
马莉萍, 卜尚聪. 重点大学自主招生政策的选拔效果分析. 北京大学教育评论 [Internet]. 2019;17(02):109-126+190. 访问链接
唐超;何卓浩;王延飞. 面向安全风险感知的移民管理情报体系构建研究. 情报杂志. 2019;38(3):20-25+6.
刘芳芳, 陈道琨, 杨超, 赵玉文. 面向磁流体动力学方程组的异构众核全隐式求解器研究. 数值计算与计算机应用. 2019;40(1):34-50.
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肖珑. 高校图书馆数字资源引进回顾与前瞻——写在CALIS项目建设20周年之际(转载). 图书馆学情报学(中国人民大学书报资料中心“复印报刊资料”). 2019;(11):82-92.
刘彦林, 马莉萍. 高校毕业生返乡就业的影响因素及就业质量研究——基于2017年全国高校毕业生就业数据的实证研究. 国家教育行政学院学报 [Internet]. 2019;(02):80-88. 访问链接
Wang Y, JIANG M, LIU B, JIA S, Zhang X. A 1-Gbps Reference-Less Burst-Mode CDR with Embedded TDC in a 65-nm CMOS process. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications [Internet]. 2018;46(8):1565-1576. 访问链接
Shen L, Lu N, Sun N. A 1-V 0.25- $μ \textW$ Inverter Stacking Amplifier With 1.07 Noise Efficiency Factor. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2018;53:896-905.Abstract
This paper presents a highly power-efficient amplifier. By stacking inverters and splitting the capacitor feedback network, the proposed amplifier achieves six-time current reuse, thereby significantly boosting the transconductance and lowering noise but without increasing the current consumption. A novel biasing scheme is devised to ensure robust operation under 1-V supply. A prototype in 180-nm CMOS has 5.5-μVrms noise within 10-kHz BW while consuming only 0.25-μW power, leading to a noise efficiency factor of 1.07, which is the best among reported amplifiers.
Gao X, Colicino E, Shen J, Just AC, Nwanaji-Enwerem JC, Wang C, Coull B, Lin X, Vokonas P, Zheng Y, et al. Accelerated DNA methylation age and the use of antihypertensive medication among older adults. Aging (Albany NY) [Internet]. 2018;10:3210-3228. 访问链接Abstract
The discrepancy of DNA methylation age (DNAmAge) with chronological age (termed as age acceleration, AA) has been identified to be associated with many aging-related health outcomes including hypertension. Since taking antihypertensive medication (AHM) could prevent aging-related diseases caused by hypertension, we hypothesized that using AHM could also reduce the AA. We examined this hypothesis among 546 males aged 55-85 years by exploring the associations of AHM use with AA and its change rate (DeltaAA) in two visits with a median follow-up of 3.86 years. Horvath DNAmAge was derived from DNA methylation profiles measured by Illumina HumanMethylation450 BeadChip and information on AHM use was collected by physician interview. A general decreasing pattern of AA was observed between the two visits. After the fully adjusting for potential covariates including hypertension, any AHM use showed a cross-sectional significant association with higher AA at each visit, as well as a longitudinal association with increased DeltaAA between visits. Particularly, relative to participants who never took any AHM, individuals with continuous AHM use had a higher DeltaAA of 0.6 year/chronological year. This finding underlines that DNAmAge and AA may not be able to capture the preventive effects of AHMs that reduce cardiovascular risks and mortality.
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Zhou Y, Alipourfard O, Yu M, Yang T. Accelerating network measurement in software. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review. 2018;48:2–12.
Zhou Y, Jin H, Liu P, Zhang H, Yang T, Li X. Accurate per-flow measurement with bloom sketch, in IEEE INFOCOM poster.; 2018.
Fu Z*(PhD student), Yang H, Wu X, Chen J. Acoustic cues utilized by normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners are different for Mandarin concurrent-vowels identification. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2018;104(5):792-795.
Qi ZHOU, Yong-Qiang CHEN. Acoustic-Structural Analysis of Thin-Walled Axisymmetric Structure Using Boundary ElementMethod, in CCCM-ISCM2018. Nanjing; 2018.
Wang B, Wang Z, Fang Y, Chen Q, Bao L, Yang Y, Cai Y, HUANG R. Actually Mimicking of Neuron Action Potential by A Single RRAM Device, in 2018 14th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT). IEEE; 2018:1–3.
Zhang W, Huang H, Zhang J, Jiang M, Luo G. Adaptive-precision framework for SGD using deep Q-learning, in Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design - ICCAD '18. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press; 2018:1–8. 访问链接
Zhang K, Jia N, Liu L. Adsorption Thicknesses of Confined Pure and Mixing Fluids in Nanopores. Langmuir [Internet]. 2018;34:12815-12826. 访问链接
Wu ZJ, Wang Y, Tan TY, Zhu YS, Li MR, Shang DJ, Wang HC, Lu KD, Guo S, Zeng LM, et al. Aerosol Liquid Water Driven by Anthropogenic Inorganic Salts: Implying Its Key Role in Haze Formation over the North China Plain. Environmental Science & Technology LettersEnvironmental Science & Technology LettersEnvironmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018;5:160-166.Abstract
This study reveals aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) in PM2.5 ranged from 2% up to 74%, and the associated secondary inorganic fraction rose from 24% to 55%, while ambient relative humidity (RH) increased from 15% to 83% in the atmosphere over Beijing. Unexpectedly, the secondary inorganic fraction in PM2.5 increased with an increase in the ambient RH, which is a meteorological parameter independent of anthropogenic activities, indicating the presence of a feedback mechanism driven by Henry's law and thermodynamic equilibrium. During haze episodes, simultaneously elevated RH levels and anthropogenic secondary inorganic mass concentrations resulted in an abundant ALWC. The condensed water could act as an efficient medium for multiphase reactions, thereby facilitating the transformation of reactive gaseous pollutants into particles and accelerating the formation of heavy haze. ALWC was well correlated with the mass concentrations of both nitrate and sulfate, indicating both nitrate and sulfate salts play key roles in determining ALWC. Coincident with a significant reduction in SO2 emissions throughout China, nitrates will become a dominant anthropogenic inorganic salt driving ALWC. Thus, the abundance of ALWC and its effects on the aerosol chemistry and climate should be reconsidered.
Wu ZJ, Wang Y, Tan TY, Zhu YS, Li MR, Shang DJ, Wang HC, Lu KD, Guo S, Zeng LM, et al. Aerosol Liquid Water Driven by Anthropogenic Inorganic Salts: Implying Its Key Role in Haze Formation over the North China Plain. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018;5:160-166.Abstract
This study reveals aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) in PM2.5 ranged from 2% up to 74%, and the associated secondary inorganic fraction rose from 24% to 55%, while ambient relative humidity (RH) increased from 15% to 83% in the atmosphere over Beijing. Unexpectedly, the secondary inorganic fraction in PM2.5 increased with an increase in the ambient RH, which is a meteorological parameter independent of anthropogenic activities, indicating the presence of a feedback mechanism driven by Henry's law and thermodynamic equilibrium. During haze episodes, simultaneously elevated RH levels and anthropogenic secondary inorganic mass concentrations resulted in an abundant ALWC. The condensed water could act as an efficient medium for multiphase reactions, thereby facilitating the transformation of reactive gaseous pollutants into particles and accelerating the formation of heavy haze. ALWC was well correlated with the mass concentrations of both nitrate and sulfate, indicating both nitrate and sulfate salts play key roles in determining ALWC. Coincident with a significant reduction in SO2 emissions throughout China, nitrates will become a dominant anthropogenic inorganic salt driving ALWC. Thus, the abundance of ALWC and its effects on the aerosol chemistry and climate should be reconsidered.
Wu ZJ, Wang Y, Tan TY, Zhu YS, Li MR, Shang DJ, Wang HC, Lu KD, Guo S, Zeng LM, et al. Aerosol Liquid Water Driven by Anthropogenic Inorganic Salts: Implying Its Key Role in Haze Formation over the North China Plain. Environmental Science & Technology Letters. 2018;5:160-166.Abstract
This study reveals aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) in PM2.5 ranged from 2% up to 74%, and the associated secondary inorganic fraction rose from 24% to 55%, while ambient relative humidity (RH) increased from 15% to 83% in the atmosphere over Beijing. Unexpectedly, the secondary inorganic fraction in PM2.5 increased with an increase in the ambient RH, which is a meteorological parameter independent of anthropogenic activities, indicating the presence of a feedback mechanism driven by Henry's law and thermodynamic equilibrium. During haze episodes, simultaneously elevated RH levels and anthropogenic secondary inorganic mass concentrations resulted in an abundant ALWC. The condensed water could act as an efficient medium for multiphase reactions, thereby facilitating the transformation of reactive gaseous pollutants into particles and accelerating the formation of heavy haze. ALWC was well correlated with the mass concentrations of both nitrate and sulfate, indicating both nitrate and sulfate salts play key roles in determining ALWC. Coincident with a significant reduction in SO2 emissions throughout China, nitrates will become a dominant anthropogenic inorganic salt driving ALWC. Thus, the abundance of ALWC and its effects on the aerosol chemistry and climate should be reconsidered.
