
Mukherjee A, Gandara M, Xu B, Li S, Shen L, TANG X, Pan D, Sun N. A 1-GS/s 20 MHz-BW Capacitive-Input Continuous-Time $ΔΣ$ ADC Using a Novel Parasitic Pole-Mitigated Fully Differential VCO. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters. 2019;2:1-4.Abstract
This letter presents a high-speed closed-loop capacitive-input voltage controlled oscillators (VCO)-based continuous-time delta sigma modulator (CTDSM) using a novel fully differential VCO topology whose parasitic pole is inherently located at a very high frequency, regardless of the number of inverters in the ring VCO. The mitigation of the parasitic pole is achieved by splitting the VCO's input transconductor into a set of distributed input transistors. Capacitive input and capacitive DAC result in a very low thermal noise front end, besides ensuring that there is no additional pole caused due to the VCO's input capacitance. A single pair of pseudo-resistors is used for providing dc negative feedback in the CTDSM. The prototype first-order 63-stage VCO-based CTDSM is fabricated in 40-nm CMOS and occupies a core area of 0.02 mm2 while achieving 63.1-dB dynamic range in 480 kHz-20.48 MHz bandwidth at 1 GS/s. This is the first work to mitigate the parasitic pole in a fully differential VCO, without relying on any additional active circuits. To the authors' best knowledge, this is also the first work to demonstrate the capacitive input in a high-speed CTDSM, without using chopping.
杨露露, 史俊杰, 张敏, 魏钟鸣, 丁一民, 吴蒙, 贺勇, 岑育朗, 郭文惠, 潘书航, et al. The 2D InSe/WS2 Heterostructure with Enhanced Optoelectronic Performance in the Visible Region. Chinese Physics Letters [Internet]. 2019;36(9):097301. 访问链接
Jin K-H, Huang H, Wang Z, Liu F. A 2D nonsymmorphic Dirac semimetal in a chemically modified group-VA monolayer with a black phosphorene structure. Nanoscale. 2019;11:7256–7262.
黄哲, 许蓓蓓, 王小文, 姚珊珊, 曹桂莹, 李曼, 曹亚英, 田耀华, 吴瑶, 黄少平, et al. 2型糖尿病患者肥胖状态与肱踝脉搏波传导速度的相关性. 中华疾病控制杂志中华疾病控制杂志. 2019;23:1086-1091.Abstract
目的探讨2型糖尿病(type 2 diabetes,T2DM)患者全身性肥胖(overall obesity,OO)、中心性肥胖(abdominal obesity,AO)状态与肱踝脉搏波传导速度(brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity,baPWV)的关联。方法以北京某社区T2DM患者为研究对象,收集人口学资料、体格检查数据、血液生化指标及baPWV。采用多元线性回归分析各肥胖指标与baPWV的关联,采用Logistic回归模型探讨肥胖状态与baPWV异常(baPWV≥1700 cm/s)的关联。结果共纳入2 048名研究对象,平均年龄(59.2±8.3)岁,baPWV异常率为49.7%。调整年龄、糖尿病病程、高血压等混杂因素后,多元线性回归发现体重指数(body mass index,BMI)与baPWV负相关、腰臀比(waist-to-hip ratio,WHR)与baPWV正相关。Logistic回归分析发现与BMI正常组相比,BMI肥胖组baPWV异常(OR=0.59,95%CI:0.44~0.78,P<0.001);与WHR正常组相比,WHR肥胖组baPWV异常(OR=1.46,95%CI:1.07~2.00,P<0.001);与既无OO也无AO组患者相比,无OO但有AO组患者baPWV异常(OR=1.67,95%CI:1.19~2.35,P=0.003)。结论 T2DM患者中,AO与baPWV间存在显著的关联,尤其是BMI不肥胖但WHR肥胖的糖尿病患者需要密切随访动脉僵硬度。
Tao Y, Cho S-G, Zhang Z. A 3.25 Gb/s, 13.2 pJ/b, 0.64 mm 2 Configurable Successive-Cancellation List Polar Decoder using Split-Tree Architecture in 40nm CMOS, in 2019 Symposium on VLSI Circuits. IEEE; 2019:C240–C241. 访问链接
Shen L, Shen Y, TANG X, Hsu C-K, Shi W, Li S, Zhao W, Mukherjee A, Sun N. 3.4 A 0.01mm2 25µW 2MS/s 74dB-SNDR Continuous-Time Pipelined-SAR ADC with 120fF Input Capacitor, in 2019 IEEE International Solid- State Circuits Conference - (ISSCC).; 2019:64-66.
Takken T, Ferencz A, Wu C-S, McAuliffe L, Jia T, Zhang X. A 48V input 0.75V output DC-DC converter power block for HPC systems and datacenters(invited), in VLSI Symposium on Circuits (VLSI).; 2019.
Huang D, Badro J, Brodholt J, Li Y. Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Molten Fe–Si–O in Earth's Core. Geophysical Research Letters [Internet]. 2019;46:6397-6405. 访问链接Abstract
Abstract Silicon and oxygen are potential light elements in Earth's core because their stronger affinity to metal observed with increasing temperature posits that significant amounts of both can be incorporated into the core. It was proposed that an Fe–Si–O liquid alloy could expel SiO2 at the core-mantle boundary during secular cooling, leaving the core with either silicon or oxygen, not both. This was recently challenged in a study showing no exsolution but immiscibility in the Fe–Si–O system. Here we investigate the liquidus field of Fe–Si and Fe–O binaries and Fe–Si–O ternaries at core-mantle boundary pressures and temperatures using ab initio molecular dynamics. We find that the liquids remain well mixed with ternary properties identical to mixing of binary properties. Two-phase simulations of solid SiO2 and liquid Fe show dissolution at temperatures above 4100 K, suggesting that SiO2 crystallization as well as liquid immiscibility in Fe–Si–O is unlikely to occur in Earth's core.
Liu K, Ostadhassan M, Xu X, Bubach B. Abnormal behavior during nanoindentation holding stage: Characterization and explanation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering [Internet]. 2019;173:733-747. 访问链接Abstract
In order to analyze the creep behavior of shale rocks, nanoindentation, a common and widely used method was employed in this study. During the experiments, an abnormal displacement behavior was observed in the holding stage which has rarely been reported. It was observed that the displacement increases with holding time followed by a decrease. Further analysis of the results showed that the reduction in the displacement could be due to elastic recovery during the holding period. The dynamic mechanical properties such as storage modulus and hardness were found to first decrease and then increase after the holding time exceeds a certain value which is inferred to elastic recovery. These findings indicate that at the beginning of the holding period, creep behavior would dominate the process while as the holding time proceed, the elastic recovery plays a more important role. Finally, we proposed a new model which includes elastic recovery to quantify the changes in displacement, storage modulus and hardness as a function of holding time.
Peng P, Zou L, Guan R. Accelerating Partial Evaluation in Distributed SPARQL Query Evaluation, in 35th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, ICDE 2019, Macao, China, April 8-11, 2019.; 2019:112–123. link
Huang J, Chen Y. Accuracy evaluation and correction of the element integration based on a geometric index in the boundary element method. Qinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua UniversityQinghua Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Tsinghua University. 2019;59:953-960.Abstract
This paper presents a scheme to evaluate the element integration accuracy for the boundary element method based on a singular geometric index to improve the accuracy of the final solution. The singular geometric index is defined as the ratio of the shortest distance from the source point to the integral element to the element length. For a discretized boundary mesh, the upper bound of the quadrature error is used to obtain the relationship between the singular geometric index and the element integration accuracy with the integrated accuracies of all the elements estimated from the node geometries. Furthermore, the maximum relative error of the solution which is a global precision index is estimated from the matrix error transfer formula. If the index is larger than a threshold, some of the element integrals are not accurate and should be corrected to improve the solution accuracy. This method uses the sinh transformation method to correct the element integrals of low accuracy elements. Numerical results show that this method can guarantee the accuracy of the overall stiffness matrix coefficient of the boundary element method and the final solution accuracy using only the geometric node information. This scheme does not need to change the original calculation, requires little additional computational cost, and can be easily implemented. © 2019, Tsinghua University Press. All right reserved.
Chen L, et al. Accurate and fast synchrophasor estimator for distribution networks. Measurement Science and Technology. 2019;30(12).
Wu H, Fu P, Yang X, Morris JP, Johnson TC, Settgast RR, Ryerson FJ. Accurate imaging of hydraulic fractures using templated electrical resistivity tomography. Geothermics [Internet]. 2019;81:74-87. 访问链接
Guan TJ, Xue T, Gao SH, Hu M, Liu X, Qiu XH, Liu XH, Zhu T. Acute and chronic effects of ambient fine particulate matter on preterm births in Beijing, China: A time-series model. Science of the Total Environment. 2019;650:1671-1677.Abstract
Accumulating evidence suggests that short- and long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate matter <= 2.5 mu m (PM2.5) during pregnancy is associated with preterm births, yet the results are inconsistent, and the shape of the exposure-response curve is unclear, partially due to the limited studies conducted in areas with high air pollution. Our study evaluated the association between ambient PM2.5 concentration and preterm births in Beijing, China.Daily preterm birth data were collected from a hospital in Beijing during 2006 to 2013; a time-series of daily PM2.5 concentrations during the same period is assembled with measured data at three monitoring sites in Beijing. An extension of the Poisson regression and a time-series model were applied to simultaneously estimate the acute and chronic effects of exposure to PM2.5, with mutual adjustment for short- and long-term exposure as well as for confounders.During the study period, the PM2.5 concentration was 70.4 +/- 60.6 mu g/m(3) and was found to be associated with an increased risk of preterm birth. In the study cohort, a 0.52% (95% confidence interval, CI: 0.09%, 0.96%) and 3.13% (95% CI: 1.92%, 4.35%) increase in preterm births was estimated for each 10-mu g/m(3) increase in short-and long-term exposure, respectively. This association was significantly modified by season (p < 0.05). With mutual adjustments for short- and long-term exposure, a more robust association (3.16%, 95% CI: 1.95%, 4.39%; per 10-mu g/m(3) increment in PM2.5) was observed for chronic effects. The exposure-response relationships for both short- and long-term exposure were linear, without a threshold, over the relatively low exposure range and flattened out at higher concentration levels. The maximum effect for long-term exposure to PM2.5 (33.6%) was much greater than that for short-term exposure (19.9%). These findings indicate that air quality improvements over a long period could yield significant health benefits. (C) 2018 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Yang W, Son M, Rossi R, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Adapting aluminum-doped zinc oxide for electrically conductive membranes fabricated by atomic layer deposition. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 2019;12:963–969.
Yang W, Son M, Rossi R, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Adapting aluminum-doped zinc oxide for electrically conductive membranes fabricated by atomic layer deposition. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2019;12(1):963-969.
Yang W, Son M, Rossi R, Vrouwenvelder JS, Logan BE. Adapting Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide for Electrically Conductive Membranes Fabricated by Atomic Layer Deposition. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2019;12:963–969.
Jia T, Joseph R, Gu J. An adaptive clock management scheme exploiting instruction-based dynamic timing slack for general-purpose graphic processor unit with deep pipeline and out-of-order execution, in International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2019.
Peng P, Zou L, Chen L, Zhao D. Adaptive Distributed RDF Graph Fragmentation and Allocation based on Query Workload. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. [Internet]. 2019;31:670–685. link
Wang J, Yang Y, Huang J, Adhikari B. Adaptive irrigation measures in response to extreme weather events: Empirical evidence from the North China plain. Regional Environmental Change. 2019;19:1009–1022.
