
Yidong GUAN, Bo WANG, Yongxia GAO, Wen LIU, Xiaoli ZHAO, HUANG X, Jianghua YU. Occurrence and fate of antibiotics in the aqueous environment and their removal by constructed wetlands in China: A review. Pedosphere. 2017;27(1):42-51.
Sun Z, Liu J, Zhuo S, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Shen H, Yun X, Shen G, Liu W, Zeng EY, et al. Occurrence and geographic distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in agricultural soils in eastern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research [Internet]. 2017;24:12168-12175. 访问链接
高珂, 白楠 黄琨. OECD国家权责发生制政府会计改革的分析与借鉴. 中国注册会计师. 2017.
Fuchs H, Tan Z, Lu K, Bohn B, Broch S, Brown SS, Dong HB, Gomm S, Häseler R, He L, et al. OH reactivity at a rural site (Wangdu) in the North China Plain: contributions from OH reactants and experimental OH budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017;17(1):645-661.Abstract
In 2014, a large, comprehensive field campaign was conducted in the densely populated North China Plain. The measurement site was located in a botanic garden close to the small town Wangdu, without major industry but influenced by regional transportation of air pollution. The loss rate coefficient of atmospheric hydroxyl radicals (OH) was quantified by direct measurements of the OH reactivity. Values ranged between 10 and 20 s(-1) for most of the daytime. Highest values were reached in the late night with maximum values of around 40 s(-1). OH reactants mainly originated from anthropogenic activities as indicated (1) by a good correlation between measured OH reactivity and carbon monoxide (linear correlation coefficient R-2 = 0 : 33) and (2) by a high contribution of nitrogen oxide species to the OH reactivity (up to 30% in the morning). Total OH reactivity was measured by a laser flash photolysis-laser-induced fluorescence instrument (LP-LIF). Measured values can be explained well by measured trace gas concentrations including organic compounds, oxygenated organic compounds, CO and nitrogen oxides. Significant, unexplained OH reactivity was only observed during nights, when biomass burning of agricultural waste occurred on surrounding fields. OH reactivity measurements also allow investigating the chemical OH budget. During this campaign, the OH destruction rate calculated from measured OH reactivity and measured OH concentration was balanced by the sum of OH production from ozone and nitrous acid photolysis and OH regeneration from hydroperoxy radicals within the uncertainty of measurements. However, a tendency for higher OH destruction compared to OH production at lower concentrations of nitric oxide is also observed, consistent with previous findings in field campaigns in China.
Fuchs H, Tan ZF, Lu KD, Bohn B, Broch S, Brown SS, Dong HB, Gomm S, Haseler R, He LY, et al. OH reactivity at a rural site (Wangdu) in the North China Plain: contributions from OH reactants and experimental OH budget. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017;17:645-661.Abstract
In 2014, a large, comprehensive field campaign was conducted in the densely populated North China Plain. The measurement site was located in a botanic garden close to the small town Wangdu, without major industry but influenced by regional transportation of air pollution. The loss rate coefficient of atmospheric hydroxyl radicals (OH) was quantified by direct measurements of the OH reactivity. Values ranged between 10 and 20 s(-1) for most of the daytime. Highest values were reached in the late night with maximum values of around 40 s(-1). OH reactants mainly originated from anthropogenic activities as indicated (1) by a good correlation between measured OH reactivity and carbon monoxide (linear correlation coefficient R-2 = 0 : 33) and (2) by a high contribution of nitrogen oxide species to the OH reactivity (up to 30% in the morning). Total OH reactivity was measured by a laser flash photolysis-laser-induced fluorescence instrument (LP-LIF). Measured values can be explained well by measured trace gas concentrations including organic compounds, oxygenated organic compounds, CO and nitrogen oxides. Significant, unexplained OH reactivity was only observed during nights, when biomass burning of agricultural waste occurred on surrounding fields. OH reactivity measurements also allow investigating the chemical OH budget. During this campaign, the OH destruction rate calculated from measured OH reactivity and measured OH concentration was balanced by the sum of OH production from ozone and nitrous acid photolysis and OH regeneration from hydroperoxy radicals within the uncertainty of measurements. However, a tendency for higher OH destruction compared to OH production at lower concentrations of nitric oxide is also observed, consistent with previous findings in field campaigns in China.
Wu HH, Wang Y, Li H, Huang LB, Huang D, Shen HQ, Xing YN, Chen ZM. The OH-initiated oxidation of atmospheric peroxyacetic acid: Experimental and model studies. Atmospheric Environment. 2017;164:61-70.Abstract
Peroxyacetic acid (PAA, CH3C(O)OOH) plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry, serving as reactive oxidant and affecting radical recycling. However, previous studies revealed an obvious gap between modelled and observed concentrations of atmospheric PAA, which may be partly ascribed to the uncertainty in the kinetics and mechanism of OH-oxidation. In this study, we measured the rate constant of OH radical reaction with PAA (kPAA+OH) and investigated the products in order to develop a more robust atmospheric PAA chemistry. Using the relative rates technique and employing toluene and metaxylene as reference compounds, the kPAA+OH was determined to be (9.4-11.9)*10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1 at 298 K and 1 atm, which is about (2.5-3.2) times larger than that parameter used in Master Chemical Mechanism v3.3.1 (MCM v3.3.1) (3.70*10-12 cm3 molecule-1 s-1). Incorporation of a box model and MCM v3.3.1 with revised PAA chemistry represented a better simulation of atmospheric PAA observed during Wangdu Campaign 2014, a rural site in North China Plain. It is found that OH-oxidation is an important sink of atmospheric PAA in this rural area, accounting for ~30% of the total loss. Moreover, the major terminal products of PAA-OH reaction were identified as formaldehyde (HCHO) and formic acid (HC(O)OH). The modelled results show that both primary and secondary chemistry play an important role in the large HCHO and HC(O)OH formation under experimental conditions. There should exist the channel of methyl H-abstraction for PAA-OH reaction, which may also provide routes to HCHO and HC(O)OH formation.
Chen H, Su Z, Song Y, Cheng XL, Chen X, Meng B, Song Z, Chen D, Zhang H. Omnidirectional Bending and Pressure Sensor Based on Stretchable CNT‐PU Sponge. Advanced functional materials. 2017;27(3):1604434.
An on-chip polarization splitter based on the radiation loss in the bending hybrid plasmonic waveguide structure
Sun C, Rong K, Gan F, Chu S, Gong Q, Chen* J. An on-chip polarization splitter based on the radiation loss in the bending hybrid plasmonic waveguide structure. Applied Physics Letters [Internet]. 2017;111(10):101105. 访问链接Abstract
Polarization beam splitters (PBSs) are one of the key components in the integrated photonic circuits. To increase the integration density, various complex hybrid plasmonic structures have been numerically designed to shrink the footprints of the PBSs. Here, to decrease the complexity of the small hybrid structures and the difficulty of the hybrid micro-nano fabrications, the radiation losses are utilized to experimentally demonstrate an ultra-small, broadband, and efficient PBS in a simple bending hybrid plasmonic waveguide structure. The hybrid plasmonic waveguide comprising a dielectric strip on the metal surface supports both the transverse-magnetic (TM) and transverse-electric (TE) waveguide modes. Because of the different field confinements, the TE waveguide mode has larger radiation loss than the TM waveguide mode in the bending hybrid strip waveguide. Based on the different radiation losses, the two incident waveguide modes of orthogonal polarization states are efficiently split in the proposed structure with a footprint of only about 2.2 × 2.2 μm2 on chips. Since there is no resonance or interference in the splitting process, the operation bandwidth is as broad as Δλ = 70 nm. Moreover, the utilization of the strongly confined waveguide modes instead of the bulk free-space light (with the spot size of at least a few wavelengths) as the incident source considerably increases the coupling efficiency, resulting in a low insertion loss of <3 dB.
Zhou Y, Liu P, Jin H, Yang T, Dang S, Li X. One memory access sketch: a more accurate and faster sketch for per-flow measurement, in IEEE GLOBECOM.; 2017.
Liang Y, Hu Y, Zhou X, Wu Q, Lin X. One-pot construction of spirooxindole backbone via biocatalytic domino reaction. Tetrahedron Letters [Internet]. 2017;58:2923–2926. 访问链接Abstract
A simple and environmentally friendly method to synthesize spiropyrazolo[3,4-b]pyridines derivatives starting from isatin, cyclic-1,3-diketone and 3-methyl-5-aminopyrazole was developed. With the optimized conditions for enzymes, solvents, enzyme loading and reaction time in hand, 9 compounds wereobtained in acceptable yields. Moreover, the investigation in fluorescent properties of these products showed their potential application in the field of new fluorescent material.
Jia J, Yu Y. Online learning activity index (OLAI) and its application for adaptive learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) [Internet]. 2017;10309 LNCS:213-224. 访问链接
Cai Z, Sun Y, Liu W, Pan F, Sun P, Fu J. An overview of nanomaterials applied for removing dyes from wastewater. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017:1-23.
Wu C-Y. Ovid’s Shrine in Tomis: Formation and Significance., in Globalizing Ovid: Shanghai 2017. An International Conference in Commemoration of the Bimillennium of Ovid’s Death. Shanghai; 2017.Abstract
In the Epistulae ex ponto, Ovid describes how he dealt with the arrival of the silver images of Augustus, Livia and Tiberia that Cotta Messalinus sent him (2.8). He also described his sacrum Caesaris while celebrating the Pomponius brothers for attaining consulships (4.9). The theme of emperor worship as a medium of communication between patrons and their exiled client is striking. Millar noted how Ovid was kept informed of the metamorphoses of the imperial household (Millar 1993, 15-17), and Syme pointed to Ovid’s ability to use concurrent language of homage at Rome (Syme 1978, 167-8). As such, Ovid’s descriptions bear significance beyond proving that domestic worship of living emperors and his household existed (Gradel 2002, 202-203; Martelli 2013, 200).   This paper argues that Ovid’s epistles show how elite Roman society cared about emperor worship. Ovid received the proper set of statues of the imperial family from his friend and patron Cotta Messalinus. He reported to the Pomponius brothers regarding how Tiberius and Livia stant pariter beside the deified Augustus in his sacrum Caesaris, and about his prayers that are meant for public consumption (Price 1984, 92). At stake is his hope to return to Rome: the proper exercise of worship demonstrates not only his pietas but also how he projected imperial symbolism on the edge of the empire. Hence, he boasted how Pontus knew of his pietas as part of his metric resumé submitted to his friend and patron Pomponius Graecinus (Helzle 1989, 22-26). Together with Pliny the Younger’s foundation of a temple at Tifernum (Ep. 10.8), the literary sources offer a potential model for the foundation process of small temples such as the one found at Eretria (Schmid 2001, 113), or others as documented by Simon Price (1984) and Heidi Hänlein-Schäfer (1985).
Bhatti P, Mirick DK, Randolph TW, Gong J, Buchanan DT, Zhang JJ, Davis S. Oxidative DNA damage during night shift work. Occup Environ Med. 2017;74:680-683.Abstract
OBJECTIVES: We previously reported that compared with night sleep, day sleep among shift workers was associated with reduced urinary excretion of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG), potentially reflecting a reduced ability to repair 8-OH-dG lesions in DNA. We identified the absence of melatonin during day sleep as the likely causative factor. We now investigate whether night work is also associated with reduced urinary excretion of 8-OH-dG. METHODS: For this cross-sectional study, 50 shift workers with the largest negative differences in night work versus night sleep circulating melatonin levels (measured as 6-sulfatoxymelatonin in urine) were selected from among the 223 shift workers included in our previous study. 8-OH-dG concentrations were measured in stored urine samples using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Mixed effects models were used to compare night work versus night sleep 8-OH-dG levels. RESULTS: Circulating melatonin levels during night work (mean=17.1 ng/mg creatinine/mg creatinine) were much lower than during night sleep (mean=51.7 ng/mg creatinine). In adjusted analyses, average urinary 8-OH-dG levels during the night work period were only 20% of those observed during the night sleep period (95% CI 10% to 30%; p<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that night work, relative to night sleep, is associated with reduced repair of 8-OH-dG lesions in DNA and that the effect is likely driven by melatonin suppression occurring during night work relative to night sleep. If confirmed, future studies should evaluate melatonin supplementation as a means to restore oxidative DNA damage repair capacity among shift workers.
Xu C, Liu G, Zhao R, Yang S, Luo G, Zhang Z. A Parallel Bandit-Based Approach for Autotuning FPGA Compilation, in Proceedings of the 2017 ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays - FPGA '17. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press; 2017:157–166. 访问链接
Yin L, Yang C, Ma S-Z, Huang J-Z, Cai Y. Parallel numerical simulation of the thermal convection in the Earth’s outer core on the cubed-sphere. Geophysical Journal International [Internet]. 2017;209:1934–1954. 访问链接
Jiang Q, Su H, Liu Y, Zou R, Ye R, Guo H. Parameter uncertainty-based pattern identification and optimization for robust decision making on watershed load reduction. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY. 2017;547:708-717.Abstract
Nutrients loading reduction in watershed is essential for lake restoration from eutrophication. The efficient and optimal decision-making on loading reduction is generally based on water quality modeling and the quantitative identification of nutrient sources at the watershed scale. The modeling process is influenced inevitably by inherent uncertainties, especially by uncertain parameters due to equifinality. Therefore, the emerging question is: if there is parameter uncertainty, how to ensure the robustness of the optimal decisions? Based on simulation-optimization models, an integrated approach of pattern identification and analysis of robustness was proposed in this study that focuses on the impact of parameter uncertainty in water quality modeling. Here the pattern represents the discernable regularity of solutions for load reduction under multiple parameter sets. Pattern identification is achieved by using a hybrid clustering analysis (i.e., Ward-Hierarchical and K-means), which was flexible and efficient in analyzing Lake Bali near the Yangtze River in China. The results demonstrated that urban domestic nutrient load is the most potential source that should be reduced, and there are two patterns for Total Nitrogen (TN) reduction and three patterns for Total Phosphorus (TP) reduction. The patterns indicated different total reduction of nutrient loads, which reflect diverse decision preferences. The robust solution was identified by the highest accomplishment with the water quality at monitoring stations that were improved uniformly with this solution. We conducted a process analysis of robust decision-making that was based on pattern identification and uncertainty, which provides effective support for decision making with preference under uncertainty. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Particulate pollution in urban Chongqing of southwest China: Historical trends of variation, chemical characteristics and source apportionment
Chen Y, Xie S-dong, Luo B, Zhai C-zhi. Particulate pollution in urban Chongqing of southwest China: Historical trends of variation, chemical characteristics and source apportionment. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2017;584:523–534. 访问链接Abstract
Chongqing, the largest megacity in southwest China, faces serious aerosol pollution but lacks information on particle characteristics and its sources. Official data released by Chongqing Environmental Protection Bureau demonstrated that urban PM10 concentrations decreased remarkably from 150 μg m− 3 in 2000 to 90 μg m− 3 in 2012. However, only several peer-reviewed studies paid attention to local fine particle (PM2.5) pollution. In the study, PM2.5 samples were obtained and subjected to chemical analysis in an urban site of the city during 2012 to 2013. The annual mean PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations in urban Chongqing were 103.9 ± 52.5 and 75.4 ± 42.2 μg m− 3, respectively. PM2.5 showed a distinct seasonality of high concentration in winter and similar levels in other seasons. The average OC/EC (organic carbon/element carbon) ratio was 3.7 with more high-OC/EC ratio sources contribution in autumn and winter. The varying sources and formation mechanisms resulted in SO42 − and NH4+ peaks in both summer and winter, whereas high nitrate concentration was only observed in winter. In the average mass closure, PM2.5 was composed of 23.0% SO42 −, 11.7% NO3−, 10.9% NH4+, 30.8% OM (organic matter), 5.2% EC, 8.2% mineral dust, 0.6% TEO (trace elements), 1.0% Cl− and 1.1% K+, while exhibiting large seasonal variability. Using positive matrix factorization (PMF), six sources were apportioned in PM2.5: secondary inorganic aerosols, coal combustion, other industrial pollution, soil dust, vehicular emission, and metallurgical industry. The annual mean contribution of above sources to PM2.5 was 37.5, 22.0, 17.5, 11.0, 9.8 and 2.2%, respectively. Coal combustion was identified by As tracer and dominated the primary sources of PM2.5, while the two different industrial sources were characterized by Cr and Mo, Co, Ni, and Se, respectively. The study is of great importance in characterizing the historical trends, current chemical characteristics and sources of fine particles in urban Chongqing.
Yu Z, Huang T, Zheng Y, Wang T, Heianza Y, Sun D, Campos H, Qi L. PCSK9 variant, long-chain n-3 PUFAs, and risk of nonfatal myocardial infarction in Costa Rican Hispanics. Am J Clin NutrAm J Clin NutrAm J Clin Nutr. 2017;105:1198-1203.Abstract
Background: Previous studies have indicated that the cardioprotective effects of long-chain (LC) n-3 (omega-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may vary across various ethnic populations. Emerging evidence has suggested that the gene-environment interaction may partly explain such variations. Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) was shown to have a mutually regulating relation with LC n-3 PUFAs and also to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Therefore, we hypothesized that certain PCSK9 genetic variants may modify the association between LC n-3 PUFA intake and CVD risk.Objective: We determined whether a PCSK9 variant (rs11206510), which has been identified for early onset myocardial infarction (MI), modified the association of LC n-3 PUFAs with nonfatal MI risk in Costa Rican Hispanics.Design: We analyzed cross-sectional data from 1932 case subjects with a first nonfatal MI and 2055 population-based control subjects who were living in Costa Rica to examine potential gene-environment interactions. Two-sided P values <0.05 were considered significant.Results: We observed a significant interaction between the PCSK9 rs11206510 genotype and LC n-3 PUFA intake on nonfatal MI risk (P-interaction = 0.012). The OR of nonfatal MI was 0.84 (95% CI: 0.72, 0.98) per 0.1% increase in total energy intake from LC n-3 PUFAs in protective-allele (C-allele) carriers, whereas the corresponding OR (95% CI) in non-C-allele carriers was 1.02 (95% CI: 0.95, 1.10). Similar results were observed when we examined the association between docosahexaenoic acid, which is one type of LC n-3 PUFA, and nonfatal MI risk (P-interaction = 0.003).Conclusion: LC n-3 PUFA intake is associated with a lower risk of nonfatal MI in C-allele carriers of PCSK9 rs11206510 (n = 799) but not in non-C-allele carriers (n = 3188).
Sun H, Liu M, Liu P, Lin X, Cui X, Chen J, Chen D. Performance optimization of lateral AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with cap gate on150-mm silicon substrate. Solid-State Electronics [Internet]. 2017;130:28-32. 访问链接Abstract
A further leakage reduction of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with cap gate (CG-HEMTs) has been achieved by optimizing the gate structure and the gate etching process. The optimized CG-HEMTs single finger power HEMTs deliver IDSmax = 533 mA/mm at least with gate length of 0.5um and show a median gate leakage current of 20 nA/mm  25℃ measured at a drain voltage of 200 V. The breakdown voltage (BV) of CG-HEMTswas evaluated by the variation of drain-to-gate spacing (LDG) larger than 8 um. Furthermore, we show that the forward voltage of CG-HEMTs can be improved by shrinking the lateral dimension of the edge termination due to reduced series resistance.
