayi Inovation Scholarship, Peking University
2011-2012, Student Model, Capital Normal University
2011-2012, National Scholarship