
Li S, Han R, Wang Z, Li Z, Zhang N, Zhang K. Thermal flue gas utilization in delivering unconventional geo-energy. Fuel [Internet]. 2022;314:123072. 访问链接Abstract
Conventionally, thermal technology of steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD) has been an effective method to unlock unconventional petroleum resources with extra-high viscosity. However, in the middle and late stages of SAGD, there are some problems such as low oil production rate and high water cut, and a large amount of greenhouse gases can be generated, which may disrupt the balance of the geo-energy supply and greenhouse-gas mitigation. Therefore, in this study, with a novel thermal SAGD technology with flue gas in the late stage of SAGD, the steam chamber and fluid-steam ratio could be substantially improved, which thereafter results in better production performance. Meanwhile, it can effectively use the flue gas produced by SAGD to reduce carbon emissions. A laboratory-scale three-dimensional (3-D) physical was manufactured to simulate the practical processes, including interwell warm-up, conventional and novel flue gas-assisted SAGD at high-pressure and high-temperature reservoir conditions. The experiments demonstrated the injected flue gas concentrated on the top of the physical model due to the gravity override, which contributes to control the heat loss to the atmosphere and subsurface systems. In this way, the thermal sweep efficiency was substantially increased since the heat retained was employed for the lateral-direction steam chamber development. Meanwhile, the addition of flue gas induced the reduction of steam partial pressure, which finally resulted in chamber temperature decreasing by approximately 10 °C. On the other hand, the instantaneous fluid-steam ratio was found to increase from 0.06 to 0.24 at the highest, while the water cut decreased by around 20%. All the aforementioned changes in physical parameters contribute to 7.75% higher petroleum fluid recovery. Overall, the newly-developed technology has been validated to significantly extend production lifetime and improved recovery efficiency. This study will support the foundation of more general application pertaining to greenhouse gases mitigation and sustainable productions in unconventional geo-energy.
Thiadiazole-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks with a Donor–Acceptor Structure: Modulating Intermolecular Charge Transfer for Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Typical Emerging Contaminants
Hou Y, Liu F, Zhang B, Tong M. Thiadiazole-Based Covalent Organic Frameworks with a Donor–Acceptor Structure: Modulating Intermolecular Charge Transfer for Efficient Photocatalytic Degradation of Typical Emerging Contaminants. Environmental Science & Technology [Internet]. 2022;56(22):16303-16314. 访问链接Abstract
As novel metal-free photocatalysts, covalent organic frameworks (COFs) have great potential to decontaminate pollutants in water. Fast charge recombination in COFs yet inhibits their photocatalytic performance. We found that the intramolecular charge transfer within COFs could be modulated via constructing a donor–acceptor (D–A) structure, leading to the improved photocatalytic performance of COFs toward pollutant degradation. By integrating electron donor units (1,3,4-thiadiazole or 1,2,4-thiadiazole ring) and electron acceptor units (quinone), two COFs (COF-TD1 and COF-TD2) with robust D–A characteristics were fabricated as visible-light-driven photocatalysts to decontaminate paracetamol. With the readily excited electrons in 1,3,4-thiadiazole rings, COF-TD1 exhibited efficient electron–hole separation through a push–pull electronic effect, resulting in superior paracetamol photodegradation performance (>98% degradation in 60 min) than COF-TD2 (∼60% degradation within 120 min). COF-TD1 could efficiently photodegrade paracetamol in complicated water matrices even in river water, lake water, and sewage wastewater. Diclofenac, bisphenol A, naproxen, and tetracycline hydrochloride were also effectively degraded by COF-TD1. Efficient photodegradation of paracetamol in a scaled-up reactor could be achieved either by COF-TD1 in a powder form or that immobilized onto a glass slide (to further ease recovery and reuse) under natural sunlight irradiation. Overall, this study provided an effective strategy for designing excellent COF-based photocatalysts to degrade emerging contaminants.
Zhou Y-H, Luo Y, Xiang K. Thinking More About Inhibition of Breast Milk on the Infectivity of SARS-CoV-2. JAMA Pediatr . [Internet]. 2022;176(5):526-527. 访问链接
Mishra M, Yan P, Schroeder R. TikTok Politics: Tit for Tat on the India–China Cyberspace Frontier. International Journal of Communication [Internet]. 2022;16. 访问链接Abstract
TikTok has enjoyed wide popularity in the Global South. But in the summer of 2020, a tit for tat altercation erupted over the use of the app in India against the backdrop of a border dispute between India and China. India banned TikTok, along with other Chinese mobile applications. This ban raised larger ongoing issues around user privacy, cybersecurity threats, and content regulation issues on social media platforms and telecommunications equipment around the world. In this paper we explore these issues and the wider debates on social media. To do so, we interviewed policymakers and academics as well as representatives from India’s technology industry. We also applied computational linguistic analysis on 6,388 Twitter posts about the ban by Indian users. The discourses on Twitter show intense nationalistic rhetoric and that Indian Twitter users were vocal in urging the government to ban TikTok. In-depth expert interviews suggested there were intense geopolitical conflicts behind the TikTok ban. We situate these findings with a broader analysis of the current geopolitics of social media platforms. 
Liu T, Bohlen T. Time-domain poroelastic full-waveform inversion of shallow seismic data: methodology and sensitivity analysis. Geophysical Journal International [Internet]. 2022;232:1803-1820. 访问链接Abstract
Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is considered as a high-resolution imaging technique to recover the geophysical parameters of the elastic subsurface from the entire content of the seismic signals. However, the subsurface material properties are less well estimated with elastic constraints, especially for the near-surface structure, which usually contains fluid contents. Since Biot theory has provided a framework to describe seismic wave propagations in the poroelastic media, in this work, we propose an algorithm for the 2-D time-domain (TD) poroelastic FWI (PFWI) when the fluid-saturated poroelastic equations are applied to carve the physical mechanism in the shallow subsurface. To detect the contribution of the poroelastic parameters to shallow seismic wavefields, the scattered P-SV\&SH wavefields corresponding to a single model parameter are derived explicitly by Born approximation and shown numerically afterward. The Fréchet kernels are also derived and exhibited in P-SV\&SH schemes to analyse the sensitivities of the objective function to different poroelastic parameters. Furthermore, we verify the accuracy of the derivations through model parameter reconstructions. We perform a series of numerical tests on gradients with respect to different model parameters to further evaluate inter-parameter trade-offs. PFWI holds potential possibilities to directly invert fluid-related physical parameters of the shallow subsurface.
Xiong X, Liu S, Liu H, Chen Y, Shi X, Wang X, Li X, HUANG R, Wu Y. Top-Gate CVD WSe 2 pFETs with Record-High I d\~ 594 $μ$A/$μ$m, G m\~ 244 $μ$S/$μ$m and WSe 2/MoS 2 CFET based Half-adder Circuit Using Monolithic 3D Integration, in 2022 International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM). IEEE; 2022:20–6.
Favre C, Truong TT, Xie J. Topological entropy of a rational map over a complete metrized field. [Internet]. 2022. pdf
Fan J, Huang* H. Topological states in quasicrystals. Frontiers of Physics [Internet]. 2022;17(1):13203. 访问链接
et al WDGT ; Y ; K;. Toward Sustainable Development: Unleashing the Mechanism Among International Technology Spillover, Institutional Quality, and Green Innovation Capability. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022.
Towards a Fully Integrated sub-THz MicrofluidicSensor Platform for Dielectric Spectroscopy
Heine C, Durmaz EC, Wang D, Wang Z, Wietstruck M, Tillack B, Kissinger D. Towards a Fully Integrated sub-THz MicrofluidicSensor Platform for Dielectric Spectroscopy. Frequenz [Internet]. 2022;76 (11). 访问链接Abstract
Dielectric spectroscopy in the sub-THz regime is a promising candidate for microfluidic-based analysis of biological cells and bio-molecules, since multiple vibrational and rotational transition energy levels exist in this frequency range (P. Siegel, “Terahertz technology in biology and medicine,” IEEE Trans. Microw. Theor. Tech., vol. 52, pp. 2438–2447, 2004). This article presents our recent efforts in the implementation of microfluidic channel networks with silicon-based technologies to unleash the potential of an integrated sub-THz microfluidic sensor platform. Various aspects of dielectric sensors, readout systems, flowmeter design as well as implemention- and technology-related questions are addressed. Three dielectric sensor systems are presented operating at 240 GHz realizing transmission-based, reflection-based and full two-port architectures. Furthermore different silicon based microchannel integration techniques are discussed as well as a novel copper pillar-based PCB microchannel method is proposed and successfully demonstrated.
Gao R, Zhang D. Towards Robust Gesture Recognition by Characterizing the Sensing Quality of WiFi Signals. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies [Internet]. 2022;6(1). 访问链接Abstract
WiFi-based gesture recognition emerges in recent years and attracts extensive attention from researchers. Recognizing gestures via WiFi signal is feasible because a human gesture introduces a time series of variations to the received raw signal. The major challenge for building a ubiquitous gesture recognition system is that the mapping between each gesture and the series of signal variations is not unique, exact the same gesture but performed at different locations or with different orientations towards the transceivers generates entirely different gesture signals (variations). To remove the location dependency, prior work proposes to use gesture-level location-independent features to characterize the gesture instead of directly matching the signal variation pattern. We observe that gesture-level features cannot fully remove the location dependency since the signal qualities inside each gesture are different and also depends on the location. Therefore, we divide the signal time series of each gesture into segments according to their qualities and propose customized signal processing techniques to handle them separately. To realize this goal, we characterize signal's sensing quality by building a mathematical model that links the gesture signal with the ambient noise, from which we further derive a unique metric i.e., error of dynamic phase index (EDP-index) to quantitatively describe the sensing quality of signal segments of each gesture. We then propose a quality-oriented signal processing framework that maximizes the contribution of the high-quality signal segments and minimizes the impact of low-quality signal segments to improve the performance of gesture recognition applications. We develop a prototype on COTS WiFi devices. The extensive experimental results demonstrate that our system can recognize gestures with an accuracy of more than 94% on average, and significant improvements compared with state-of-arts.
Huang Y, Lu W, Liu J, Cheng Q, Bu Y. Towards transdisciplinary impact of scientific publications: A longitudinal, comprehensive, and large-scale analysis on Microsoft Academic Graph. Information Processing and Management [Internet]. 2022;59(2):102859. 访问链接
Zhao Y, Min H, Luo K, Zhang R, Chen Q, Chen Z. Transcriptomics and proteomics revealed the psychrotolerant and antibiotic-resistant mechanisms of strain Pseudomonas psychrophila RNC-1 capable of assimilatory nitrate reduction and aerobic denitrification. Science of the Total EnvironmentScience of the Total Environment. 2022;820.Abstract
Aerobic denitrification has been proved to be profoundly affected by temperature and antibiotics, but little is known about how aerobic denitrifiers respond to temperature and antibiotic stress. In this study, the nitrate reduction performance and the intracellular metabolism by a psychrotolerant aerobic denitrifying bacteria, named Pseudomonas psychrophila RNC-1, were systematically investigated at different temperatures (10 degrees C, 20 degrees C, 30 degrees C) and different sulfamethoxazole (SMX) concentrations (0 mg/L, 0.1 mg/L, 0.5 mg/L, 1.0 mg/L, and 5.0 mg/L). The results showed that strain RNC-1 performed satisfactory nitrate removal at 10 degrees C and 20 degrees C, but its growth was significantly inhibited at 30 degrees C. Nitrate removal by strain RNC-1 was slightly promoted in the presence of 0.5 mg/L SMX, whereas it was significantly suppressed with 5.0 mg/L SMX. Nitrogen balance analysis indicated that assimilatory nitrate reduction and dissimilatory aerobic denitrification jointly dominated in the nitrate removal process of strain RNC-1, in which the inhibition effected on assimilation process was much higher than that on the aerobic denitrification process under SMX exposure. Further transcriptomics and proteomics analysis revealed that the psychrotolerant mechanism of strain RNC-1 could be attributed to the up-regulation of RNA translation, energy metabolism, ABC transporters and the over-expression of cold shock proteins, while the down-regulation of oxidative phosphorylation pathway was the primary reason for the deteriorative cell growth at 30 degrees C. The promotion of nitrate reduction with 0.5 mg/L SMX was related to the up-regulation of amino acid metabolism pathways, while the down-regulation of folate cycle, glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and bacterial chemotaxis pathways were responsible for the inhibition effect at 5.0 mg/L SMX. This work provides a mechanistic understanding of the metabolic adaption of strain RNC-1 under different stress, which is of significance for its application in nitrogen contaminated wastewater treatment processes.
Luo K, Chen L, Zhao Y, Peng G, Chen Z, Chen Q. Transcriptomics uncover the response of an aerobic denitrifying bacteria to zinc oxide nanoparticles exposure. Environmental TechnologyEnvironmental Technology. 2022.Abstract
Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) show adverse impacts on aerobic denitrifying bacteria, little is known about the response of these bacteria to ZnO NPs exposure at cellular level. This study assessed the multiple responses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PCN-2 under ZnO NPs exposure. We demonstrated that ZnO NPs exposure could inhibit the intracellular metabolism and stimulate the antioxidant defence capability of PCN-2. At lower exposure concentration (5 mg/L), exogenous ROS generated and resulted in the inhibition of pyruvate metabolism and citrate cycle, which caused deficient energy for aerobic denitrification. At higher concentrations (50 mg/L), endogenous ROS additionally generated and triggered to stronger down-regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, which caused suppressed electron transfers for aerobic denitrification. Meanwhile, ZnO NPs exposure promoted EPS production and biofilm formation, and antioxidases was especially particularly stimulated at higher concentration. Our findings are significant for understanding of microbial bacterial susceptibility, tolerance and resistance under the exposure of ZnO NPs.
Yin L-Z, Zhao J, Han F-Y, Wang D, Huang T-J, Liu* P-K. Transformation of Equivalent Graphene Plasmonics for Metagratings and Hyperbolic Metamaterials. ACS Applied Nano Materials. 2022;5(1):1148-1160.
Ou Y, Iyer G, Edmonds J, Fawcett A, Hultman N, McFarland J, Waldhoff S, Gidden M, McJeon H. Transparency crucial to Paris climate scenarios—Response. Science. 2022;375(6583):828-828.
Bi H, An C, Mulligan CN, Zhang K, Lee K, Yue R. Treatment of oiled beach sand using a green and responsive washing fluid with nonionic surfactant-modified nanoclay. Journal of Cleaner Production [Internet]. 2022;333:130122. 访问链接Abstract
Marine oil spills may cause huge economic loss and detrimental effects to the coastal ecosystem and communities. In this study, a green and responsive washing fluid was developed by modifying the nanoclay with a nonionic surfactant to wash the stranded oil on beach sand. The characterization results showed changes in the basal spacing, absorption peaks, thermal degradation, surface morphology, and element weights after modification, indicating the surfactant was successfully loaded onto the nanoclay. Batch tests were conducted to investigate the effect of washing time, temperature, salinity, pH, and the modified nanoclay concentration on washing performance. The two-level factorial analysis revealed that salinity was the most significant environmental factor to the oil removal efficiency. It also indicated the interactions of temperature with salinity and salinity with the modified nanoclay concentration were significant to the response. The separation tests suggested the addition of calcium chloride could dramatically reduce the turbidity and the oil concentration in the washing effluent. In addition, the thermodynamic miscibility model was applied to explore oil/water miscibility in the presence of the modified nanoclay, and the results were in good agreement with experiments. The proposed green and responsive washing fluid with nonionic surfactant-modified nanoclay in this study has great potential in shoreline cleanup.
Tian X, Dong H, Lai X, Ou G, Cao J, Shi J, Xiang C, Wang L, Zhang X, Zhang K, et al. TRIM56 impairs HBV infection and replication by inhibiting HBV core promoter activity. Antiviral Res . [Internet]. 2022;207:105406. 访问链接Abstract
Members of the tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family strongly induced by interferons (IFNs) are parts of the innate immune system with antiviral activity. However, it is still unclear which TRIMs could play important roles in hepatitis B virus (HBV) inhibition. Here, we identified that TRIM56 expression responded in IFN-treated HepG2-NTCP cells and HBV-infected liver tissues, which was a potent IFN-inducible inhibitor of HBV replication. Mechanistically, TRIM56 suppressed HBV replication via its Ring and C-terminal domain. C-terminal domain was essential for TRIM56 translocating from cytoplasm to nucleus during HBV infection. Further analysis revealed that TRIM56's Ring domain targeted IκBα for ubiquitination. This modification induced phosphorylation of p65, which subsequently inhibited HBV core promoter activity, resulting in the inhibition of HBV replication. The p65 was found to be necessary for NF-κB signal pathway to inhibit HBV replication. We verified our findings using HepG2-NTCP and primary human hepatocytes. Our findings reveal that TRIM56 is a critical antiviral immune effector and exerts an anti-HBV activity via NF-κB signal pathway, which is essential for inhibiting transcription of HBV covalently closed circular DNA.
Wang Y, Song Y, Li N, Liu W, Yan B, Yu Y, Liang L, Chen G, Hou L’an, Wang S. Tunable active sites on biogas digestate derived biochar for sulfanilamide degradation by peroxymonosulfate activation. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2022;421:126794. 访问链接Abstract
Conversion of digestate into biochar-based catalysts is an effective strategy for disposal and resource utilization. The active sites on biochar correlated with reactive species formation in peroxymonosulfate (PMS) system directly. Clarifying the structure-performance relationship of digestate derived biochar in PMS system was essential for decomposition of contaminants. Herein, dairy manure digestate derived biochar (DMDB) was prepared for PMS activation and sulfamethoxazole (SMX) degradation. The higher pyrolysis temperature could promote effective sites generation. Especially, the DMDB-800 catalyst exhibited excellent performance for PMS activation, achieving 90.2% degradation of SMX within 60 min. Based on the correlation analysis between log (k) values and active sites, defects, graphite N and CO were identified as dominant sites for PMS activation. The 1O2 oxidation and surface electron transfer were critical routes for SMX degradation. Besides, the degradation pathways of SMX were proposed according to DFT calculations and intermediates determination. The cleavage of the sulfonamide bond, hydroxylation of the benzene ring and oxidation of the amino group mainly occurred during SMX degradation. Overall, this study provides deep insights into the enhanced mechanism of tunable active sites on DMDBs for PMS activation, boosting the application of digestate biochar for water treatment in advanced oxidation systems.
Liu Y, Chen L, Liu X, Qian T, Yao M, Liu W, Ji H. Tuning band structure of graphitic carbon nitride for efficient degradation of sulfamethazine: Atmospheric condition and theoretical calculation. Chinese Chemical Letters [Internet]. 2022;33:1385-1389. 访问链接Abstract
ABSTRACT Numerous approaches have been used to modify graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) for improving its photocatalytic activity. In this study, we demonstrated a facial post-calcination method for modified graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4-Ar/Air) to direct tuning band structure, i.e., bandgap and positions of conduction band (CB)/valence band (VB), through the control of atmospheric condition without involving any additional elements or metals or semiconductors. The synthesized g-C3N4-Ar/Air could efficiently degrade sulfamethazine (SMT) under simulated solar light, i.e., 99.0% removal of SMT with rate constant k1 = 2.696 h−1 within 1.5 h (4.9 times than pristine g-C3N4). Material characterizations indicated that the damaged/partial-collapsed structure and decreased nanosheet-interlayer distance for g-C3N4-Ar/Air resulted in the shift of band structure due to the denser stacking of pristine g-C3N4 through oxidative exfoliation and planarization by air calcination. In addition, the bandgap of g-C3N4-Ar/Air was slightly shrunk from 2.82 eV (pristine g-C3N4) to 2.79 eV, and the CB was significantly upshifted from −0.44 eV (pristine g-C3N4) to −0.81 eV, suggesting the powerful ability for donating the electrons for O2 to form •O2−. Fukui index (f –) based on theoretical calculation indicated that the sites of SMT molecule with high values, i.e., N9, C4 and C6, preferred to be attacked by •O2− and •OH, which is confirmed by the intermediates’ analysis. The tuning method for graphitic carbon nitride provides a simple approach to regulate the charge carrier lifetime then facilitate the utilization efficiency of solar light, which exhibits great potential in efficient removal of emerging organic contaminants from wastewater.
