
Shen G, Du W, Zhuo S, Yu J, Tao S. Improving regulations on residential emissions and non-criteria hazardous contaminants-Insights from a field campaign on ambient PM and PAHs in North China Plain. Environmental Science & Policy [Internet]. 2019;92:201-206. 访问链接
Gao M, Meng J, Zhao L. Income and Social Communication: The Demographics of Stock Market Participation. World Economy [Internet]. 2019;42(7):2244–2277. 全文链接 DOI: 10.1111/twec.12777Abstract
This paper analyzes the determinants of stock market participation decisions using officially compiled aggregate stock account opening data in China. Different from the literature that often focuses on one particular dimension, our paper systematically evaluates the relative importance of disposable income, demographic variables, macroeconomic factors, stock market conditions, and social communication on both the level and the change of the participation rate. We find that the level of the participation rate is predominately determined by the income factor, followed by various measures of social communication. Social communication plays the most important role in the change of the participation rate, acting as a multiplier to stimulate stock market participation. The effects are more pronounced in high income, high education, high population density groups, and during the bull market period.
MukeHuang, Chai L, Jiang D, Zhang M, Zhao Y, Huang Y. Increasing aridity affects soil archaeal communities by mediating soil niches in semi-arid regions. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2019;647:699 - 707. 访问链接Abstract
Soil archaea plays a vital role in the functioning of dryland ecosystems, which are expected to expand and get drier in the future as a result of climate change. However, compared with bacteria and fungi, the impacts of increasing aridity on archaea in these ecosystems remain largely unknown. Here, soil samples were collected along a typical aridity gradient in semi-arid regions in Inner Mongolia, China, to investigate whether and how the increasing aridity affects archaeal communities. The results showed that archaeal richness linearly decreased with increasing aridity. After partialling out the effects of soil properties based on partial least squares regression, the significant aridity-richness relationship vanished. The composition of archaeal communities was distributed according to the aridity gradient. These variations were largely driven by the changes in the relative abundance of Thaumarchaeota, Euryarchaeota and unclassified phyla. Niche-based processes were predominant in structuring the observed archaeal aridity-related pattern. The structural equation models further showed that aridity indirectly reduced archaeal richness through improving soil electrical conductivity (EC) and structured community composition by changing soil total nitrogen (TN). These results suggested that soil salinization and N-losses might be important mechanisms underlying the increasing aridity-induced alterations in archaeal communities, and highlighted the importance of soil niches in mediating the indirect impacts of increasing aridity on archaea.
Guo X, Bian M, Lv F, Wang Y, Zhao Z, Bian Z, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Increasing electron transporting properties and horizontal molecular orientation via meta-position of nitrogen for ``(A)(n)-D-(A)(n)'' structured terpyridine electron-transporting material. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C. 2019;7:11581-11587.Abstract
The electron-transporting materials (ETMs) with excellent electron injection (EI) and electron transporting properties are prerequisites for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). In this work, we report a novel ETM, 2,7-di([3,2 `:6 `,3 `'-terpyridin]-4 `-yl)-9,9 `-spirobifluorene (27-mTPSF), which is synthesized by combining electron-withdrawing terpyridine (TPY) moieties with rigid twisted spirobifluorene. This rigid twisted structure helps to maintain the morphological stability of the amorphous film and contributes to the enhancement of the device lifetime. The nitrogen atom at the meta-position on the peripheral pyridine in 27-mTPSF can enhance the horizontal molecular orientation and the electron-transporting property. A green phosphorescent OLED (PhOLED) based on tris[2-(p-tolyl)pyridine]iridium(iii) (Ir(mppy)(3)) as the emitter and 27-mTPSF as ETM displayed a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 23.1%, and a half-life (T-50) of 77, 4330 and 243 495 h at an initial luminance of 10 000, 1000 and 100 cd m(-2), respectively, which are significantly superior to those of the device based on the conventional ETM 1,3,5-tris(N-phenylbenzimid azol-2-yl-benzene (TPBi). These results indicate a potential application for the ``(A)(n)-D-(A)(n)'' structured terpyridine ETMs.
Guo X, Bian M, Lv F, Wang Y, Zhao Z, Bian Z, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Increasing electron transporting properties and horizontal molecular orientation via meta-position of nitrogen for ``(A)(n)-D-(A)(n)'' structured terpyridine electron-transporting material. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C. 2019;7:11581-11587.Abstract
The electron-transporting materials (ETMs) with excellent electron injection (EI) and electron transporting properties are prerequisites for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). In this work, we report a novel ETM, 2,7-di([3,2 `:6 `,3 `'-terpyridin]-4 `-yl)-9,9 `-spirobifluorene (27-mTPSF), which is synthesized by combining electron-withdrawing terpyridine (TPY) moieties with rigid twisted spirobifluorene. This rigid twisted structure helps to maintain the morphological stability of the amorphous film and contributes to the enhancement of the device lifetime. The nitrogen atom at the meta-position on the peripheral pyridine in 27-mTPSF can enhance the horizontal molecular orientation and the electron-transporting property. A green phosphorescent OLED (PhOLED) based on tris[2-(p-tolyl)pyridine]iridium(iii) (Ir(mppy)(3)) as the emitter and 27-mTPSF as ETM displayed a maximum external quantum efficiency (EQE) of 23.1%, and a half-life (T-50) of 77, 4330 and 243 495 h at an initial luminance of 10 000, 1000 and 100 cd m(-2), respectively, which are significantly superior to those of the device based on the conventional ETM 1,3,5-tris(N-phenylbenzimid azol-2-yl-benzene (TPBi). These results indicate a potential application for the ``(A)(n)-D-(A)(n)'' structured terpyridine ETMs.
Guo X, Bian M, Lv F, Wang Y, Zhao Z, Bian Z, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Increasing electron transporting properties and horizontal molecular orientation via meta-position of nitrogen for ``(A)(n)-D-(A)(n)'' structured terpyridine electron-transporting material. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C. 2019;7:11581-11587.
Liu Y, Xiong Y, Liu K, Yang C, Peng P. Indentation size and loading rate sensitivities on mechanical properties and creep behavior of solid bitumen. International Journal of Coal Geology [Internet]. 2019;216:103295. 访问链接Abstract
Creep behavior of rocks could impair fracture conductivity and wellbore stability during gas production from highly matured organic-rich shales in South China, of which the organic matter is mainly in the form as solid bitumen and is thought to be a major contributor for the creep deformation. To get a better insight into this phenomenon, this paper for the first time characterizes the mechanical properties and creep behavior of a millimeter-sized solid bitumen sample by using quasi-static state creep tests and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis in nanoindentation, and reports their dependences on indentation size and loading rate, respectively. Mechanical properties (including hardness and Young's modulus) are found to be negatively related with both indentation size and loading rate. The extremely small creep strain rate sensitivity (m) of solid bitumen indicates a localized shear flow inside. And m exhibits slightly positive dependences on indentation size and loading rate. The potential mechanisms controlling the deformation of solid bitumen under indentation are also discussed.
Zhou Q, Chen YQ. Indirect computation of singular integrals in Helmholtz boundary integral equation. Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational MechanicsJisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational MechanicsJisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. 2019;36:576-582.Abstract
A new particular solution method is proposed to indirectly calculate the strong singular integrals and free terms in conventional Helmholtz boundary integral equation (CBIE) and hyper-strong singular integrals in Burton-Miller boundary integral equation (BMBIE).For the acoustic problem of interior field,the particular solution satisfying Helmholtz governing equation is given,and the strong singular integral and free terms in CBIE are obtained indirectly.For an exterior field problem,however,calculation of its Cauchy principal value (CPV) for hyper-strong singular integral needs higher-order approximation of the kernel function through Taylor series expansion,which makes numerical implementation quite complex.In this paper,the particular solution satisfying Helmholtz governing equation and Sommerfeld radiation condition is given,and the hyper-strong singular integrals are obtained using a proposed new particular solution method.Also,the CPV of the strongly singular integral for an axisymmetric structure is derived.The high efficiency of the method is demonstrated with axisymmetric examples.The numerical results show that for the interior domain problem,the accuracy obtained by the proposed particular solution method is superior to that of directly calculating the strongly singular integral and the free term coefficient.Furthermore,the particular solution method can avoid calculating the free term with consideration of specific geometric information,and thus is of more general applicability.For an exterior domain problem,both methods provide almost the same accuracy,however,the proposed particular method can avoid expanding the kernel function to higher order and is easier to implement numerically. © 2019, Editorial Office of Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics. All right reserved.
Qiu Y, Tao S, Yun X, Du W, Shen G, Lu C, Yu X, Cheng H, Ma J, Xue B, et al. Indoor PM2.5 Profiling with a Novel Side-Scatter Indoor Lidar. Environmental Science & Technology Letters [Internet]. 2019;6:612-616. 访问链接
He L, Wu D, Tong M. The influence of different charged poly (amido amine) dendrimer on the transport and deposition of bacteria in porous media. Water Research [Internet]. 2019;161:364-371. 访问链接Abstract
The influence of dendrimer on the bacterial transport and deposition behaviors in saturated porous media (quartz sand) was investigated in both NaCl (10 and 25 mM) and CaCl2 solutions (1.2 and 5 mM). 3.5G and 4G poly (amido amine) (PAMAM) dendrimer was employed as negatively and positively charged dendrimer, respectively. Three dendrimer concentrations (10 μg/L, 1 and 10 mg/L) were considered in present study. We found that regardless of the solution chemistry (ionic strength and ion types) and dendrimer concentrations, the presence of negatively charged PAMAM 3.5G in suspensions enhanced bacterial transport and inhibited their deposition in quartz sand; while the presence of positive charged PAMAM 4G yet induced the opposite effects (decreased bacterial transport and increased their deposition in quartz sand). The increased repulsive force between cell and quartz sand due to the adsorption of PAMAM 3.5G onto both cell and sand surfaces, the competition deposition sites as well as the steric repulsion via the suspended PAMAM 3.5G drove to the increased bacterial transport with PAMAM 3.5G copresent in suspensions in quartz sand. While the reduced repulsive force between cell and quartz sand induced by the chemical heterogeneity on both cell and sand surfaces (due to the adsorption of positive charged PAMAM 4G) increased bacterial retention in quartz sand with copresence of PAMAM 4G (10 μg/L and 1 mg/L) in suspensions. Steric repulsion due to the presence of great amount of suspended PAMAM 4G yet lead to the enhanced bacterial transport with furthering increasing PAMAM 4G to 10 mg/L relative to the lower PAMAM 4G concentration. © 2019
Baug T, de Grijs R, Dewangan L  K, Herczeg GJ, Ojha D  K, Wang K, Deng L, Bhatt B  C. Influence of Wolf-Rayet Stars on Surrounding Star-forming Molecular Clouds. \apj. 2019;885:68.
Zheng T, Wang T*, Ma R, Liu W, Cui F, Sun W. Influences of isolated fractions of natural organic matter on adsorption of Cu(II) by titanate nanotubes. Science of the Total Environment. 2019;650:1412-1418.
Zheng T, Wang T, Ma R, Liu W, Cui F, Sun W. Influences of isolated fractions of natural organic matter on adsorption of Cu(II) by titanate nanotubes. Science of The Total Environment [Internet]. 2019;650:1412 - 1418. 访问链接Abstract
With different functional groups and hydrophobic/hydrophilic properties, natural organic matters (NOMs) displayed different combining capacities with metal ions. By using XAD-4 and DAX-8 resins, NOMs in natural lake were isolated into three fractions, i.e., HoB (hydrophobic base), HoA (hydrophobic acid) and HiM (hydrophilic matter). Afterwards, influences on Cu(II) adsorption onto titanate nanotubes (TNTs) were compared with varying NOMs and initial pH. As results, HoB can significantly control Cu(II) adsorption at pH 5, with the adsorption capacity increased 15% for 0.5 mg L−1 of HoB (ca. 120 mg g−1), which could be attributed to the formation of HoB-Cu complexation and electrostatic bridge effect of HoB with optimal concentration. Due to the easier ionization and complexation with Cu(II) at lower pH, HoA showed more obvious impaction on Cu(II) adsorption at pH 2. While HiM can influence Cu(II) adsorption at all pH ranges due to its hydrophilic groups and weak affinity to both TNTs and Cu(II). Furthermore, HoB dramatically changed the Langmuir model, with sharp increase of adsorption capacity as equilibrium Cu(II) increased, suggesting its significant involvement in Cu(II) adsorption. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis revealed the absorbed Cu(II) existed in the form of TNTs‑OCu, TNTs‑COOCu and Cu(OH)2, proving Cu(II) adsorption mechanism including both direct adsorption by TNTs and bridging connection with NOMs. Moreover, the CO and OCO groups content ranked as HiM > HoB > HoA, while TNTs‑COOCu content ranked as HoA > HoB > HiM, suggesting HoB had the moderate connection with both TNTs and Cu(II), thus the impact on Cu(II) adsorption was remarkable.
Yan P. Information Bridges: Understanding the Informational Role of Network Brokerages in Polarised Online Discourses, in iConference 2019 .; 2019.
Li Y, Liu C. Information Resource, Interface, and Tasks as User Interaction Components for Digital Library Evaluation. Information Processing & Management [Internet]. 2019;56(3):704-720. 访问链接
Sun Z, Pedretti G, Ambrosi E, Bricalli A, Wang W, Ielmini D. In-memory solution of linear systems with crosspoint arrays without iterations. 2019 Device Research Conference (DRC) [Internet]. 2019. 访问链接
Jia T, Joseph R, Gu J. An instruction-driven adaptive clock management through dynamic phase scaling and compiler assistance for a low power microprocessor. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC). 2019.
Liu L, Huang G, Baetz B, Huang CZ, Zhang K. Integrated GHG emissions and emission relationships analysis through a disaggregated ecologically-extended input-output model; A case study for Saskatchewan, Canada. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews [Internet]. 2019;106:97-109. 访问链接Abstract
Facing the potential conflict between economic and environmental challenges, it is essential to investigate the integrated GHG emissions and the emission relationships of all industries in a socio-economic system to support formulation of industrially related legislation. In this study, a disaggregated ecologically-extended input-output (DECEIO) model is developed to investigate integrated GHG emissions and the emission relationships of various industries. A special case study for the Province of Saskatchewan, Canada, is conducted to illustrate the potential benefits of its use in the formulation of industrially related legislation. A disaggregated analysis that contains three GHG types and four emission sources is conducted to gain more insight into the complicated interactions between different industries. It is found that all kinds of emission sources and GHG types should be considered to comprehensively identify the characteristics of emission flows in the socio-economic system. The competitive relationships reflect good interactions in the GHG emission flows and a mutualism relationship reveals effective pathways to mitigate carbon emissions in two sectors simultaneously. In the Province of Saskatchewan, the Agriculture and Forestry sector, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution sector, Construction sector and Household Consumption sector all rank at the top for GHG emissions and their relationships are mutualistic. Thus, it is vital to propose effective industrial legislation for these industries to realize GHG emission reduction targets.
Khan AS, Yi H, Zhang L, Yu X, Mbanzamihigo E, Umuhumuza G, Ngoga T, Yevide SIA. An integrated social-ecological assessment of ecosystem service benefits in the Kagera River Basin in Eastern Africa. Regional Environmental Change. 2019;19:39-53 .Abstract
Sustaining multiple ecosystem service benefits in transboundary river basins is a complex and challenging task in the developing world. This can be attributed to conflicting conservation and human development needs and exacerbated by climate change impacts, especially episodic drought and flooding events. We use a case study from Rwanda in the Kagera River Basin in Eastern Africa to contextualize and examine how land use cover change, water access, and agro-ecosystems are vulnerable to myriad human and natural drivers of change. An integrated framework is employed for a nested social-ecological assessment of ecosystem service benefits drawing upon landscape and vulnerability mapping, agro-commodity value chains, and institutional analyses. The conceptual framework and case study provide leverage points for vertical and horizontal linkages that include cross-sectoral partnerships, multi-level governing networks, integrated water resource management, and livelihood security. Moreover, synergy between development and conservation outcomes can be achieved through joint adaptation planning and stewardship initiatives at the local district level with full participation of resource users and community leaders. These lessons from Rwanda and the Kagera River Basin provide opportunities for mainstreaming adaptation and development planning and building resilience towards regional environmental change in Eastern Africa.
Cao Z, Liu* G, Zhong S, Dai H, Pauliuk S. Integrating dynamic material flow analysis and computable general equilibrium models for both mass and monetary balances in prospective modelling: A case for Chinese building sector. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2019;53(1):224–233. 访问链接
