Previous work has shown that certain parts of the Great Lakes region are polluted with Dechlorane Plus (DP), a highly chlorinated flame retardant that was used as a replacement for Dechlorane/Mirex. It was suspected that a source of DP to the environment might be its manufacturing facility located in the city of Niagara Falls, New York. To confirm this source location and to determine DP's spatial distribution, 26 tree bark samples were collected in triplicate from the northeastern United States, and the concentrations of DP and several brominated flame retardants (BFRs) were measured. Most concentrations of DP in tree bark were found to be much higher than those of the BFRs. The highest DP concentrations were > 100 ng g(-1) bark in the city of Niagara Falls, dropping rapidly width distance from the potential source. A simple one-dimensional, Gaussian diffusion model was used to explain the spatial distribution of DP and to locate the source. The calculated source location was < 7 km away from the DP manufacturing plant it! Niagara Falls, New York.
Deconfinement phase transition and neutrino trapping in (proto)neutron star matter are investigated in a chiral hadronic model (also referred to as the FST model) for the hadronic phase (HP) and in the color-flavor-locked (CFL) quark model for the deconfined quark phase. We include a perturbative QCD correction parameter ¶¡ s in the CFL quark matter equation of states. It is shown that the CFL quark core with K 0 condensation forms in neutron star matter with the large value of ¶¡ s . If the small value of ¶¡ s is taken, hyperons suppress the CFL quark phase and the HP is dominant in the high-density region of (proto)neutron star matter. Neutrino trapping makes the fraction of the CFL quark matter decrease compared with those without neutrino trapping. Moreover, increasing the QCD correction parameter ¶¡ s or decreasing the bag constant B and the strange quark mass m s can make the fraction of the CFL quark matter increase, simultaneously, the fraction of neutrino in protoneutron star matter increases, too. The maximum masses and the corresponding radii of (proto)neutron stars are not sensitive to the QCD correction parameter ¶¡ s .
Fu WJ, Li M, Wan L, Deng M, Qian M. On design of oligonucleotide SNP arrays and methods for genotype calling. BioMedical Engineering and Informatics: New Development and the Future - Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, BMEI 2008. 2008:453-458.