A three-port plasmonic array is proposed to achieve a dual-field superfocusing using the forward-propagation method based on spatial Fourier transform. The algorithm of fast Fourier transform is used to facilitate the design process. Both the electric and magnetic fields can be superfocused on the focal plane of z = 0.1λ (λ is the free-space wavelength) based on an effect of radiationless electromagnetic interference. The full widths of the half-maximum of both two fields are 0.060λ and 0.072λ, respectively. Besides, the metrics of the dual-field superfocusing are 1.67 and 1.39. The proposed theory can simplify the design process of superfocusing, and the plasmonic array with brief three ports can sufficiently facilitate the construction of the desired source. This letter can be beneficial for the development of beam steering, sophisticated holography, super-resolution imaging, and other applications of near- or far-field devices.
The occurrence of man-made antibiotics in natural environment has aroused attentions from both scientists and publics. However, few studies tracked antibiotics from their production site to the end of disposal environment. Taking the coastal region of Hangzhou Bay as the study area, the fate of 77 antibiotics from 6 categories in two-step wastewater treatment plants (WTPs, i.e. pharmaceutical WTP and integrated WTP) was focused; and the antibiotics in both dissolved and adsorbed phases were investigated simultaneously in this study. The ubiquitous occurrence of antibiotics was observed in the two-step WTPs, with antibiotic concentrations following the order of PWTP (LOQ - 1.0 × 105 ng·L−1) > IWTPi (for industrial wastewater treatment, LOQ - 3.7 × 103 ng·L−1) > IWTPd (for domestic sewage treatment, LOQ - 1.3 × 103 ng·L−1). And the types of antibiotics detected in excess sludge and suspended particles were in accordance with those in wastewater. Quinolones were invariably dominant in both dissolved and adsorbed fractions. High removal efficiencies (median values >50.0%) were acquired for the dissolved quinolones (except for DFX), tetracyclines, β-lactams, and lincosamides. Anaerobic/anoxic/oxic achieved the highest aqueous removal of antibiotics among the investigated treatment technologies in the three WTPs. PWTP and IWTP removed 9797 and 487 g·d−1 of antibiotics, respectively; and a final effluent with 126.4 g·d−1 of antibiotics was discharged into the effluent-receiving area (ERA) of Hangzhou Bay. Source apportionment analysis demonstrated that the effluents of IWTPd and IWTPd contributed respectively 39.3% and 8.9% to the total antibiotics in the ERA. The results illustrate quantitatively the antibiotic flows from engineered wastewater systems to natural water environment, on the basis of which the improvements of wastewater treatment technologies and discharge management would be put forward.
When using spectral methods, a consistent method for tuning the expansion order is often required, especially for time-dependent problems in which oscillations emerge in the solution. In this paper, we propose a frequency-dependent p-adaptive technique that adaptively adjusts the expansion order based on a frequency indicator. Using this p-adaptive technique, combined with recently proposed scaling and moving techniques, we are able to devise an adaptive spectral method in unbounded domains that can capture and handle diffusion, advection, and oscillations. As an application, we use this adaptive spectral method to numerically solve Schrödinger’s equation in an unbounded domain and successfully capture the solution’s oscillatory behavior at infinity.