
Zhao X, Zhou Y, Tan H, Lin H. The Spillover Effects of Children's Political Status on Parent's Health in China. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health [Internet]. 2018;72(11):973-981. 访问链接Abstract
Background Due to the sustained increases in life expectancy over the past half century, the elderly today will receive supports from their children for a longer period than ever before. Therefore, understanding the spillover effects of children's socioeconomic status on parents' health becomes increasingly important for both scholars and policy makers. Methods The Ordinary Least Squares regression is applied to the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study 2011, a national representative dataset including approximately 10 000 households and 17 600 middle-aged and elderly respondents. The Sobel test is used to examine the mediation role of social integration. Results The elderly who have a cadre child reported better health (coefficient=0.1347; 95% CI 0.067 to 0.202), had fewer activities of daily living (ADLs) limitations (coefficient=−0.1289; 95% CI −0.216 to −0.042) and were more socially integrated (coefficient=0.2321; 95% CI 0.103 to 0.361). Such effects are mainly driven by the parents of higher-ranking cadres. For the parents of higher ranking cadres, the Sobel test suggests that 12.6% of the total effects on self-reported health and 21.9% of the total effects on ADL limitations are mediated by the increase in parents' social integration. Conclusion The findings suggest positive spillover effects of children's political status on parents' health. The benefits of having a cadre child are at least equivalent to the rural–urban gap in health and even stronger for the parents of higher ranking cadres. One potential explanation for such spillover effects is that a child's political status can improve parents' community involvement and social interactions.
Gong J, Tian D, Yang D, Yang T, Dai T, Cui B, Li X. SSS: An Accurate and Fast Algorithm for Finding Top-k Hot Items in Data Streams, in IEEE BigComp.; 2018:106–113.
Hu S, Zou L, Zhang X. A State-transition Framework to Answer Complex Questions over Knowledge Base, in Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Brussels, Belgium, October 31 - November 4, 2018.; 2018:2098–2108. link
Wang Y, Wu Z, Ma N, Wu Y, Zeng L, Zhao C, Wiedensohler A. Statistical analysis and parameterization of the hygroscopic growth of the sub-micrometer urban background aerosol in Beijing. ATMOSPHERIC ENVIRONMENT. 2018;175:184-191.Abstract
The take-up of water of aerosol particles plays an important role in heavy haze formation over North China Plain, since it is related with particle mass concentration, visibility degradation, and particle chemistry. In the present study, we investigated the size-resolved hygroscopic growth factor (HGF) of sub-micrometer aerosol particles (smaller than 350 nm) on a basis of 9-month Hygroscopicity-Tandem Differential Mobility Analyzer measurement in the urban background atmosphere of Beijing. The mean hygroscopicity parameter (kappa) values derived from averaging over the entire sampling period for particles of 50 nm, 75 nm, 100 nm, 150 nm, 250 nm, and 350 nm in diameters were 0.14 +/- 0.07, 0.17 +/- 0.05, 0.18 +/- 0.06, 0.20 +/- 0.07, 0.21 +/- 0.09, and 0.23 +/- 0.12, respectively, indicating the dominance of organics in the sub-micrometer urban aerosols. In the spring, summer, and autumn, the number fraction of hydrophilic particles increased with increasing particle size, resulting in an increasing trend of overall particle hygroscopicity with enhanced particle size. Differently, the overall mean it values peaked in the range of 75-150 nm and decreased for particles larger than 150 rim in diameter during wintertime. Such size-dependency of kappa in winter was related to the strong primary particle emissions from coal combustion during domestic heating period. The number fraction of hydrophobic particles such as freshly emitted soot decreased with increasing PM2.5 mass concentration, indicating aged and internal mixed particles were dominant in the severe particulate matter pollution. Parameterization schemes of the HGF as a function of relative humidity (RH) and particle size between 50 and 350 nm were determined for different seasons and pollution levels. The HGFs calculated from the parameterizations agree well with the measured FIGFs at 20-90% RH. The parameterizations can be applied to determine the hygroscopic growth of aerosol particles at ambient conditions for the area of Beijing (ultrafine and fine particles) and the North China plain (fine particles).
Liu K, Ostadhassan M, Bubach B, Ling K, Tokhmechi B, Robert D. Statistical grid nanoindentation analysis to estimate macro-mechanical properties of the Bakken Shale. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2018;53:181-190. 访问链接Abstract
Retrieving standard sized core plugs to perform conventional geomechanical testing on organic rich shale samples can be very challenging. This is due to unavailability of inch-size core plugs or difficulties in the coring process. In order to overcome these issues, statistical grid nanoindentation method was applied to analyze mechanical properties of the Bakken. Then the Mori-Tanaka scheme was carried out to homogenize the elastic properties of the samples and upscale the nanoindentation data to the macroscale. To verify these procedures, the results were compared with unconfined compression test data. The results showed that the surveyed surface which was 300 μm ×300 μm is larger than the representative elementary area (REA) and can be used safely as the nanoindentation grid area. Three different mechanical phases and the corresponding percentages can be derived from the grid nanoindentation through deconvolution of the data. It was found that the mechanical phase which has the smallest mean Young's modulus represents soft materials (mainly clay and organic matter) while the mechanical phases with the largest mean Young's modulus denote hard minerals. The mechanical properties (Young's modulus and hardness) of the samples in X-1 direction (perpendicular to the bedding line) was measured smaller than X-3 direction (parallel to the bedding line) which reflected mechanical anisotropy. The discrepancy between the macromechanical modulus from the homogenization and unconfined compression test was less than 15% which was acceptable. Finally, we showed that homogenization provides more accurate upscaling results compared to the common averaging method.
You Y, Zheng S, Zang H, Liu F, Liu F, Liu J*. Stimulatory effect of magnetite on the syntrophic metabolism of Geobacter co-cultures: Influences of surface coating. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta [Internet]. 2018. 访问链接Abstract
Magnetite-mediated direct interspecies electron transfer (DIET) can facilitate syntrophic metabolism in natural microbial communities and also promote the performance of the engineered systems based on syntrophic interactions. In this study, the stimulatory effect of bare synthetic magnetite (Mt), humic acid coated magnetite, and SiO2 coated magnetite (Mt-SiO2) on DIET in defined co-cultures of Geobacter metallireducens/Geobacter sulfurreducens were studied. Magnetite coated with Aldrich humic acid (HA) and Elliott Soil humic acid (HAES), respectively, were prepared, and the two kinds of humic acid influenced the ability of Mt to promote syntrophic metabolism of the co-cultures in a similar way. When weight concentration was the same, pure humic acid presented the stimulatory effect on DIET similar to bare magnetite. However, the presence of HA coating on magnetite surface caused 50% and 61%, respectively, decrease in the rates of ethanol consumption (Re) and succinate production (Rs) in DIET processes. Pure HA in the same weight concentration as the HA coating in Mt-HA induced the similar metabolism rates as Mt-HA. In the Mt-HA mediated DIET, most electrons from ethanol metabolism were transferred to G. sulfurreducens selectively through the HA coating, and magnetite core hardly contributed to DIET processes. The SiO2 coating on magnetite resulted in 81% and 89%, respectively, decreases in Re and Rs, mainly because the non-conductive SiO2 layer hindered electron transfer between magnetite core and bacteria. After eight-day incubation with the co-cultures, bare magnetite nanoparticles formed relatively larger and more compact aggregates with cells than Mt-HA and Mt-SiO2, due to the different surface charge between bare and coated Mt. The generation of dissolved Fe(II) and HCl-extractable Fe(II) due to microbial reduction of magnetite by G. metallireducens and vivianite formation were observed along with DIET processes in all DIET experiments. Based on these results, different pathways of electron transfer in defined co-cultures of Geobacters with bare and coated magnetite nanoparticles were proposed. The findings in this study demonstrate the significant effects of surface properties on the ability of magnetite to stimulate DIET, which needs to be considered in order to comprehensively understand the role and mechanisms of mineral-mediated DIET in natural and engineered systems.
Zang H, Miao C, Shang J, Liu Y, Liu J*. Structural effects on the catalytic activity ofcarbon-supported magnetite nanocomposites inheterogeneous Fenton-like reactions. RSC Adv [Internet]. 2018. 访问链接Abstract
The catalytic reactivity of synthetic bare magnetite nanoparticles, activated carbon supported magnetite (AC-Mt), and graphene oxide supported magnetite (GO-Mt) for heterogeneous Fenton-like oxidation of methylene blue (MB) were compared, in order to investigate how the structural features of the support impact catalytic activity of the nanocomposites. The different effects of AC and GO on MB removal rate, hydroxyl radical ([radical dot]OH) production, iron leaching, and surface deactivation have been systematically studied. The rate constant of MB removal by AC-Mt was 0.1161 min-1, one order of magnitude larger than the value of bare magnetite nanoparticles (0.0566 min-1). The higher catalytic activity of AC-Mt might be attributed to the larger reactive surface area of well-dispersed magnetite for [radical dot]OH production and the recharge of the magnetite surface by the AC support via Fe-O-C bonds. However, the removal rate of MB by GO-Mt was one order of magnitude slower than that of bare magnetite nanoparticles under the same experimental conditions, presumably due to the wrapping of GO around magnetite nanoparticles or extensive aggregation of GO-Mt composites. These findings revealed the significant influence of support structure on the catalytic activity of carbon-supported magnetite nanocomposites, which is important for the development of efficient magnetite-based catalysts for wastewater treatments.
Duan J, Liu W, Zhao X, Han Y, O’Reilly SE, Zhao D. Study of residual oil in Bay Jimmy sediment 5 years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Persistence of sediment retained oil hydrocarbons and effect of dispersants on desorption. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2018;618:1244 - 1253. 访问链接
Bao L, Fang Y, Wang Z, Kang J, Yang Y, Xu J, Cai Y, HUANG R. Study on microscopic model of resistive switching in amorphous tantalum pentoxide from first-principle calculations, in 2018 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC). IEEE; 2018:1–3.
Ge Z, Qiao Y, Wang S, Wu X, Qu T. Subjective Evaluation of Virtual Room Auralization System Based on the Ambisonics Matching Projection Decoding Method, in 145 AES Convention. New York, USA; 2018:10124. 访问链接
Sokolov V, Wang K, Pineda JE, Caselli P, Henshaw JD, Barnes AT, Tan JC, Fontani F, Jiménez-Serra I, Zhang Q. Subsonic islands within a high-mass star-forming infrared dark cloud. \aap. 2018;611:L3.
Kong S, Yan Q, Zheng H, Liu H, Wang W, Zheng S, Yang G, Zheng M, Wu J, Qi S, et al. Substantial reductions in ambient PAHs pollution and lives saved as a co-benefit of effective long-term PM2.5 pollution controls. Environment International [Internet]. 2018;114:266-279. 访问链接
Li M, Berritt S, Wang C, Yang X, Liu Y, Sha S-C, Wang B, Wang R, Gao X, Li Z, et al. Sulfenate anions as organocatalysts for benzylic chloromethyl coupling polymerization via C=C bond formation. Nature CommunicationsNature Communications. 2018;9:1754.Abstract
Organocatalytic polymerization reactions have a number of advantages over their metal-catalyzed counterparts, including environmental friendliness, ease of catalyst synthesis and storage, and alternative reaction pathways. Here we introduce an organocatalytic polymerization method called benzylic chloromethyl-coupling polymerization (BCCP). BCCP is catalyzed by organocatalysts not previously employed in polymerization processes (sulfenate anions), which are generated from bench-stable sulfoxide precatalysts. The sulfenate anion promotes an umpolung polycondensation via step-growth propagation cycles involving sulfoxide intermediates. BCCP represents an example of an organocatalyst that links monomers by C=C double bond formation and offers transition metal-free access to a wide variety of polymers that cannot be synthesized by traditional precursor routes.
Huang T-J, Liu J-Y, Yin L-Z, Han F-Y, Liu* P-K. Superfocusing of terahertz wave through spoof surface plasmons. Optics Express. 2018;26(18):22722.
Han F-Y, Huang T-J, Yin L-Z, Liu J-Y, Liu* P-K. Superfocusing plate of terahertz waves based on a gradient refractive index metasurface. Journal of Applied Physics. 2018;124:204902.
Han F-Y, Huang T-J, Yin L-Z, Liu J-Y, Liu P-K*. Superfocusing plate of terahertz waves based on a gradient refractive index metasurface. Journal of Applied Physics [Internet]. 2018;124:204902. 查看文章
Zhanghao K, Gao JT, Jin DY, Zhang XD, Xi P. Super-resolution fluorescence polarization microscopy. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences [Internet]. 2018;11(1). 访问链接Abstract
Fluorescence polarization is related to the dipole orientation of chromophores, making fluorescence polarization microscopy possible to reveal structures and functions of tagged cellular organelles and biological macromolecules. Several recent super resolution techniques have been applied to fluorescence polarization microscopy, achieving dipole measurement at nanoscale. In this review, we summarize both diffraction limited and super resolution fluorescence polarization microscopy techniques, as well as their applications in biological imaging.
Jiang Z, Yu Z, Feng S, Huang Z, Peng Y, Guo J, Ren Q, Lu Y. A super-resolution method-based pipeline for fundus fluorescein angiography imaging. Biomedical engineering online. 2018;17:125.
Yao Q, Lin F, Fan X, Wang Y, Liu Y, Liu Z, Jiang X, Chen PR, Gao Y. Synergistic enzymatic and bioorthogonal reactions for selective prodrug activation in living systems. Nature CommunicationsNature Communications. 2018;9:5032.Abstract
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) restrict the maximum doses applicable in chemotherapy, which leads to failure in cancer treatment. Various approaches, including nano-drug and prodrug strategies aimed at reducing ADRs, have been developed, but these strategies have their own pitfalls. A renovated strategy for ADR reduction is urgently needed. Here, we employ an enzymatic supramolecular self-assembly process to accumulate a bioorthogonal decaging reaction trigger inside targeted cancer cells, enabling spatiotemporally controlled, synergistic prodrug activation. The bioorthogonally activated prodrug exhibits significantly enhanced potency against cancer cells compared with normal cells. This prodrug activation strategy further demonstrates high tumour inhibition efficacy with satisfactory biocompatibility, pharmacokinetics, and safety in vivo. We envision that integration of enzymatic and bioorthogonal reactions will serve as a general small-molecule-based strategy for alleviation of ADRs in chemotherapy.
Li Z, Liu C, Rong X, Luo Y, Cheng H, Zheng L, Lin F, Shen B, Gong Y, Zhang S, et al. Tailoring MoS2 Valley-Polarized Photoluminescence with Super Chiral Near-Field. Advanced Materials. 2018;30:1801908.
