科研成果 by Year: 2010

Drexler JF, Gloza-Rausch F, Glende J, Corman VM, Muth D, Goettsche M, Seebens A, Niedrig M, Pfefferle S, Yordanov S, et al. Genomic characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus in European bats and classification of coronaviruses based on partial RNA-dependent RNA polymerase gene sequences. Journal of Virology [Internet]. 2010;(21):11336-11349. 访问链接
Zhang C, Niu Q. Geometric optics of Bloch waves in a chiral and dissipative medium. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2010;(5).
Zhang L, Yi H, Rozelle S. Good and Bad News from China's New Cooperative Medical Scheme. IDS Bulletin. 2010;41:95-106.Abstract
Abstract The overall goal of this article is to understand the progress in implementing the New Cooperative Medical Scheme, while seeking to assess the strengths and weaknesses of the programme and, in particular, to understand its effects on the incidence of catastrophic medical payment. The study is based on two rounds of nationally representative household survey data collected in 2005 and 2008. The study found that the programme has a very high level of participation, and has increased farmers' use of medical services. However, despite efforts by both central and local governments and high household participation, the programme is only partially achieving its policy objectives. In particular, it has been able to extend to almost all of the rural population, but has failed to cover expenses for catastrophic illness, due to insufficient funds.
胡泳. Google的鲁莽. 中国企业家. 2010;(05):37.Abstract
<正>Google需要保证把网民的顾虑、利益和权利充分融入其产品与服务的开发中2月9日,Google在其最热门产品Gmail中发布类Twitter服务Google Buzz,可让用户阅读并评论彼此的状态更新,可以分享图片、视频和链接。这是个大胆的举措,它试图把Gmail和其它Google服务整合在一起,变成社交体
Wang B, Shao M, Roberts JM, Yang G, Yang F, Hu M, Zeng L, Zhang Y, Zhang J. Ground-based on-line measurements of peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) in the Pearl River Delta, China. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry [Internet]. 2010;90(7):548-559. 访问链接Abstract
Aiming at understanding the regional O3 problem and the impacts of city to rural areas, ambient peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and peroxypropionyl nitrate (PPN) were measured by an on-line instrument at a back garden site (BGS), and a receptor site for urban plume from Guangzhou city. The highest mixing ratios for PAN and PPN were 3.9 and 0.7 ppbv, respectively. PAN and PPN had a similar diurnal pattern as that of O3. As revealed by the slope of the linear regression line between PPN and PAN, anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (AVOCs) dominated photochemical O3 production most of the time. From the correlation between PAN and O3, the regional background level of O3 was derived to be 28 ± 15 ppbv. Two night-time plumes containing elevated PAN and O3 were observed, and the backward-trajectory analysis supported the transport of urban plume from Guangzhou city. Based on the temporal variation of PPN/PAN, two day-time episodes were also selected to discuss the influence from Guangzhou.
Liu Y, Evans MA, Scavia D. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Exploring Increasing Sensitivity to Nitrogen Loads. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY. 2010;44:5836-5841.Abstract
Hypoxia is a critical issue in the Gulf of Mexico that has challenged management efforts in recent years by an increase in hypoxia sensitivity to nitrogen loads. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the recent increase in sensitivity. Two commonly cited mechanisms are bottom-water reducing conditions preventing nitrification and thus denitrification, leading to more N recycling and production of oxygen-consuming organic matter, and carryover of organic matter from previous years increasing oxygen demand, making the system more sensitive. We use models informed by these mechanisms and fit with Bayesian inference to explore changes in Gulf of Mexico hypoxia sensitivity. We show that a model including an annually fit parameter representing variation in the fraction of nutrient loading and recycling contributing to bottom water oxygen demand provides a good fit to observations and is not improved by explicit inclusion of organic matter carryover to subsequent years. Both models support two stepwise increases in system sensitivity during the period of record. This change in sensitivity has greatly increased the nutrient reduction needed to achieve the established hypoxia goal. If the Gulf remains at the current state of sensitivity, our analysis suggests a roughly 70% reduction of spring TN loads from the 1988-1996 average of 6083 ton/day may be required.
Lin H, Wray AL, Xia Y, Xu S, Jia S, Cava RJ, Bansil A, Hasan ZM. Half-Heusler ternary compounds as new multifunctional experimental platforms for topological quantum phenomena. Nature Materials [Internet]. 2010;(7):546-549. 访问链接
Gong L, Li H, Wang D, Zou H-fu. Health, Taxes, and Growth. Annals of Economics and Finance. 2010.Abstract
This paper studies capital accumulation and consumption in the traditional Ramsey model under an exogenous growth framework. The model has three important features: (1) treating health as a simple function of consumption, which enable the study of health and growth in an aggregate macroeconomic model; (2) the existence of multiple equilibria of capital stock, health, and consumption, which is more consistent with the real world situation-rich countries may end up with high capital, better health, and higher consumption than poor countries; (3) the fundamental proposition of a consumption tax instead of capital taxation from the traditional growth model does not hold anymore in our model. As long as consumption goods contribute to health formation, the issue of a consumption tax versus an income (or capital) tax should be re-examined.
Nie J, Liu L, Wu M, Xing G, He S, Yin Y, Tian C, He F, Zhang L. HECT ubiquitin ligase Smurf1 targets the tumor suppressor ING2 for ubiquitination and degradation. FEBS Letters [Internet]. 2010;(14):3005-3012. 访问链接
Lee J, Chen L, Snieder H, Chen DF, Lee LM, Liu GF, Wu T, Tang X, Zhan SY, Cao WH, et al. Heritability of obesity-related phenotypes and association with adiponectin gene polymorphisms in the Chinese national twin registry. Annals of Human Genetics. 2010;74:146-54.Abstract
The purpose of this study was to estimate the heritability of obesity-related phenotypes and investigate the association of adiponectin gene polymorphisms +45T>G and +276G>T with these measures in Chinese twins. 1260 twin pairs were recruited from two cities through the Chinese National Twin Registry System from 2001 to 2005. Two SNPs at the adiponectin locus (+45T>G and +276G>T) were genotyped. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to estimate heritability and the best-fitting variance component model. The regular association among all twins was analysed with generalised estimating equations (GEE). Sib-transmission/disequilibrium test (TDT) within dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs discordant for their genotype was performed using SEM. Additive genetic, common and unique environmental (ACE) model-based heritability of body mass index (BMI) was 61%, while additive genetic and unique environmental (AE)-model-based heritability of waist circumference (WC) and waist-hip ratio (WHR) were 75% and 61%, respectively. There was no association of adiponectin gene +45T>G and +276G>T genotypes with obesity-related phenotypes in all twins or discordant DZ twins. Our twins data did not support that there was an association between adiponectin gene polymorphisms +45T>G and +276G>T and the obesity-related phenotypes. Further studies are required to better understand the role of adiponectin gene polymorphisms in obesity.
Ye C, et al. Heterogeneous reaction of NO2 with sea salt particles. Sci. China Chem. . 2010;53:2652–2656 .
Zhao Y, Chen ZM, Zhao JN. Heterogeneous reactions of methacrolein and methyl vinyl ketone on α-Al2O3 particles. Environmental Science & Technology,. 2010;44(6):2035-2041.
Li Y, Balédent V, Yu G, Barišić N, Hradil K, Mole RA, Sidis Y, Steffens P, Zhao X, Bourges P, et al. Hidden magnetic excitation in the pseudogap phase of a high-Tc superconductor. Nature [Internet]. 2010;(7321):283-285. 访问链接
Wen L, Xiong H, Wu B. Hidden vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate in a rotating double-well potential. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 2010;(5).
Wei Z, Huang H, Wu M, Liang Z, Wang W, Li Z. A high performance continuous electroporation chip. 14th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, MicroTAS 2010. 2010:1622-1624.
Wei Z, Huang H, Liang Z, Li Z. A high performance electroporation chip integrating multi-well plate and annular interdigital microelectrodes. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS). 2010:951-954.
Huang JY, Pan XC, Peng XL, Zhu T, Qin L, Xiong CY, Fang J. High-efficiency cell-substrate displacement acquisition via digital image correlation method using basis functions. Optics and Lasers in EngineeringOptics and Lasers in Engineering. 2010;48:1058-1066.
Huang JY, Zhu T, Pan XC, Qin L, Peng XL, Xiong CY, Fang J. A high-efficiency digital image correlation method based on a fast recursive scheme. Measurement Science & TechnologyMeasurement Science & Technology. 2010;21.
Gao P, Liu K, Liu L, Wang Z, Liao Z, Xu Z, Wang W, Bai X, Wang E, Li Y. Higher-order harmonic resonances and mechanical properties of individual cadmium sulphide nanowires measured by in situ transmission electron microscopy. Journal of Electron Microscopy [Internet]. 2010;(4):285-289. 访问链接
Cullen WG, Yamamoto M, Burson KM, Chen JH, Jang C, Li L, Fuhrer MS, Williams ED. High-fidelity conformation of graphene to SiO2 topographic features. Physical Review Letters. 2010;(21).
