科研成果 by Year: 2010

Proceedings of the Picture Coding Symposium, PCS 2010, Nagoya, Japan, December 8-10, 2010. [Internet]. 2010. 访问链接
Wang X, Zhang Y, Hu Y, Zhou W, Lu K, Zhong L, Zeng L, Shao M, Hu M, Russell AG. Process analysis and sensitivity study of regional ozone formation over the Pearl River Delta, China, during the PRIDE-PRD2004 campaign using the Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2010;10:4423-4437.
Liu Y*, Du F, Yuan L, Zeng H, Kong S. Production of lightweight ceramisite from iron ore tailings and its performance investigation in a biological aerated filter (BAF) reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010;178(1-3):999-1006.
Chen S, Li T, Zhao D*. Progress in Discotic Liquid Crystalline Materials (盘状液晶材料的研究进展). Acta Phys. Chim. Sin. [Internet]. 2010;26(4):1124-1134. [Read Online]Abstract
Discotic liquid crystal (LC) molecules readily form columnar supramolecular structures. Because of molecular mobility in the LC state these columnar assemblies can self-heal structural defects to a certain extent. Therefore, conjugated aromatic molecules of the discotic LC state may exhibit exceptional charge carrier transport properties, and thus are potential active materials for use in optoelectronic devices. In this review, a number of discotic LC materials including benzene, triphenylene, hexabenzocoronene, perylene, and phthalocyanine derivatives are reviewed. The emphases are on the correlation between chemical structure and LC properties and some recent developments in the application of these materials in optoelectronic devices such as organic light-emitting diodes (OLED), organic field-effect transistors (OFET), and photovoltaic cells. In addition, studies related to the dynamics of some discotic LC materials are briefly discussed.
Liu Y, Chen YQ, Kulasegaram S. Projection method with self-adaptive time steps for LES of ignition and extinction in non-premixed jet flames. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2010;26:1203-1218.Abstract
In this paper, a modified projection method is combined with a self-adaptive time step procedure to develop numerical scheme for large eddy simulation (LES) of low Ma number turbulent reactive flows. The projection method introduced by Chorin is modified in this study to satisfy the simulation requirement of low Ma number reactive flow. The time step in this computation is automatically determined according to the time scales of both chemical reaction and turbulent fluctuations. This enables the simulation to capture detailed flow structures with less computational time. Numerical simulation of methane-air jet flames is carried out as an example to validate the developed numerical scheme. The mechanism of a simplified 4-step chemical kinetics is applied for the methane-air reaction. The dynamic model is adopted for the turbulent motion of sub-grid scale (SGS). The dynamic similarity model is used as the SGS model for the reaction rate. The LES results satisfactorily depict the ignition process of the turbulent jet flames and illustrate lucid and detailed coherent structures of the fully developed turbulent reactive jet flow. The LES results also exhibit the mechanism and characteristics of local extinction. The method developed in this study provides an effective way to capture more flow details with less computational time. In addition the method also helps one to investigate the mechanism of ignition and local extinction in jet flames. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Liu Y, Chen Y, Kulasegaram S. Projection method with self-adaptive time steps for LES of ignition and extinction in non-premixed jet flames. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical EngineeringInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2010;26:1203-1218.Abstract
In this paper, a modified projection method is combined with a self-adaptive time step procedure to develop numerical scheme for large eddy simulation (LES) of low Ma number turbulent reactive flows. The projection method introduced by Chorin is modified in this study to satisfy the simulation requirement of low Ma number reactive flow. The time step in this computation is automatically determined according to the time scales of both chemical reaction and turbulent fluctuations. This enables the simulation to capture detailed flow structures with less computational time. Numerical simulation of methane-air jet flames is carried out as an example to validate the developed numerical scheme. The mechanism of a simplified 4-step chemical kinetics is applied for the methane-air reaction. The dynamic model is adopted for the turbulent motion of sub-grid scale (SGS). The dynamic similarity model is used as the SGS model for the reaction rate. The LES results satisfactorily depict the ignition process of the turbulent jet flames and illustrate lucid and detailed coherent structures of the fully developed turbulent reactive jet flow. The LES results also exhibit the mechanism and characteristics of local extinction. The method developed in this study provides an effective way to capture more flow details with less computational time. In addition the method also helps one to investigate the mechanism of ignition and local extinction in jet flames. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Zhou Z, Liu JS, Lu HY, Wang Z, Ju J, Wang C, Xia C, Wang W, Deng A, Xu Y, et al. Propagation effects on fusion neutron generation in the Coulomb explosion of deuterated methane clusters. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 2010;43:135603-7.Abstract
In this paper, fusion neutron yields from the Coulomb explosion of (CD4)N clusters under the irradiation of an intense femtosecond laser pulse is optimized by controlling the propagation of the laser pulse in a cluster jet. A correlated study of fusion neutron yields, kinetic energies of deuterons, together with the plasma channels diagnosed by a pump–probe interferometer, is performed. It has been found that by controlling the focal position related to the cluster jet, the plasma defocusing effect can balance with the tight focusing effect of the laser pulse induced by an off-axis parabolic mirror, and results in a cylindrical-shaped and relatively narrow plasma channel crossing the gas jet. The most energetic deuterons and the maximum yields of fusion neutrons are produced at the same time. For better understanding of the experimental results, numerical simulations for the nonlinear propagation of the femtosecond laser pulse in (CD4)N gas-cluster jets are performed. Simulated results show that plasma defocusing and laser attenuation play dominant roles in this case of optimization.
Bai H-J, Lai L-H. Protein-protein interactions: Interface analysis, binding free energy calculation and interaction design. Wuli Huaxue Xuebao/ Acta Physico - Chimica Sinica. 2010;(7):1988-1997.
Zhao L-Y, Shi J, Zhang X-L, Lu L. Psychosocial stress enhances non-drug-related positive memory retrieval in male abstinent heroin addicts. Neuroscience Letters [Internet]. 2010;(1):16-20. 访问链接
Pan H, Yang SA, Niu Q. Pumped charge and spin current in a quantum dot molecule. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter [Internet]. 2010;(27). 访问链接
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. Quantitative modeling of Escherichia coli chemotactic motion in environments varying in space and time. PLoS Computational Biology [Internet]. 2010;(4). 访问链接
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. Quantitative modeling of Escherichia coli chemotactic motion in environments varying in space and time. PLoS Computational Biology [Internet]. 2010;(4). 访问链接
Jiang L, Ouyang Q, Tu Y. Quantitative modeling of Escherichia coli chemotactic motion in environments varying in space and time. PLoS Computational Biology [Internet]. 2010;(4). 访问链接
Qiao Z, Yang SA, Feng W, Tse W-K, Ding J, Yao Y, Wang J, Niu Q. Quantum anomalous Hall effect in graphene from Rashba and exchange effects. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. 2010;(16).
Xiao Y-F, Zou C-L, Xue P, Xiao L, Li Y, Dong C-H, Han Z-F, Gong Q. Quantum electrodynamics in a whispering-gallery microcavity coated with a polymer nanolayer. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2010;81.
Xiao Y-F, Zou C-L, Xue P, Xiao L, Li Y, Dong C-H, Han Z-F, Gong Q. Quantum electrodynamics in a whispering-gallery microcavity coated with a polymer nanolayer. PHYSICAL REVIEW A. 2010;81.
Li X-Z, Probert MIJ, Alavi A, Michaelides A. Quantum nature of the proton in water-hydroxyl overlayers on metal surfaces. 2010;(6).
Li X-Z, Probert MIJ, Alavi A, Michaelides A. Quantum nature of the proton in water-hydroxyl overlayers on metal surfaces. 2010;(6).
Kim J, Qin S, Yao W, Niu Q, Chou MY, Shih C-K. Quantum size effects on the work function of metallic thin film nanostructures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2010;(29):12761-12765. 访问链接
Zhang LB, Chang K, Xie XC, Buhmann H, Molenkamp LW. Quantum tunneling through planar p-n junctions in HgTe quantum wells. New Journal of Physics. 2010.
