
Li X, Zou Y, Yu S, Zhao X, Yu W, Yang S, Guo H, Xiao L, Chen Z, Qu B. Zwitterionic Ionic Liquid as Additive for High-Performance FAPbI(3) Perovskite Solar Cells with Negligible Hysteresis. SOLAR RRL. 2023;7.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 王奕文.; 2023. 一种基于双路自注意力机制学习的多点采样声场重建方法. China patent CN 202310667120.6.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 葛钟书.; 2023. 一种基于扬声器阵列的近场声源重放方法. China patent CN 202310532598.8.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 吴东航.; 2023. 一种基于深度学习和柱谐分解的空间主动降噪方法. China patent CN 202310955389.4.
吴华杰, 杨钋. 专业学位研究生教育中实践共同体的构建——以科技小院培养模式为例. 学位与研究生教育. 2023;(01):24-31.Abstract
郭 帅, 罗 雅楠, 郑 晓瑛. 中国老年人口健康预期寿命性别差异多元变化趋势的研究:2020—2050年. 中华疾病控制杂志 [Internet]. 2023;27:201–208. 访问链接Abstract
目的 分析2020―2050年中国老年人口健康预期寿命(health expectancy, HE)及其性别差异的变化趋势,为中国人口长寿和健康之间的关系及其性别差异在未来的发展趋势提供证据和线索。方法 基于2010年人口普查数据和1987年、2006年全国残疾人抽样调查数据,使用多状态人口预测模型(population-development-environment Analysis, PDE)和流行病学计算方法预测了死亡率和残疾率。使用Sullivan方法估计了2020―2050年50岁及以上人口分性别、年龄的无残疾预期寿命(disability-free life expectancy, DFLE)和伴随残疾预期寿命(life expectancy with disability, LwD)。结果 中国老年人口的预期寿命(life expectancy, LE)在2020―2050年持续上升。其中,女性中LE的上升由LwD的上升所主导,而男性中DFLE的贡献略高。在75岁以下的女性和65岁以下的男性中呈现“功能残障扩张”且男性中更不明显;整个研究期间,80岁及以上女性的余寿中会有超过一半的时间伴随残疾度过,占比高于男性。女性的DFLE高于男性,绝对性别差异整体上随时期缩小,但在高龄老人中相对保持稳定;女性DLFE的占比低于男性,在2040年之后相对差异开始缩小,且在高龄老人中更明显。结论 未来中国老年人口的功能状况可能会不断恶化。虽然在2040年之后DFLE的相对性别差异开始缩小,但这建立在LwD占比较高的情况下。在重点关注女性高龄老年人的功能状况的同时,应尽快建立起完备的长期照护体系。
陈垒.; 2023. 中高频振荡检测方法及装置. China patent CN ZL 202010938835.7.
竹志奇, 高珂 任金凤. 人口老龄化、经济增长与地方政府债务风险——基于动态随机一般均衡框架的分析. 西南金融. 2023;(6):3-17.
高珂 王涛. 人口老龄化背景下我国税收政策的宏观效应与中长期有效性研究——基于动态随机一般均衡模型的分析. 当代经济管理. 2023;(10):78-87.
贾积有, 张誉月. 人工智能与教育:机遇、挑战与对策. 北京大学教育评论. 2023;21(01):49-61+188-189.Abstract
刘智锋;吴亚平;王继民. 人工智能内容生成技术对知识生产与扩散的影响. 情报杂志. 2023.
祁应军, 李文军, 贾翔宇, 姹苏. 从“破碎化”到草场资源重新整合使用——理论构建与政策启示. 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2023;40.
Wu C-Y. 何必写信:罗马帝国总督的沟通问题[Why Write Letters: Communication Issues of Roman Imperial Governors], in 北京大学“历史与文学文本中的古代帝国”人文论坛[Humanities Forum on "Ancient Empires in Historical and Literary Texts". Peking University; 2023.Abstract
The newly discovered gubernatorial edict from Laodicea, in which the proconsul of Asia (likely Marcus Ostorius? Scapula) issued a series of orders, contains references to precedents from his predecessors, including edicts from the proconsul Cornelius Tacitus and his deputy Saenius Sabinus, and a letter from the proconsul Vicirius Martialis. Why did Martialis issue a letter instead of an edict? What was the function of Martialis' correspondence, and what did it achieve? In Oliver, Greek Constitutions, pp. 20-21, Augustus and later principates continued to use written proclamations in edict form as a way of communicating with provincials, a tradition practiced by Roman magistrates in the Republic. We also learn that edicts were essentially "open letters to whom it might concern," and were not unlike epistles in terms of preparation, at times not carefully distinguished by the secretaries that prepared them. If there were edict and epistolary forms, it is not immediately clear how they differed in function and perception, both from the perspective of the senders and their intended recipients. Gubernatorial communications have received treatment by Meyer-Zweiffelhoffer (2002), Kokkinia (2003, 2004) Lavan (2013). Kokkinia states that there are approximately 90 examples, and they point to the pattern in which most governors were acting upon local requests to interevene (Kokkinia 2004: 49). If the purpose was to intervene, at what point will an epistle be no longer enough, but an edict will? This paper will first use Paulus Fabius Maximus' letter-edict to discuss a classical case in which an attempt to write a letter took a sinister turn towards an edict. We will then examine a range of cases including those from the Opramoas dossier to consider the various epistolary approaches that the Roman governors took in responding to local situations. The paper will use this assembled corpus to interpret the Vicirius Martialis' letter from both its immediate communicative context and also the general tradition in official correspondence. This paper also touches on the broader question of why governors need to write letters, when they could have just issued edicts, and what letters can do that edicts could not.
向伟. 作为风俗画的日本绘卷《病草纸》——兼与宋代图像相比较. 古代文明 [Internet]. 2023;17(1):142-155+160. 访问链接Abstract
刘金亚,王馨悦,孟高慧,李雨佳,彭晗琦,宋筱璇,刘畅,王延飞. 信息行为研究的情报赋能探索解析. 情报学报. 2023;42(10):1213-1223.Abstract
元尺考. 故宫博物院院刊 [Internet]. 2023. 访问链接
马啸、马佳磊、严洁. 公民因何遵从:政策执行中的价值认同与社会规范. 新视野 [Internet]. 2023. 知网链接Abstract
魏一璞. 利用视觉情境范式揭示口语加工的时间进程 [Visual world paradigm reveals the time course of spoken language processing]. 心理科学进展 [Advances in Psychological Science] [Internet]. 2023;31(11):2050-2062. Full textAbstract
The visual world paradigm (VWP) assesses real-time language processing by tracking and measuring eye movements in visual contexts. Linking hypotheses, such as the coordinated interplay account and the goal-based linking hypothesis, establish the link between eye movements and the cognitive processes of language comprehension. Time sensitivity is characteristic of the data generated by this paradigm. Analytical methods include the analysis of fixation proportions within time windows, divergence point analysis and growth-curve analysis, etc. Studies using the VWP provide important evidence for speech and lexical recognition, syntactic parsing, semantic integration, and the processing of discourse and pragmatic information.
张忞煜. 印度中学历史教科书的“去莫卧儿”风波. 世界知识. 2023;(13):62-64.
张忞煜. 去殖民化,印度总理莫迪的“政治软饮”. 世界知识. 2023;(1):65-67.
