科研成果 by Type: Report

Khan Z, Zhao M, Ahsan H, Wolfram P, Snyder A, Kyle P, Rice J, Vernon C, Ou Y, Binsted M. GCAM-USA electricity demand results for National Climate Assessment 5. MultiSector Dynamics-Living, Intuitive, Value-adding, Environment; 2023.
Khan Z, Zhao M, Ahsan H, Wolfram P, Snyder A, Kyle P, Rice J, Vernon C, Ou Y, Binsted M. Version of GCAM-USA used for National Climate Assessment 5, Chapter 5: GCAM-USA-v5. 3-IM3-NCA5. MultiSector Dynamics-Living, Intuitive, Value-adding, Environment; 2023.
《数字机关应用创新案例集2023年版》.; 2023.
《新时代数字机关建设白皮书》.; 2023. 访问链接
Yan P, Mishra M. How TikTok shapes the attention economy in China and India. IT4Change; 2021.
Larson E, Greig C, Jenkins J, Mayfield E, Pascale A, Zhang C, Drossman J, Williams R, Pacala S, Socolow R, et al. Net-Zero America: Potential Pathways, Infrastructure, and Impacts. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University; 2021. 访问链接Abstract
A growing number of governments and companies are pledging net-zero emissions by 2050. For the US as a whole to achieve this requires eliminating or offsetting today's emission of ~6 billion tCO2e/year. There is a dearth of analysis for understanding requirements, costs, and impacts of this transition. The goal of this study is to help fill this gap by providing insights at visceral, human scales of how the nation will look following a pathway to net-zero and the localized benefits, costs, and impacts for different industries, professions, and communities. The analysis aims to inform debates on public and corporate policies needed to achieve net-zero, but specific policy recommendations are not offered.Energy service demands projected to 2050 by the EIA for 14 regions across the continental US provide the starting point for modeling. Five different pathways are constructed for meeting these demands by varying exogenously applied constraints to create the different pathways.End-use technologies to meet service demands are exogenously specified in 5-year time steps to determine final energy demands that must be delivered by the energy supply system. Pathways to net-zero emissions by 2050 are constructed by finding the energy supply mix that minimizes the 30-year NPV of total energy-system costs, subject to exogenous constraints. The model has perfect foresight and seamless integration between all sectors. These modeling results are “downscaled” to state or sub-state geographies to quantify local plant and infrastructure investments, construction activities, land-use, jobs, and health impacts, 2020 - 2050.
台永康, 张逸凡, 刘子瑄, 王明森, 夏辰阳, 居江山. 专业与威权人格:基于对北京大学本科生的调查. 北京大学第二十八届“挑战杯”一等奖获奖论文; 2020.Abstract
Yan P. The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Model in The Development of E-Commerce and Digital Skill Trainings in Rural China. Pathways for Prosperity, Blavatnik School of Government, U of Oxford; 2019.
徐佳君, 任晓猛, 吴昕月. 新结构经济学公共性发展金融研究报告 第1期. Beijing: Institute of New Structural Economics at Peking University; 2019. 访问链接Abstract
Li YB, Gongbuzeren, Li W. A review of China’s rangeland management policies. London.: IIED; 2014. 访问链接
钱雪梅. 非洲共同价值观构成及其对非洲形势、一体化进程影响及我对策建议. 外交部“中非联合交流计划课题研究”; 2012.
Zhang L, Yi H, Luo R, Liu C, Shi Y, Rozelle S, Singer KB, Miller G, Atlas S. Caring for One Billion: Assessing the New Social Protection Programs in Rural China. Center for Social Protection, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex; 2011.
Zhang L, Luo R, Yi H, Tyler S. Climate Adaptation in Asia: Knowledge Gaps and Research Issues in China. ISET-International and ISET-Nepal; 2008.
Zhang P, Soergel D. Knowledge-based approaches to the segmentation of oral history interviews. MALACH technical report, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, College Park, MD; 2006.
Oard D, Elsayed T, Wang J, Wu Y, Zhang P, Abels E, Lin J, Soergel D. TREC-2006 at Maryland: Blog, enterprise, legal and QA tracks. DTIC Document; 2006.