
贾积有, 张誉月. 人工智能与教育:机遇、挑战与对策. 北京大学教育评论. 2023;21(01):49-61+188-189.Abstract
刘智锋;吴亚平;王继民. 人工智能内容生成技术对知识生产与扩散的影响. 情报杂志. 2023.
祁应军, 李文军, 贾翔宇, 姹苏. 从“破碎化”到草场资源重新整合使用——理论构建与政策启示. 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版). 2023;40.
Wu C-Y. 何必写信:罗马帝国总督的沟通问题[Why Write Letters: Communication Issues of Roman Imperial Governors], in 北京大学“历史与文学文本中的古代帝国”人文论坛[Humanities Forum on "Ancient Empires in Historical and Literary Texts". Peking University; 2023.Abstract
The newly discovered gubernatorial edict from Laodicea, in which the proconsul of Asia (likely Marcus Ostorius? Scapula) issued a series of orders, contains references to precedents from his predecessors, including edicts from the proconsul Cornelius Tacitus and his deputy Saenius Sabinus, and a letter from the proconsul Vicirius Martialis. Why did Martialis issue a letter instead of an edict? What was the function of Martialis' correspondence, and what did it achieve? In Oliver, Greek Constitutions, pp. 20-21, Augustus and later principates continued to use written proclamations in edict form as a way of communicating with provincials, a tradition practiced by Roman magistrates in the Republic. We also learn that edicts were essentially "open letters to whom it might concern," and were not unlike epistles in terms of preparation, at times not carefully distinguished by the secretaries that prepared them. If there were edict and epistolary forms, it is not immediately clear how they differed in function and perception, both from the perspective of the senders and their intended recipients. Gubernatorial communications have received treatment by Meyer-Zweiffelhoffer (2002), Kokkinia (2003, 2004) Lavan (2013). Kokkinia states that there are approximately 90 examples, and they point to the pattern in which most governors were acting upon local requests to interevene (Kokkinia 2004: 49). If the purpose was to intervene, at what point will an epistle be no longer enough, but an edict will? This paper will first use Paulus Fabius Maximus' letter-edict to discuss a classical case in which an attempt to write a letter took a sinister turn towards an edict. We will then examine a range of cases including those from the Opramoas dossier to consider the various epistolary approaches that the Roman governors took in responding to local situations. The paper will use this assembled corpus to interpret the Vicirius Martialis' letter from both its immediate communicative context and also the general tradition in official correspondence. This paper also touches on the broader question of why governors need to write letters, when they could have just issued edicts, and what letters can do that edicts could not.
向伟. 作为风俗画的日本绘卷《病草纸》——兼与宋代图像相比较. 古代文明 [Internet]. 2023;17(1):142-155+160. 访问链接Abstract
元尺考. 故宫博物院院刊 [Internet]. 2023. 访问链接
马啸、马佳磊、严洁. 公民因何遵从:政策执行中的价值认同与社会规范. 新视野 [Internet]. 2023. 知网链接Abstract
魏一璞. 利用视觉情境范式揭示口语加工的时间进程 [Visual world paradigm reveals the time course of spoken language processing]. 心理科学进展 [Advances in Psychological Science] [Internet]. 2023;31(11):2050-2062. Full textAbstract
The visual world paradigm (VWP) is a widely used tool in psycholinguistics to study the time course of spoken language processing (Cooper, 1974; Tanenhaus et al., 1995). In this paradigm, eye movements are tracked while participants listen to spoken language and view visual scenes, providing precise temporal information about the processing of words and sentences. As acoustic input unfolds, comprehenders’ focus of attention on particular entities in the mental representations of spoken language changes, and their visual attention also shifts accordingly (Altmann & Mirkovi, 2009). Such allocation of attention can be manifested in eye movements as overt behavioral data. Linking hypotheses of this field link eye movements in visual contexts with the mental representations of linguistic input. The coordinated interplay account proposed by Knoeferle and Crocker (2006, 2007) defines three phases in visually situated spoken language comprehension: integrating new words, searching for referents in visual contexts and matching linguistic input with objects and actions in the visual contexts. These three phases may take place sequentially or overlap with one another in time. An alternative linking hypothesis raised by Altmann and Mirkovi (2009), however, suggested that the processes of interpreting linguistic input and comprehending visual scenes are intertwined, as linguistic meanings and non-linguistic information (e.g., visual information and world knowledge) are stored in one unitary system and jointly contribute to the dynamic representation of situations. Salverda et al.’s (2011) goal-based linking hypothesis introduces a task-goal dimension into the theoretical model. That is, the goal of the task also affects language processing: Visual objects that are directly related to this goal would attract more attention; and additional tasks such as clicking or moving objects contribute to the goal structure of the task and directly influence eye movements. The assets visual world paradigm has brought to the field—(i) the possibility to include a visual dimension in linguistic processing; (ii) a fine-grained time course measure of eye movements in real-time language comprehension—have greatly expanded the range of experimental designs for language studies. As the VWP relies primarily on listening tasks and does not require subjects to have full literacy skills in reading, it can be applied to examine language processing in young children, second language learners, and people with specific language impairments. Dependent variables in a VWP experiment include fixation proportions, target ratio, latency of saccades, etc. Factors such as areas of interest, groups and experimental conditions can be included as independent variables. To make use of the fine-grained time-course data provided by the VWP, including a temporal dimension to the analytical models is crucial. While traditional analyses evaluate fixation/saccade differences between conditions during a time window (using t-test, ANOVA, and mixed-effect models), the divergent point analysis and cluster‑based permutation analysis are informative in detecting and comparing the emergence time of effects (Ito & Knoeferle, 2022). The growth-curve analysis, on the other hand, models the changes of looks to an interest area over time (Mirman, 2008). Studies fueled by the VWP have revealed that language processing is incremental or even predictive, in contrast to the findings of earlier studies supporting delayed integration of language. At the early stage of word recognition, phonological cohorts compete with the target, and listeners may use phonetic information to anticipate upcoming words. The processing of semantic information in verb-argument and classifier-noun structures, for example, is highly incremental or anticipatory. Discourse processing, including referential processing and the comprehension of coherence relations, is also found to be immediate. In addition, the VWP has shown that the syntactic and pragmatic processing is in accordance with the constraint-based account (Trueswell et al., 1994)—multiple types of information including syntactic structures and pragmatic implicatures, form constraints to language processing at the very early stage, alongside other constraints such as contextual features, visual information, world knowledge, etc. The VWP is limited in the sense that it cannot provide data on processing time and therefore cannot answer questions related to processing difficulties in language comprehension. Moreover, the VWP experiments can only present a limited number of static objects in visual space, which also differs from the complex visual environment of natural conversation. In experimental settings where only a limited number of objects are presented, listeners may anticipate linguistic input in advance and look strategically at certain objects (Henderson & Ferreira, 2004; see counter-argument in Dahan & Tanenhaus, 2004). Developments of the VWP are driven by both theoretical and technological advances. For future studies, investigating the role of task-goal in real-time language processing situated in visual contexts is important. Technological innovations such as virtual reality (VR) create comparatively natural communication scenarios while maintaining precise experimental control, largely improving the ecological validity of eye-tracking experiments using the VWP.
张忞煜. 印度中学历史教科书的“去莫卧儿”风波. 世界知识. 2023;(13):62-64.
张忞煜. 去殖民化,印度总理莫迪的“政治软饮”. 世界知识. 2023;(1):65-67.
陈昂轩, 刘怀亚 贾积有 张君 徐玄冲. 双重身份学生自适应学习模型的构建与实证研究. 现代教育技术. 2023;33(10):108-117.
余典、马佳磊、吴小希. 发展政治学代表学者. In: 《发展政治学学科地图》. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2023. pp. 437-448. 豆瓣链接Abstract
马佳磊、余典、张逸凡. 发展政治学经典著作. In: 《发展政治学学科地图》. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2023. pp. 449-455. 豆瓣链接Abstract
对发展政治学这样一门尚在不断发展中的学科而言,其研究深度和广度的拓展离不开对核心概念、经典议题及研究范式的把握。前辈学者在开创和探索的过程中已然渐次铺展开一幅发展政治学的“学科地图”,而作为其思想凝练的产物, 经典著作为发展政治学的研究者提供了参考和超越的“地标”。有鉴于此,在兼顾和平衡学科内不同研究问题、方法和范式的基础上,本章介绍在发展政治学领域具有代表性的经典著作。
Wu C-Y. 古罗马的立法说服文化:婚姻法制化的案例研究 [Legislative Persuasion Culture in Ancient Rome: A Case Study of Legalization of Marriage Laws], in 北京大学—首都师范大学 世界史青年学者学术交流会[Academic Exchange Conference for Young Scholars in World History between Peking University and Capital Normal University]. 首都师范大学 Capital Normal University; 2023.Abstract
奥古斯都三度受元老院与人民任命,出任法律道德监管(curator legum et morum, 19 BCE, 18 BCE, 11 BCE, cf. RGDA 6, Dio Cass. 54.30.1, Suet. Aug. 27),推动婚姻立法,塑造新罗马社会,但多有面对社会面不满的压力(RGDA 8; Eck 2022)。本文先考虑奥古斯都时期婚姻立法过程中,持不同立场的人士所使用的说服手段,以诗人贺拉斯和普罗佩提乌斯为代表。再来,本文看迪奥卡西乌斯笔下的奥古斯都面对骑士序列人士的两段演说(Dio Cass. 56.1-10),虽然较贺拉斯和普罗佩提乌斯而言,成文的时间距奥古斯都时期较远,但应有一定的参考价值。最后,本文也考虑一般学界不列入考虑的铭刻材料。公元前17年的《世纪竞赛元老院决议文》(Senatus Consultum de ludibus saecularibus)以及公元8年前后的《涂丽雅悼词》(Laudatio Turiae)等铭文石刻,或有助于我们理解不同层次的反应与反制。铭文勒石不只是一种昭示性质的行为,也是一种表演性质的行为。这两方在婚姻立法过程中立起的石刻,与婚姻、生育、单身、无子等议题相关,应该要与婚姻立法问题更为紧密地考虑。本文主张,这两方石刻可以理解为支持与反对婚姻立法人士要试图说明自己立场、并说服不同立场者的公开尝试,反应的是奥古斯都为道德监管的大环境下,罗马公民仍然留存的共识文化。
吴仲达, 梁婧涵, 陆昌勤. 可持续职业生涯:概念、管理策略与研究展望. 外国经济与管理 [Internet]. 2023;45(6). 访问链接Abstract
在职业环境不断变化且充满不确定性的时代,实现职业生涯的可持续发展对于 组织和员工个体都十分重要的。因此,可持续职业生涯的话题应运而生,并成为职业生涯领域 前沿性的理论构念。国外学者已对此进行了较深入的探讨与研究,但尚未引起国内学者的充分 关注,且缺乏系统的整理。鉴于此,本文旨在对可持续职业生涯这一新概念的内涵以及研究进 展进行系统的评述,并阐述其在不确定职业生涯环境下对组织与个体职业生涯管理的意义。首 先,我们介绍了可持续职业生涯这一概念的提出背景、内涵界定、理论解读和影响因素;然后, 进一步从个体、组织,以及非工作领域三个方面阐述了如何实现可持续职业生涯;最后,评述了 可持续职业生涯的最新研究进展,并提出了六个值得深入探讨的未来研究方向。本文旨在为理 解可持续职业生涯的研究及进展提供整体性的框架,并为不确定环境下的职业生涯管理实践 提供有价值的建议。
刘智锋;王继民. 可解释机器学习在信息资源管理领域的应用研究综述. 数据分析与知识发现. 2023.
唐震怡, 张鹏翼. 团队成员态度分化程度对知识构建过程的影响研究. 图书情报工作. 2023;67(11):77.
董申, 马莉萍. 国际比较视角下的通识教育实施体系研究. 河北师范大学学报(教育科学版) [Internet]. 2023;25(01):71-78. 访问链接Abstract
谢小荣, 陈垒 马宁宁 等.; 2023. 基于多分量 Morlet 小波的高频振荡相量测量方法及装置. China patent CN ZL 202111109397.4.
贾积有, 乐惠骁 张誉月 刘怀亚 陈昂. 基于大数据挖掘的智能评测和辅导系统设计. 中国电化教育. 2023;2023(3):112-119.
