
Ma L, Ma X, Gao J, Jiao X, Yu Z, Zhang C, Ruan W, Wang Y, Tang W, Wang J. Distilling knowledge from publicly available online EMR data to emerging epidemic for prognosis, in Proceedings of the Web Conference 2021.; 2021:3558–3568.
Distinguish virulent and temperate phage-derived sequences in metavirome data with a deep learning approach. GigaScience [Internet]. 2021;10(9):giab056. 访问链接
Xie D, Liu X-Q, Chen Y-X, Jiao D, Lou J-X, Qiu X-F, Xu W-H, Wang Z-H, Ran J-H, Wang X-Q. Distribution and conservation of threatened gymnosperms in China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2021;32:e01915.Abstract
China is one of the diversity centers of gymnosperms. Nearly one-fifth (195 species) of gymnosperms are located in China, but 69 species are threatened. To date, the conservation status of gymnosperms, especially threatened gymnosperms in China, remains largely unknown, which seriously restricts the comprehensive protection of gymnosperms. Understanding the distribution pattern of species richness and exploring the relationships between species richness and environmental factors are key steps for their protection. In this study, we first constructed a database for the 69 threatened species of gymnosperms with 13 270 distribution records. It is found that 31 of the grid cells (50 × 50 km) cover all threatened gymnosperm species in China, and the grid cells of threatened gymnosperms are mainly distributed in the southern area of the Yellow River, with a distribution center in the Western Sichuan Plateau. Then, we evaluated the conservation status of threatened gymnosperms, and the results indicate that 9 (13%) threatened gymnosperms are distributed outside of nature reserves. Therefore, there are still conservation gaps in the protection of threatened gymnosperms in China. We should give more attention to unprotected threatened gymnosperms and conduct taxonomic studies on the species without detailed distribution records. Finally, conservation priority areas and priority conservation levels of threatened gymnosperms in China were proposed. The Western Sichuan Plateau is the most important conservation priority area of threatened gymnosperms. This study will shed light on plant protection and forest management in China.
Chen C, Chen A, Li L, Peng W, Weber R, Liu J*. Distribution and Emission Estimation of Short- and Medium-Chain Chlorinated Paraffins in Chinese Products through Detection-Based Mass Balancing. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021; 55(11):7335-7343. 访问链接Abstract
Short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs and MCCPs, respectively) have raised environmental concern due to their potential for persistence, long-range transport, bioaccumulation, and toxicity. However, little is known about the production, use, and environmental emissions of SCCPs and MCCPs in China, the world’s largest producer and consumer. In this study, we estimated the amounts of SCCPs and MCCPs produced and used in China in 2018–2019 based on a nationwide survey and measurements of concentrations in products, from which we estimated the environmental emissions of SCCPs and MCCPs in China. Our results show that 225.2 and 236.4 metric kilotons (kt) of SCCPs and 428.5 and 450.2 kt of MCCPs were used in China in 2018 and 2019, respectively, with poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC) products dominating SCCP and MCCP usage. Moreover, a total of 3.9 and 4.2 kt SCCPs and 3.8 and 4.1 kt MCCPs were emitted into China’s environment in 2018 and 2019, respectively. Although less MCCPs are released into the air relative to SCCPs, their level exceeds the emission of SCCPs into soil. Finally, detailed mass balance calculation indicates that, although emissions from the use of PVC products dominate SCCP and MCCP inputs into the air, emissions from the use of polyurethane foam adhesives are more closely related to input into surface waters for SCCPs and MCCPs. For input into soil, the main emission sources are the use of polyurethane foam adhesives (for SCCPs) and rubber products (for MCCPs). This study provides a preliminary overview of the distributions of SCCPs and MCCPs in products and insight into the mass balance of SCCPs and MCCPs from their production and use to emission in China. This assessment also provides an important foundation for better understanding the environmental risks and fates associated with SCCPs and MCCPs in China and around the world.
Brianskaia E, Sandanov D, Li Y, Wang Z. Distribution of alpine endemic plants of northern Asia: a dataset. Biodiversity data journal. 2021;9:e75348-e75348.Abstract
BACKGROUND: We describe a dataset providing information on the geographic distribution of northern Asian endemic alpine plants. It was obtained by digitising maps from the atlas "Endemic alpine plants of Northern Asia". Northern Asia includes numerous mountain ranges which may have served as refugia during the Pleistocene ice ages, but there have been no studies that analysed this question. We suggest that this dataset can be applied for better understanding of the alpine endemism in northern Asia. NEW INFORMATION: The dataset includes 13709 species distribution records, representing 211 species from 31 families and 106 genera. Each record provides data regarding the distribution of an individual species. These data provide a foundation for studying northern Asia's endemic alpine species and conducting research on the factors concerning their distribution.
Matias-Garcia PR, Ward-Caviness CK, Raffield LM, Gao X, Zhang Y, Wilson R, Gao X, Nano J, Bostom A, Colicino E, et al. DNAm-based signatures of accelerated aging and mortality in blood are associated with low renal function. Clin Epigenetics [Internet]. 2021;13:121. 访问链接Abstract
{BACKGROUND: The difference between an individual's chronological and DNA methylation predicted age (DNAmAge), termed DNAmAge acceleration (DNAmAA), can capture life-long environmental exposures and age-related physiological changes reflected in methylation status. Several studies have linked DNAmAA to morbidity and mortality, yet its relationship with kidney function has not been assessed. We evaluated the associations between seven DNAm aging and lifespan predictors (as well as GrimAge components) and five kidney traits (estimated glomerular filtration rate [eGFR], urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio [uACR], serum urate, microalbuminuria and chronic kidney disease [CKD]) in up to 9688 European, African American and Hispanic/Latino individuals from seven population-based studies. RESULTS: We identified 23 significant associations in our large trans-ethnic meta-analysis (p < 1.43E-03 and consistent direction of effect across studies). Age acceleration measured by the Extrinsic and PhenoAge estimators, as well as Zhang's 10-CpG epigenetic mortality risk score (MRS), were associated with all parameters of poor kidney health (lower eGFR, prevalent CKD, higher uACR, microalbuminuria and higher serum urate). Six of these associations were independently observed in European and African American populations. MRS in particular was consistently associated with eGFR (beta = - 0.12, 95% CI = [- 0.16, - 0.08] change in log-transformed eGFR per unit increase in MRS
Tao Y, Zhang Z. DNC-Aided SCL-Flip Decoding of Polar Codes, in 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). IEEE; 2021:01–06. 访问链接
Li YB, Li WJ. Do fodder import and credit loans lead to climate resiliency in the pastoral social-ecological system of Inner Mongolia?. Ecology and Society [Internet]. 2021;26(1):27. 访问链接Abstract
Mainstream policies encourage pastoralists to apply credit loans and input exogenous fodder to alleviate the stress caused by climatic variability and uncertainty. Such external inputs induce new driving forces to the coupled pastoral social-ecological system (SES), but their long-term impacts are not fully understood. Taking Sonid Left Banner of Inner Mongolia as a case study area, we applied an agent-based model and Monte Carlo simulation to evaluate the impacts of fodder import and credit loans on the resilience of pastoral SES in terms of pastoralist household livelihood, livestock production, and rangeland health. The results showed that the strategy of importing fodder only in natural disaster years could make the pastoral SES more resilient to climatic variability, while frequent importing of fodder in climatically normal years would increase the vulnerability of the pastoral SES. Credit loans could enhance the resilience of the pastoral SES in general if fodder is not imported or only imported in disaster years, but could reduce the resilience if fodder is imported frequently. Our findings revealed several differences with previous research on fodder input and credit loan effects, indicating that relevant policies should be holistically evaluated from the perspective of social-ecological systems.
Gong Q, Liu C, Wu M. Does administrative decentralization enhance economic growth? Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment in China. Economic Modelling. 2021;94:945-952.
Yan P, Schroeder R. Drifting away from the mainstream: Media attention and the politics of hyperpartisan news websites, in . The 71st Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference.; 2021.
Zhao J, Cheng Y‐J, Huang T‐J, Liu* P‐K. A dual‐band linear‐to‐circular polarization converter with robustness under oblique incidences. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 2021;63(1):361-366.
Liu X, Li Q, Chen W, Shen P, Sun Y, Chen Q, Wu J, Zhang J, Lu P, Lin H, et al. A Dynamic Risk-based Early wArning Monitoring (DREAM) system for population-based management of cardiovascular disease. Fundamental Research [Internet]. 2021;1(5). 访问链接Abstract
Risk prediction tools are crucial for population-based management of cardiovascular disease (CVD). However, most prediction models are currently used to assess long-term risk instead of the risk of short-term CVD onset. We developed a Dynamic Risk-based Early wArning Monitoring (DREAM) system using large-scale, real-time electronic health record (EHR) data from 2010 to 2020 from the CHinese Electronic health Records Research in Yinzhou (CHERRY) study. The dynamic risk scores were derived from a 1:5 matched nested case–control set comprising 70,470 individuals (11,745 CVD events) and then validated in a cohort of 81,205 individuals (5950 CVD events). The individuals were Chinese adults aged 40–79 years without a history of CVD at baseline. Eleven predictors related to vital signs, laboratory tests, and health service utilization were selected to establish the dynamic scores. The proposed scores were significantly associated with the subsequent CVD onset (adjusted odds ratio, 1.21; 95% confidence interval, 1.20–1.23). The area under the receiver operating characteristic curves (AUCs) was 0.6010 (0.5929–0.6092) and 0.6021 (0.5937–0.6105) for the long-term 10-year CVD risk <10% and ≥10% groups in the derivation set, respectively. In the long-term 10-year CVD risk ≥10% group in the validation set, the change in AUC in addition to the long-term risk was 0.0235 (0.0155–0.0315). By increasing the risk threshold from 7 to 16 points, the proportion of true subsequent CVD cases among those given alerts increased from 40.61% to 85.31%. In terms of management efficiency, the number needed to manage per CVD case ranged from 2.46 to 1.17 using the risk scores. With the increasing popularity and integration of EHR systems with wearable technology, the DREAM scores can be incorporated into an early-warning system and applied in dynamic, real-time, EHR-based, automated management to support healthcare decision making for individuals, general practitioners, and policymakers.
Wu D, S Li, Liu L, Lin J, Zhang S*. Dynamics of pollutants’ shadow price and its driving forces: An analysis on China’s two major pollutants at provincial level. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2021;283:124625.
Chen J, Wu X, Qu T. Early Reflections Based Speech Enhancement, in 2021 4th International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). ShangHai, China; 2021:183-187.
Liu L, Wang Z. Ecosystem structure and functioning: current knowledge and perspectives. Journal of Plant EcologyJournal of Plant Ecology. 2021;45:1033-1035.
Tambe T, Hooper C, Pentecost L, Jia T, Yang E-Y, Donato M, Sanh V, Whatmough P, Rush A, Brooks D, et al. EdgeBERT: sentence-level energy optimizations for latency-aware multi-task NLP inference, in International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO).; 2021.
Shen Z*, Malanson GP, Yao M, Zhang J. Editorial: Temporal patterns and mechanisms of biodiversity across scales in East Asia. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2021;9:662454. 访问链接
Wang F, Chen J, Chen F*. Effect of carrier bandwidth on understanding mandarin sentences in simulated electric-acoustic hearing, in 22th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). Brno, Czechia; 2021.
Jia J, Liang C, Wu X, Xiong L, Bao P, Chen Q, Yan P. Effect of high proportion concentrate dietary on Yak jejunal structure, physiological function and protein composition during cold season. Scientific ReportsScientific Reports. 2021;11.Abstract
The current study aimed to investigate the damage of long-term high concentrate diet feeding pattern on Yak jejunal structure, physiological function and protein composition during cold season. Twelve Datong male Yak (Bos grunniens) with the same age from cold season were randomly selected and slaughtered to determine Yak jejunal digestive enzyme activity, morphology and protein composition on different feeding patterns in Tibetan Plateau. The results showed that Yak jejunum digestive enzyme activity and morphology of grazing reared group were better than those in the intensively reared group. A total of 96 differentially expressed proteins were identified by label-free Mass Spectrometry (MS), which could be concluded to two predominant themes: protein structure and inflammatory response. Nine differentially expressed proteins were correlated in Yak jejunum damage in different feeding patterns. According to this research, we found that feeding pattern resulted the differences in Yak jejunum physiological function, morphology and protein composition. This fact was confirmed long-term high dietary concentrate feeding could damage the jejunum epithelial morphology and function.
Wang T, Zhao G, Tan T, Yu Y, Tang R, Dong H, Chen S, Li X, Lu K, Zeng L, et al. Effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon mixing state and light absorption in summer season. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2021;248.Abstract
To investigate the effects of biomass burning and photochemical oxidation on the black carbon (BC) mixing state and light absorption, a tandem centrifugal particle mass analyzer (CPMA) and single-particle soot photometer (SP2) system was used to measure ambient fine particulate BC during EXPLORE-YRD 2018 campaign (EXPeriment on the eLucidation of the atmospheric Oxidation capacity and aerosol foRmation, and their Effects in Yangtze River Delta). The mass ratio (MR) of the non-BC coating to BC core, a morphology-independent parameter to quantify the mixing state of BC-containing aerosols, is derived. Two types of periods were identified, namely non-significant biomass-burning period (NB), and enhanced biomass burning period (EB). The MR was higher during EB (2.3 ± 0.5), compared with during the NB (2.0 ± 0.5). MR showed bimodal diurnal variation with peaks in the early morning and early afternoon, mainly due to the biomass burning and photochemical processes, respectively. The light-absorbing enhancement ranged from 1.0 to 1.19 when MR was from 1.4 to 3.4. The relationship of rBC mixing state and its optical properties was parameterized, which can further be used in the regional model. © 2021 The Author(s)
