科研成果 by Year: 2012

段凌宇;黄铁军;高文;DuanLingyuHuangTiejunGaoWenSchoolofElectro. 移动视觉搜索技术研究与标准化进展. 信息通信技术. 2012;(06):51-58.Abstract
陈明立;张畅芯;杨少娟;毛利华;田永鸿;黄铁军;吴玺宏;高文;李量;CHENMing-Li1;ZHANGChang-Xin1;YANGShao-Juan1;MAOLi-Hua1, 3;TIANYong-Hong2 3;HUANGT-J2 3;WUX-H2 3;GAOW2 3;LIL1 3(1D. 基于双眼视差的立体视觉去掩蔽效应. 心理科学进展 [Internet]. 2012;(09):1355-1363. 访问链接Abstract
Gao YT; TH; W. Multimodal Video Copy Detection using Multi-Detectors Fusion. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, vol.7, no.5, pp.3-6,Sept.2012. 2012;7(5):3-6.
JingjingYang(博士生);YonghongTian;LingyuDuan;TiejunHuang;WenGao. Group-sensitive Multiple Kernel Learning for Object Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 2012;21(5):2838-2852.Abstract
In this paper, a group-sensitive multiple kernel learning (GS-MKL) method is proposed for object recognition to accommodate the intra-class diversity and the inter-class correlation. By introducing the group between the object category and individual images as an intermediate representation, GS-MKL attempts to learn group-sensitive multi-kernel combinations together with the associated classifier. For each object category, the image corpus from the same category is partitioned into groups. Images with similar appearance are partitioned into the same group, which corresponds to the sub-category of the object category. Accordingly, intra-class diversity can be represented by the set of groups from the same category but with diverse appearances; Inter-class correlation can be represented by the correlation between the groups from different categories. GS-MKL provides a tractable solution to adapt multikernel combination to local data distribution and to seek a trade-off between capturing the diversity and keeping the invariance for each object category. Different from the simple hybrid grouping strategy that solves sample grouping and GS-MKL training independently, two sample grouping strategies are proposed to integrate sample grouping and GS-MKL training. The first one is looping hybrid grouping method where global kernel clustering method and GS-MKL interact with each other by sharing group-sensitive multi- kernel combination. The second one is dynamic divisive grouping method where hierarchical kernel-based grouping process interacts with GS-MKL. Experimental results show that performance of GS-MKL does not vary significantly with different grouping strategies, but looping hybrid grouping method produces slightly better results. On four challenging datasets, our proposed method has achieved encouraging performance comparable to the state-of-the-art and outperformed several existing MKL methods.
高文 田永鸿; 黄铁军;. 社会多媒体计算. 中国计算机学会通讯. 2012;8(4):8-13.
张海波;黄铁军;万飞飞. 基于Web的服装面料图像情感测试系统. 针织工业 [Internet]. 2012;(08):55-58. 访问链接Abstract
高文 段凌宇; 黄铁军;. 移动视觉搜索技术研究与标准化进展. 信息通信技术 [Internet]. 2012;(06):51-58. 访问链接Abstract
黄铁军 陈宜明; 段凌宇;. 基于潜在主题的分布式视觉检索模型. 计算机工程 [Internet]. 2012;(24):146-151. 访问链接Abstract