
Yuan W, Huang RJ, Yang L, Wang T, Duan J, Guo J, Ni H, Chen Y, Chen Q, Li Y, et al. Measurement report: PM2.5-bound nitrated aromatic compounds in Xi'an, Northwest China – seasonal variations and contributions to optical properties of brown carbon. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021;21:3685-3697.
Tan T, Hu M, Du Z, Zhao G, Shang D, Zheng J, Qin Y, Li M, Wu Y, Zeng L, et al. Measurement report: Strong light absorption induced by aged biomass burning black carbon over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau in pre-monsoon season. Atmospheric Chemistry and PhysicsAtmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2021;21:8499-8510.
Jiang X, Yang H, Lin G, Dang W, Yu A, Zhang J, Gu M, Xin B. Measurements and predictions of harmful releases of the gathering station over the mountainous terrain. Journal of loss prevention in the process industries. 2021;71:104485.Abstract
Having a risk analysis of harmful releases over mountainous terrains through wind tunnel experiment is a frontier problem in China. In this paper, a straight-flow wind tunnel is applied to simulate the atmospheric boundary layer and research the motion of high-sulfur gas released to atmosphere when accidental releases occur in a gathering station over the mountainous terrain. After an analysis of hourly concentration in the field accident for eight wind directions, experimental results reveal that nearby concentration fields are dominated by wind and far-field concentration distribution is dominated by topography, which leads to complete levels of consequence impact for the personnel risk inside and around the gathering station. Based on CFD techniques, a three-dimensional modelling was established in comparison with the wind tunnel experiment, which suggests that CFD prediction had underestimated the near-field gas concentration and the performance could not precisely match actual risks the gathering station causes to the mountainous terrain, which leads to a modified equation for numerical prediction. Instead of proposing a lower personnel risk evaluation obtained through the use of CFD techniques, the wind tunnel experiment offers a new choice for the consequence impact analysis for the petrochemical industry in China.
Rao S, Xue H, Teuwen DE, Shi H, Yi H. Measurements of quality of village-level care and patients’ healthcare-seeking behaviors in rural China. BMC Public Health [Internet]. 2021;21(1):1-13. 访问链接Abstract
Background Although the progress in global health initiatives has improved the availability of primary health care (PHC), unqualified healthcare remains a serious challenge in low- and middle-income countries, where PHC is often underutilized. This study examines factors associated with patients’ healthcare-seeking behaviors in rural Chin—seeking healthcare at village-level PHC providers, at higher-level health facilities, self-medicating, and refraining from seeking medical help. We focus on provider-side factors, including (1) the unobservable quality indicator, (2) the observable quality indicator, and (3) the observable signal indicator. Methods We analyzed 1578 episodes of healthcare-seeking behaviors of patients with diarrhea or cough/runny nose symptom from surveys conducted in July 2017 and January 2018 in 114 villages of the Yunnan province. We investigated the correlation between quality-related factors with patients’ healthcare-seeking behaviors by multinomial logit regression. Results We found that rural patients were insensitive to the unobservable quality of healthcare providers, as measured by standardized clinical vignettes, which might be attributable to the credence nature of PHC. The observable quality indicator, whether the clinician has received full-time junior college formal medical education, was associated with patients’ healthcare choices. Patients, however, were more likely to select healthcare based on the observable signal indicator, which was measured by the availability of medicines. Additionally, the observable signal indicator had no significant association with two quality indicators. Notably, socioeconomically-disadvantaged patients relied more on the village-level PHC, which emphasized the role of PHC in promoting the welfare of rural populations. Conclusions Our study found an inconsistency between objective quality of healthcare provided by providers and subjective quality perceived by patients. Patients could not identify the actual quality of PHC precisely, while they were more likely to make decisions based on the observable signal indicator. Therefore, the quality of PHC should be more observable to patients. This study not only supplements the literature on healthcare-seeking choices by examining four types of behaviors simultaneously but also clarifies rural patients’ perceptions of the quality of PHC for policy decision-making on increasing the utilization of PHC and improving the medical welfare of the vulnerable.
Li W, Huang S, Yuan B, Guo S, Shao M. Mechanism, measurement techniques and their application for particulate organonitrates. Zhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental ScienceZhongguo Huanjing Kexue/China Environmental Science. 2021;41:3017-3028.
Yang F, Zou X, Xiong M, Hall BJ, Sakyi K, Ong JJ, Bodomo A, Cao H, Yang B, Wang C. Mental health on the move: An observational study to characterize post-migration depression symptoms among migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa in China. Journal of psychosomatic research. 2021;149:110602.
Schlosser P, Tin A, Matias-Garcia PR, Thio CHL, Joehanes R, Liu H, Weihs A, Yu Z, Hoppmann A, Grundner-Culemann F, et al. Meta-analyses identify DNA methylation associated with kidney function and damage. Nat CommunNat Commun. 2021;12:7174.Abstract
Chronic kidney disease is a major public health burden. Elevated urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio is a measure of kidney damage, and used to diagnose and stage chronic kidney disease. To extend the knowledge on regulatory mechanisms related to kidney function and disease, we conducted a blood-based epigenome-wide association study for estimated glomerular filtration rate (n = 33,605) and urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratio (n = 15,068) and detected 69 and seven CpG sites where DNA methylation was associated with the respective trait. The majority of these findings showed directionally consistent associations with the respective clinical outcomes chronic kidney disease and moderately increased albuminuria. Associations of DNA methylation with kidney function, such as CpGs at JAZF1, PELI1 and CHD2 were validated in kidney tissue. Methylation at PHRF1, LDB2, CSRNP1 and IRF5 indicated causal effects on kidney function. Enrichment analyses revealed pathways related to hemostasis and blood cell migration for estimated glomerular filtration rate, and immune cell activation and response for urinary albumin-to-creatinineratio-associated CpGs.
Zhang Q, Wang Y, Yu N, Ding H, Li D, Zhao X*. Metabolic syndrome predicts incident disability and functional decline among Chinese older adults: results from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 2021:1-8.
Yang Z, Zhou Q, Sun H, Jia L, Zhao L, Wu W. Metagenomic analyses of microbial structure and metabolic pathway in solid-phase denitrification systems for advanced nitrogen removal of wastewater treatment plant effluent: A pilot-scale study. WATER RESEARCH. 2021;196.Abstract
The pilot-scale solid-phase denitrification systems supporting with poly(3-hydroxybutyrateco-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) and PHBV-sawdust were constructed for advanced nitrogen removal from wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) effluent, and the impacts of biomass blended carbon source on microbial community structure, functions and metabolic pathways were analyzed by metagenomic sequencing. PHBV-sawdust system achieved the optimal denitrification performance with higher NO3- - N removal efficiency (96.58%), less DOC release (9.00 +/- 4.16 mg L–(1)) and NH4+-N accumulation (0.37 +/- 0.32 mg L (- 1)) than PHBV system. Metagenomic analyses verified the significant differences in the structure of microbial community between systems and the presence of four anaerobic anammox bacteria. Compared with PHBV, the utilization of PHBV-sawdust declined the relative abundance of genes encoding enzymes for NH4+-N generation and increased the relative abundance of genes encoding enzymes involved in anammox, which contributed to the reduction of NH4+-N in effluent. What's more, the encoding gene for electrons generation in glycolysis metabolism obtained higher relative abundance in PHBV-sawdust system. A variety of lignocellulase encoding genes were significantly enriched in PHBV-sawdust system, which guaranteed the stable carbon supply and continuous operation of system. The results of this study are expected to provide theoretical basis and data support for the promotion of solid-phase denitrification. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Qi Q, Yue H, Zhang Z, Nostrand JDV, Wu L, Guo X, Huang Y. Microbial functional responses explain alpine soil carbon fluxes under future climate scenarios. mBio [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Gao Q, Gao S, Bates C, Zeng Y, Huang Y. The microbial network property as a bio-indicator of antibiotic transmission in the environment. Science of the Total Environment [Internet]. 2021. 访问链接
Cong C, Chen Y, Huang Z, Bai S. A micromechanics model to predict effective thermal conductivity of rGO/MMT/polymer composites. Journal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied PhysicsJournal of Applied Physics. 2021;129:155108.Abstract
In recent years, enhanced thermal conductive properties of polymer composites filled with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) have been studied for diverse applications. However, rGO fillers tend to form aggregates, making it difficult to reach the maximum enhancement through the use of rGO. Experiments have shown that the hydrogen bond between rGO and montmorillonite (MMT) can lead to a stable dispersion of rGO with the result of improving the effective thermal conductivity (ETC) of the composite. However, the mechanisms of this phenomenon are not yet well known. In this work, a micromechanics-based method is proposed to provide an analytical expression of the ETC of rGO/MMT/polymer composites. The predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Also, the effect of the orientation of the fillers is investigated, which useful to determine the optimal orientation and filling ratio to meet various requirements in the material performance design and preparation of rGO/MMT/polymer composites.
Li S, Hu Z, Lu C, Wu M, Zhang K, Zheng W. Microscopic visualization of greenhouse-gases induced foamy emulsions in recovering unconventional petroleum fluids with viscosity additives. Chemical Engineering Journal [Internet]. 2021;411:128411. 访问链接Abstract
Greenhouse gas mitigation and utilization attract huge attentions in energy and environment domains worldwide while few technologies enable to satisfy the both concurrently. In this study, a new greenhouse gas utilization technology, foamy emulsions, is initially developed and evaluated. Foamy emulsions usually have low production gas–liquid ratio but capable to facilitate the energy recovery. However, little researches have focused on the formation mechanism and flow property of foamy emulsions under greenhouse gas injection and the use of additives, which results in the relevant mechanism remains unclear. To address this problem, the formation process of foamy emulsions and the influence of the gas type, temperature and amount of viscosity reducer on the flow of foamy emulsions in the process of unconventional fossil fluids are investigated through a series of microscopic visualization experiments. According to the experimental results, the process of foamy emulsions formation can be divided into four stages, namely, the initial, early, middle and late stages. The middle stage corresponds to the period of steady flow of the foamy oil, with the largest number of bubbles and highest velocity. Moreover, the foamy emulsions formed using CO2 as the dissolved gas is the most effective, corresponding to an energy recovery factor of 40%. The effect of N2 is the most inferior, with the corresponding oil recovery factor being only 18%. Although the velocity of the bubbles increases with the increase in the temperature and amount of viscosity reducer, the stability of the bubbles degrades. The optimal effect of the foamy emulsions occurs at 80 °C with the amount of viscosity reducer being 1–3 wt%. This study will support the foundation of more general application pertaining to greenhouse gases mitigation and utilization in energy and environmental practices.
Mineral Scaling on Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Role of Mass, Orientation, and Crystallinity on Permeability
Wang M, Cao B, Hu Y*, Rodrigues DF*. Mineral Scaling on Reverse Osmosis Membranes: Role of Mass, Orientation, and Crystallinity on Permeability. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2021;55:16110-16119. LinkAbstract
Prior mineral scaling investigations mainly studied the effects of membrane surface properties rather than on the mineral properties and their impact on membrane permeability. In our study, mass, crystal growth orientation, and crystallinity of mineral precipitates on membranes, as well as their effects on membrane permeability have been investigated. Gypsum scaling tests on bare and bovine serum albumin (BSA)-conditioned membranes were conducted under different saturation indices. Results show that a longer scaling period was required for BSA-conditioned membranes to reach the same membrane permeate flux decline as bare membranes. Though the final reduced permeability was the same for both two membranes, the masses of the mineral precipitates on BSA-conditioned membranes were around two times more than those on bare membranes. Further mineral characterizations confirmed that different permeability decay rates of both types of the membrane were attributed to the differences in growth orientations rather than amounts of gypsum precipitates. Moreover, BSA-conditioned layers with high carboxylic density and specific molecular structure could stabilize bassanite and disrupt the oriented growth to inhibit the formation of needle-like gypsum crystals as observed on bare membranes, thus resulting in lower surface coverage with scales on membranes and alleviating the detrimental scaling effect on membrane permeability.
Yang W, Liu W, Wang X, Li Z, Zhan F, Zhang G, Wei X. A Miniature Ionization Vacuum Sensor With a SiOₓ-Based Tunneling Electron Source. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2021;68:5127-5132.
Sun J, Yuan X, Tsunoda T, Vedral V, Benjamin SC, Endo S. Mitigating realistic noise in practical noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices. Physical Review Applied. 2021;15(3):034026.
Ma R, Li K, Guo Y, Zhang B, Zhao X, Linder S, Guan CH, Chen G, Gan Y, Meng J. Mitigation potential of global ammonia emissions and related health impacts in the trade network. Nature Communications [Internet]. 2021;12:6308. pdfAbstract
Ammonia (NH3) emissions, mainly from agricultural sources, generate substantial health damage due to the adverse effects on air quality. NH3 emission reduction strategies are still far from being effective. In particular, a growing trade network in this era of globalization offers untapped emission mitigation potential that has been overlooked. Here we show that about one-fourth of global agricultural NH3 emissions in 2012 are trade-related. Globally they induce 61 thousand PM2.5-related premature mortalities, with 25 thousand deaths associated with crop cultivation and 36 thousand deaths with livestock production. The trade-related health damage network is regionally integrated and can be characterized by three trading communities. Thus, effective cooperation within trade-dependent communities will achieve considerable NH3 emission reductions allowed by technological advancements and trade structure adjustments. Identification of regional communities from network analysis offers a new perspective on addressing NH3 emissions and is also applicable to agricultural greenhouse gas emissions mitigation.
Wu H, Fu P, Frone Z, White MD, Ajo-Franklin JB, Morris JP, Knox HA, Schwering PC, Strickland CE, Roberts BQ, et al. Modeling heat transport processes in enhanced geothermal systems: Validation at EGS Collab Experiment 1. Geothermics [Internet]. 2021;97:102254. 访问链接
WANG Y, Wang Y. Modeling Study of Power-on and Power-off System-level Electrostatic Discharge Protection. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility [Internet]. 2021;63(4):979-987. 访问链接Abstract
System efficient electrostatic discharge (ESD) design is an effective method for simulating the ESD behaviors of a system. Based on this simulation method, this article mainly investigates the transient behaviors of a system-level ESD protection circuit with and without a 2.5 V power supply. During power-ON state, latch-up levels of a feedback power clamp protected by off-chip elements are predicted and mainly analyzed under machine model stress. During power-OFF state, the physical failure of a hybrid-triggered power clamp under surge stress is investigated. In addition to the utilization of transmission line pulsing (TLP) I-V curves, transient TLP waveforms are also used for building the component modelsin the system-level ESD protection circuit. Moreover, the relevant measurements for the power-ON state and power-OFF state areincluded in this article for verifying the simulation results. For ESD designers, this article provides a complete modeling and analysisprocess of co-design protection circuit to investigate the electrical behaviors.
Wang X, Li L, Gong K, Mao J, Hu J, Li J, Liu Z, Liao H, Qiu W, Yu Y, et al. Modelling air quality during the EXPLORE-YRD campaign – Part I. Model performance evaluation and impacts of meteorological inputs and grid resolutions. Atmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric EnvironmentAtmospheric Environment. 2021;246.Abstract
The EXPeriment on the eLucidation of the atmospheric Oxidation capacity and aerosol foRmation and their Effects in the Yangtze River Delta (EXPLORE-YRD) campaign was carried out between May and June 2018 at a regional site in Taizhou, China. The EXPLORE-YRD campaign helped construct a detailed air quality model to understand the formation of O3 and PM2.5 further, identify the key sources of elevated air pollution events, and design efficient emission control strategies to reduce O3 and PM2.5 pollution in YRD. In this study, we predicted the air quality during the EXPLORE-YRD campaign using the Weather Research and Forecasting/Community Multiscale Air Quality modelling system (WRF/CMAQ) and evaluated model performance on O3 and PM2.5 concentrations and compositions. Air quality was predicted using two sets of reanalysis data—NCEP Final (FNL) Operational Global Analysis and ECMWF Reanalysis v5.0 (ERA5)—and three horizontal resolutions of 36, 12, and 4 km. The results showed that PM2.5 concentration was generally under-predicted using both the FNL and ERA5 data. ERA5 yielded slightly higher PM2.5 predictions during the EXPLORE-YRD campaign. Both reanalysis data sets under-predicted the high PM2.5 pollution processes on 29–30 May 2018, indicating that reanalysis data is not essential for under-predicting extreme PM2.5 pollution processes. The performance of O3 was similar in both the reanalysis data sets, because O3 is mostly sensitive to temperature predictions and FNL and ERA5 yielded similar temperature results. Although the average performance of PM2.5 and O3 predictions yielded by FNL and ERA5 was similar, large differences were observed in certain locations on specific days (e.g. in Hangzhou between 29 May and June 6, 2018 and in Hefei on 1–3 June 2018). Therefore, the choice of reanalysis data could be an important factor affecting the predictions of PM2.5 and O3, depending on locations and episodes. Comparable results were obtained using predictions with different horizontal resolutions, indicating that grid resolution was not crucial for determining the model performance of both PM2.5 and O3 during the campaign. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
