科研成果 by Year: 已提交

Li H, Su Y, Xiong J, Lin* H, Huang* H, Li* D. Post-GW theory and its application to pseudogap in strongly correlated system. [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接
Zeng H, Zhou Z, Duan W, Huang* H. Quantum Metric-induced Oscillations in Flat Bands. [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接
Cai G, Mesikepp T, Li W-B. Quasisymmetric geometry of low dimensional random spaces. [Internet]. 已提交. ArXiv
Deng Y, Wang Y, Zhan X, Zhou X-H. Separable Pathway Effects of Semi-Competing Risks via Multi-State Models. 已提交.Abstract
Semi-competing risks refer to the phenomenon where a primary outcome event (such as mortality) can truncate an intermediate event (such as relapse of a disease), but not vice versa. Under the multi-state model, the primary event is decomposed to a direct outcome event and an indirect outcome event through intermediate events. Within this framework, we show that the total treatment effect on the cumulative incidence of the primary event can be decomposed into three separable pathway effects, corresponding to treatment effects on population-level transition rates between states. We next propose estimators for the counterfactual cumulative incidences of the primary event under hypothetical treatments by generalized Nelson-Aalen estimators with inverse probability weighting, and then derive the consistency and asymptotic normality of these estimators. Finally, we propose hypothesis testing procedures on these separable pathway effects based on logrank statistics. We have conducted extensive simulation studies to demonstrate the validity and superior performance of our new method compared with existing methods. As an illustration of its potential usefulness, the proposed method is applied to compare effects of different allogeneic stem cell transplantation types on overall survival after transplantation.
Wu C-Y. Sinope’s Changing Eras: A Colony’s Adaptation to a Common Paphlagonian Past. In: Manipulating Time in Roman Culture. De Gruyter; 已提交.Abstract
This paper explores why Sinope may have shifted from its initial commemorative epoch of 45 BCE, suggesting that the city’s adoption of a new era might have been a modification rather than a complete overhaul, influenced by traditions or challenges related to Achaemenid-Seleucid periods. The analysis extends to the impact of regional externalities on Sinope’s decision-making processes, particularly whether the Lucullan era was adopted for better regional integration with northern Paphlagonia. This regional alignment, evident in cities like Amastris and Abonuteichos and facilitated through the “Koinon of the Cities in Pontus,” implies Amastris’s significant influence due to its long-standing use of the Lucullan era and its political stature. The paper attempts to advance two arguments. First, Sinope's era system alignment could be voluntary, aimed at regional conformity. Second, the intent to conform to regional norms may have been due to broader regional dynamics and potential gubernatorial pressures, and hence a decision informed by both local and global factors.
You S, Xu C, Wang Y, Xu C, Tao D. Streaming Label Learning for Modelling Labels on the Fly. 已提交.
Han B, Zhu D, Cheng C, Zhai W. A study of human mobility patterns in urban land use areas based on Haikou taxi data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies. 已提交.
Li Z, Shi X, Zhang Y. Thermodynamic formalism for subsystems of expanding Thurston maps and large deviationsasymptotics. Arxiv [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接
Li Z, Shi X. Thermodynamic formalism for subsystems of expanding Thurston maps II. Arxiv [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接
Su Y, Li H, Huang* H, Li* D. Unified Investigation of Rapid Hall Coefficient Changes in Cuprates: Pseudogap and Fermi Surface Influences. [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接
阿依达尔米尔卡马力、张永富. 《中国国家图书馆新见西夏文佛经残片考释》. 内陸アジア言語の研究. 已提交;2023(38).
颜海英. 中国收藏的古埃及文物.; 已提交.
张永富. 《俄藏Инв.№7578西夏文藏传佛教草书写本初探》. 敦煌研究 [Internet]. 已提交;2024(2). 访问链接Abstract
张永富. 《“元朝帝师制度源于西夏说”考辨》. 中国藏学 [Internet]. 已提交;2022(5). 访问链接Abstract
文章首先全面回顾了“元朝帝师制度源于西夏”这一观点的出现和发展,然后通过对黑水城文献《天盛律令》、《官阶封号表》、《杂字》的梳理和分析,以及“帝师”一词在西夏文、藏文、八思巴文和蒙古文中的表现和传译过程,认为西夏文献中的索祇dzjwɨ1 dzji̱j2(帝师)仅仅是“皇帝之师”的统称,并不是正式的官职称谓,进而推知西夏并未设置帝师制度,元朝的帝师制度实则源自于中原汉地源远流长的“五帝三皇,莫不有师”和“王者必有师”的传统。
魏胜昆. 《史记》(下)几组维度形容词的句法和语义. 北京大学中国语言文学系 [Internet]. 已提交. 访问链接Abstract
本文[1]結合Dixon(2010)對核心語義類維度形容詞在語義上的描述,詳細比較了《史記》(下)中主要用來表示維度意義的4組形容詞——“大/小”、“遠/近”、“深/淺”、“高/下”,發現《史記》(下)的上述8個形容詞在語義上的表現要更加多樣化。在此基礎上,本文首先嘗試描寫上述各詞在《史記》(下)中用作構詞成分以及記錄獨立的詞的情況,之後又詳細描寫四組獨立的詞的句法功能和格式,并分析各詞充當的句法功能,以及與不同類別的詞搭配使用時在語義上的差異,也嘗試分析各詞不同意義得以产生的隐喻机制。最後通過比較各詞在句法功能、語言義及意義類別上的共同點和差異,得出如下幾點結論:1.各詞均表現出形容詞的典型句法特征,大多皆能充當定語、狀語或謂語;2.除最基本的維度意義外,並不存在一個所有詞都具有的意義類別;3.並非使用頻率越高,意義就越多越複雜。最后,文章嘗試使用概念整合的理論以及維度形容詞本身的特性(即程度性/量性特征和維度概念在空間上的延展性)來解釋上述各詞語義上能夠實現多種隱喻的原因。 [1]  本研究得到多卷本斷代漢語語法史研究國家社科基金(編號:14ZDB092)資助。
张永富. 《夏译藏文文献中的通假字》. 《西夏学》 [Internet]. 已提交;2023(1). 访问链接Abstract
胡泳. 新人本运动:点燃全球组织变革之火. 21世纪经济报道. 已提交:004.
孙祎达、张永富. 《新见西夏文〈佛说寿生经〉考释(上)》. 敦煌学辑刊 [Internet]. 已提交;2023(2). 访问链接Abstract
高树伟. 毛国瑶辑“靖藏本《石头记》”批语辨伪. 文史. 已提交.
张永富. 《西夏文字书<择要常传同名杂字>探析》. 西夏研究 [Internet]. 已提交;2020(2). 访问链接Abstract
