
Yan W, Huang Q, Wang Y, Ni Z, Peng K, Zhang P. Hope as the mediator in the relation between resilience and life satisfaction among Tibetan orphans. SAGE OPEN [Internet]. 2024;14(2). 访问链接Abstract
As an extremely disadvantaged group, orphans have received extensive attention from researchers. However, previous research focused on their survival status and psychological distress. The present study aims to explore the mechanism of orphans’ life satisfaction from the perspective of positive psychology. We conducted a survey among Tibetan orphans (n = 131) and compared the results with Tibetan non-orphans (n = 134). A mediation model was used to assess associations between resilience and life satisfaction, and the intermediary role of dimensions of hope (agency thinking and pathways thinking). Results indicated that, among orphans, agency thinking acted as a mediator in the mediation model, while pathways thinking did not. Moreover, hope dimensions did not play mediating roles between resilience and life satisfaction among non-orphans. The results highlighted that resilience is of vital importance for orphans’ life satisfaction. It was expected to inspire psychologists to develop specific interventions on resilience for orphans to enhance their internal resources (such as agency thinking of hope) and life satisfaction.
Sheng M, Zhang P. “How I Form and Escape Information Cocoons”: An Interview Study of Users on Short Video Apps. International Conference on Information. 2024:129-138.
Xu L, Bai X, Li K, Zhang G, Zhang M, Hu M, Huang Y. Human Exposure to Ambient Atmospheric Microplastics in a Megacity: Spatiotemporal Variation and Associated Microorganism-Related Health Risk. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2024;58:3702-3713. 访问链接Abstract
Microplastics are found in various human tissues and are considered harmful, raising concerns about human exposure to microplastics in the environment. Existing research has analyzed indoor and occupational scenarios, but long-term monitoring of ambient atmospheric microplastics (AMPs), especially in highly polluted urban regions, needs to be further investigated. This study estimated human environmental exposure to AMPs by considering inhalation, dust ingestion, and dermal exposure in three urban functional zones within a megacity. The annual exposure quantity was 7.37 * 104 items for children and 1.06 * 105 items for adults, comparable with the human microplastic consumption from food and water. Significant spatiotemporal differences were observed in the characteristics of AMPs that humans were exposed to, with wind speed and rainfall frequency mainly driving these changes. The annual human AMP exposure quantity in urban green land spaces, which were recognized as relatively low polluted zones, was comparable with that in public service zones and residential zones. Notably, significant positive correlations between the AMP characteristics and the pathogenicity of the airborne bacterial community were discovered. AMP size and immune-mediated disease risks brought by atmospheric microbes showed the most significant relationship, where Sphingomonas might act as the potential key mediator.
Wu D, Wu X, Qu T. A HYBRID DEEP-ONLINE LEARNING BASED METHOD FOR ACTIVE NOISE CONTROLIN WAVE DOMAIN, in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). COEX, Seoul, Korea; 2024.
Ge Z, Li L, Qu T. A Hybrid Time and Time-frequency Domain Implicit NeuralRepresentation for Acoustic Fields, in the AES 156th Convention. Madrid, Spain; 2024:Express paper 196.Abstract
Creating an immersive scene relies on detailed spatial sound. Traditional methods, using probe points for impulse responses, need lots of storage. Meanwhile, geometry-based simulations struggle with complex sound effects. Now, neural-based methods are improving accuracy and slashing storage needs. In our study, we propose a hybrid time and time-frequency domain strategy to model the time series of Ambisonic acoustic fields. The networks excels in generating high-fidelity time-domain impulse responses at arbitrary source-recceiver positions by learning a continuous representation of the acoustic field. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model outperforms baseline methods in various aspects of sound representation and rendering for different source-receiver positions.
Zhou Y, Shao H, Zhu R, Luo W, Huang W, Shan L, HUANG R, Tang K. Hybrid-FE-Layer FeFET With High Linearity and Endurance Toward On-Chip CIM by Array Demonstration. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2024;45:276-279.
Hydrolysis reactivity reveals significant seasonal variation in the composition of organic peroxides in ambient PM2.5
Dai YS, Chen ZM, Qin X, Dong P, Xu JY, Hu JC, Gu LH, Chen SY. Hydrolysis reactivity reveals significant seasonal variation in the composition of organic peroxides in ambient PM2.5. Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2024;927:172143. 访问链接Abstract
Atmospheric organic peroxides (POs) play a key role in the formation of O3 and secondary organic aerosol (SOA), impacting both air quality and human health. However, there still remain technical challenges in investigating the reactivity of POs in ambient aerosols due to the instability and lack of standards for POs, impeding accurate evaluation of their environmental impacts. In the present study, we conducted the first attempt to categorize and quantify POs in ambient PM2.5 through hydrolysis, which is an important transformation pathway for POs, thus revealing the reactivities of various POs. POs were generally categorized into hydrolyzable POs (HPO) and unhydrolyzable POs (UPO). HPO were further categorized into three groups: short-lifetime HPO (S-HPO), intermediate-lifetime HPO (I-HPO), and long-lifetime HPO (L-HPO). S-HPO and L-HPO are typically formed from Criegee intermediate (CI) and RO2 radical reactions, respectively. Results show that L-HPO are the most abundant HPO, indicating the dominant role of RO2 pathway in HPO formation. Despite their lower concentration compared to L-HPO, S-HPO make a major contribution to the HPO hydrolysis rate due to their faster rate constants. The hydrolysis of PM2.5 POs accounts for 19% of the nighttime gas-phase H2O2 growth during the summer observation, constituting a noteworthy source of gas-phase H2O2 and contributing to the atmospheric oxidation capacity. Seasonal and weather conditions significantly impact the composition of POs, with HPO concentrations in summer being significantly higher than those in winter and elevated under rainy and nighttime conditions. POs are mainly composed of HPO in summer, while in winter, POs are dominated by UPO.
Shao H, Fu B, Yang J, Luo W, Su C, Fu Z, Tang K, HUANG R. IMCE: An In-Memory Computing and Encrypting Hardware Architecture for Robust Edge Security, in 2024 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE).; 2024:1-6.
Gu J. The impact of national tourism day festivals on inbound tourism: A spatial difference-in-differences approach. Tourism Economics [Internet]. 2024;30(2):417-441. 访问链接Abstract
A comprehensive and accurate assessment of the policy effect of national tourism days is of great significance to further promote urban inbound tourism. Based on the panel data of 59 cities in China from 2000 to 2017, this paper evaluates the local and spatial spillover effects of the China Tourism Day policy on urban inbound tourism using a spatial difference-in-differences model based on the establishment of the China Tourism Day as a quasi-natural experiment. The study found that the China Tourism Day policy significantly increased the number of foreign tourists in cities but significantly reduced their average length of stay, with a positive spatial spillover effect on inbound tourism in surrounding cities.
Gu J. The Impact of Regional Patent Policies on University Technology Transfer: Empirical Evidence from China. Journal of the Knowledge Economy [Internet]. 2024;000(000):1-27. 访问链接Abstract
The low commercialization rate of academic patents is a common challenge for developing countries. This study evaluates the impact of provincial policies on the commercialization of academic patents using spatial regression models and propensity score matching methods. It also provides a reference for optimizing university patent management. Considering provincial patent policies enacted in China in 2016 as the treatment, the results show no significant effect of provincial patent policies on rights definition and implementation economics on the commercialization of academic patents. However, promotion standard policies have a significant positive effect on the commercialization of academic patents. A significant negative spatial spillover effect is observed on the commercialization of academic patents among universities with similar innovation capabilities. Furthermore, non-geographic distances, such as innovation distance, positively affect competition among universities and their commercialization of academic patents. Therefore, local governments should consider the needs of academic inventors for title promotion when designing and introducing patent incentive policies for universities.
Zhu R, Zhou Y, Sun C, Huang W, Dong J, HUANG R, Tang K. Improved Memory Density and Endurance by a Novel 1T3C FeFET for BEOL Multi-level Cell Memory, in 2024 8th IEEE Electron Devices Technology & Manufacturing Conference (EDTM).; 2024:1-3.
Wang Z, Wang Y, Zhang Q, Wang F. Influence of Confucianism and Taoism on self-construal and thinking style: an intervention study. The Journal of Social Psychology [Internet]. 2024;164(5):622-639. 访问链接Abstract
Using original texts of Confucian and Taoist primary classics as materials, we conducted an eight-week educational intervention experiment combining classroom teaching and post-class reflection as cultural manipulation. Ninety-four sixth-grade students from three parallel mainstream classes were randomly assigned to three intervention groups, comprising two experimental groups (Confucian and Taoist values interventions) and a control group (natural science intervention). The results suggest that the Confucian intervention had a positive effect on interdependent self and holistic thinking, the Taoist intervention had a positive effect on independent self and holistic thinking, and the natural science intervention promoted analytical thinking.
Chen Z, Ma Y, Li K, Jia Y, Li G, Wu M, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. An In-Memory Computing Accelerator with Reconfigurable Dataflow for Multi-Scale Vision Transformer with Hybrid Topology, in Design Automation Conference (DAC).; 2024.
Chen Z, Ma* Y, Li K, Jia Y, Li G, Wu M, Jia T, Ye L, HUANG R. An In-Memory Computing Accelerator with Reconfigurable Dataflow for Multi-Scale Vision Transformer with Hybrid Topology. ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Li Y, Zhang S, Guo Z, Wang L, Qiao L, Chen Y, Fan G, Sun C, Sun Y, Liu YJ, et al. An in-situ versatile screening method for identifying SVOC sources in indoor environments. Environment International [Internet]. 2024;189:108794. 访问链接Abstract
Indoor semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) pose a substantial threat to human health. However, identifying the sources of these emissions has been challenging owing to the scarcity of convenient and practical on-site methodologies. Herein, a novel method for source screening was proposed using aluminum silicate sampling strips to adsorb SVOCs from the surface air of indoor materials. The adsorbed SVOC levels indicate the emission intensity of these materials into indoor environments. Additionally, compact sampling strips can be readily fixed to any vertical surface using a static sticker, facilitating the characterization of various materials in practical settings. Laboratory-simulated experiments demonstrated the capability of the proposed method to differentiate between source and non-source materials within a 10-cm distance in the same space. In practical scenarios, the primary emission sources identified via this method exhibited a consistent correlation with the contents of the corresponding materials obtained from the traditional solvent-extraction method. As the adsorbed SVOCs were directly transferred to a GC–MS through thermal desorption instead of the solvent-extraction procedure, the proposed method demonstrated several-fold improvements in analytical sensitivity and efficiency. Using this versatile screening technique, some emerging and important SVOC species were identified within specific indoor materials. Eliminating these sources has been demonstrated as an effective approach to mitigate SVOC pollution. Overall, the proposed method offers a powerful tool for managing indoor pollutants and safeguarding human health.
Liu Q, Wu X, Huang X, Zhu D, Meng Q, Zhu D, Xu H, Liu J, Li P, Zhou Z, et al. Integrated geochemical identification of natural hydrogen sources. Science Bulletin [Internet]. 2024;69:2993-2996. 访问链接
Pan Z, Trusler MJP, Jin Z, Zhang K. Interfacial property determination from dynamic pendant-drop characterizations. Nature Protocols [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接Abstract
The properties of the interface between materials have practical implications in various fields, encompassing capillary action, foam and emulsion stability, adhesion properties of materials and mass and heat transfer processes. Studying the dynamics of interfaces is also fundamental for understanding intermolecular interactions, change of molecular conformations and molecular aggregations. Pendant-drop tensiometry and its extension, the oscillating drop method, are simple, versatile methods used to measure surface tension, interfacial tension and interfacial rheological properties. These methods can, however, generate unreliable results because of inadequate material preparation, an incorrect calibration method, inappropriate selection of data for analysis, neglect of optical influences or operating the system outside the linear viscoelastic regime. In addition, many studies fail to report accurate uncertainties. This protocol addresses all these critical points and provides detailed descriptions of some operation tips relating to purifying methods for different kinds of material, the time frame for analyzing measurement data, the correction method for optical effects, implementation of the oscillating method with a common programmable pump and remedies for some common problems encountered during the measurement. Examples of interfacial tension measurements for two- and three-phase systems, as well as interfacial dilational modulus measurements for N2 and surfactant solutions, are provided to illustrate procedural details and results. A single measurement takes minutes to hours to complete, while the entire protocol, including the leak test, cleaning, repeated measurements and data analysis, may take several days.
Ji X, Huang Z, Ohno Y, Inoue K, Nagai Y, Sakaida Y, Uratani H, Sun J, Shigekawa N, Liang J, et al. Interfacial reaction boosts thermal conductance of room‐temperature integrated semiconductor interfaces stable up to 1100° C. Advanced Electronic Materials. 2024:2400387.
Fu Y, Sun X, Kayimu K, Chen G, Wang Y, Yang F. Intimate partner violence in the context of infertility: voices from women seeking assisted reproductive technology treatment and clinicians’ perspectives. Reproductive Health. 2024;21(1):164.
Li Y, Ma X, Lu K, Gao Y, Xu W, Yang X, Zhang Y. Investigation of the Cyclohexene Oxidation Mechanism Through the Direct Measurement of Organic Peroxy Radicals. Environmental Science & Technology. 2024;58(44):11.
