
Yang W, Wang X, Rossi R, Logan BE. Low-cost Fe–N–C catalyst derived from Fe (III)-chitosan hydrogel to enhance power production in microbial fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2020;380:122522.
Zhang Z-J, Sun J, Yuan X, Yung M-H. Low-depth Hamiltonian Simulation by Adaptive Product Formula. arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.05283. 2020.
Zhao Z, Huang Q, Yan C, Liu Y, Zeng X, Wei X, Hu Y, Zheng Z. Machine-Washable and Breathable Pressure Sensors Based on Triboelectric Nanogenerators Enabled by Textile Technologies. Nano Energy. 2020:104528.
Tong M, Liu F, Dong Q, Ma Z, Liu W. Magnetic Fe3O4-deposited flower-like MoS2 nanocomposites for the Fenton-like Escherichia coli disinfection and diclofenac degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials [Internet]. 2020;385:121604. 访问链接Abstract
Fenton reaction can disinfect bacteria and degrade organic pollutants via the generation of OH through the reaction of Fe(II) and H2O2. However, its high efficiency only at very acidic conditions and the formation of Fe(III) sludge limit its practical application. Herein, magnetic Fe3O4-deposited flower-like MoS2 (MF) composites were fabricated to disinfect Escherichia coli and degrade diclofenac (DCF) with addition of small amount of H2O2 at a wide pH range (from 3.5 to 9.5). MF can efficiently inactivate bacteria and remove DCF at broad pH from 3.5 to 9.5. For example, 1.2 × 106 CFU mL-1 cells are completely disinfected by MF in 30 min at pH 6 with 5 mM H2O2, while 10 mg L-1 DCF is fully degraded in 7 min at pH 6 with 1 mM H2O2. MoS2 facilitates the conversion cycle of Fe(III)/Fe(II) and improves the generation of OH. MF can be easily collected by magnet after use. Confocal image, SEM images, the leakage of K+ and DNA were employed to determine the damage of cell membrane. Meanwhile, the theoretical density functional theory and the degradation intermediates determination were employed to provide the degradation pathway of DCF. MF exhibit excellent reusability and good catalytic performance towards sanitary sewage.
Magnetic Fe3O4-deposited flower-like MoS2 nanocomposites for the Fenton-like Escherichia coli disinfection and diclofenac degradation. [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Liu J, Zhang Q, Qiu K, Liu HB, Pillai T, Girart JM, Li Z-Y, Wang K. Magnetic Fields in the Early Stages of Massive Star Formation as Revealed by ALMA. \apj. 2020;895:142.
Jiang W, Huang H, Liu F, Wang J-P, Low T. Magnetic Weyl semimetals with diamond structure realized in spinel compounds. Physical Review B. 2020;101:121113.
Thennakoon J, Findlay C, Huang J, Wang J. Management adaptation to flood in Guangdong Province in China: Do property rights Matter?. World Development. 2020;127:104767.
Zhai W, Yu J, Zhu D *, Han B, Miao S, Cheng C, Xie P. A management system for forestry remote sensing images based on the global subdivision model. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2020:3111-3114.
Yi H, Wu P, Zhang X, Teuwen DE, Sylvia S. Market competition and demand for skills in a credence goods market: Evidence from face-to-face and web-based non-physician clinician training in rural China. PloS one. 2020;15:e0233955.Abstract
Background Non-physician clinicians (NPCs) providing services in functionally private markets account for a large share of the workforce in the primary care system in many low-income and middle-income countries. Although regular in-service training is believed to be crucial to updating NPCs’ professional knowledge, skills, and practices, participation rates are often low. Low participation may result from the “credence good” nature of the market for primary care: if patients are unable to observe quality improvements from training, NPCs have weaker incentives to participate. Empirical evidence is limited on the relationship between market competition and NPC participation in-service training as well as how participation varies with the type of training available. Methods The study uses a dataset of 301 NPCs from three prefectures in Yunnan, a province in southwest China, collected in July 2017. Logistic regression is used to estimate the relationship between competition and NPC’s participation in in-service training. We assess the relationship between participation and both the quantity of competition (number of competitors in the same village and surrounding villages) and the quality of competition (proxied using characteristics of competing clinicians). Results In 2016, nearly two thirds of NPCs participated in face-to-face or web-based in-service trainings at least once. Specifically, 58 percent of NPCs participated in face-to-face in-service trainings, and 24 percent of NPCs participated in web-based in-service trainings. The quantity of competitors is unrelated to participation in in-service training. The quality of competition is not related to face-to-face training but has a significant positive relationship with participation in web-based training. Conclusions Web-based trainings may be a better approach to increase NPC skills in developing country primary care markets.;The study uses a dataset of 301 NPCs from three prefectures in Yunnan, a province in southwest China, collected in July 2017. Logistic regression is used to estimate the relationship between competition and NPC's participation in in-service training. We assess the relationship between participation and both the quantity of competition (number of competitors in the same village and surrounding villages) and the quality of competition (proxied using characteristics of competing clinicians). In 2016, nearly two thirds of NPCs participated in face-to-face or web-based in-service trainings at least once. Specifically, 58 percent of NPCs participated in face-to-face in-service trainings, and 24 percent of NPCs participated in web-based in-service trainings. The quantity of competitors is unrelated to participation in in-service training. The quality of competition is not related to face-to-face training but has a significant positive relationship with participation in web-based training. Web-based trainings may be a better approach to increase NPC skills in developing country primary care markets.;
Wang S, Sun C, Meng Z, Wang M, Cao J, Xu M, Bi J, Huang Q, Moshref M, Yang T, et al. Martini: Bridging the Gap between Network Measurement and Control Using Switching ASICs, in IEEE ICNP.; 2020.
Xu RJ, Li X, Dong HB, Wu ZJ, Chen SY, Fang X, Gao J, Guo S, Hu M, Li DQ, et al. Measurement of gaseous and particulate formaldehyde in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2020;224.Abstract
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is one of the most important intermediate products of atmospheric photochemical reactions and is also a radical source that promotes ozone formation. Given its high solubility, HCHO is likely to exist in particulate form. In this work, gaseous HCHO (HCHOg) and particulate HCHO (HCHOp) were separated and collected by a rotating wet annular denude (RWAD) and an aerosol growth chamber-coil aerosol cooler (AC). The collected HCHO from the RWAD and AC are measured by two online Hantzsch method-based formaldehyde analyzers. The comprehensive campaign was held in the Yangtze River Delta of China from 15 May to 18 June 2018, which is during the harvest season. Several biomass burning events were identified by using acetonitrile as a tracer. During the period influenced by biomass burning, the mixing ratios of HCHOg and HCHOp were respectively 122% and 231% higher than those during other time periods. The enhancement ratio of HCHOg to acetonitrile obtained from this work generally agrees with those from the existing literature. Biomass burning contributed 14.8% to HCHOg, but the abundant freshly discharged precursors it emitted greatly promoted the secondary production of HCHOg. We suggest that the high concentration of HCHOp during the biomass burning period was from uptake of HCHOg by aerosols during their transportation; the liquid state particles are conducive to HCHOg uptake. High relative humidity, a low particle rebound fraction f, as well as low temperatures may result in higher uptake coefficient values.
Xu RJ, Li X, Dong HB, Wu ZJ, Chen SY, Fang X, Gao J, Guo S, Hu M, Li DQ, et al. Measurement of gaseous and particulate formaldehyde in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2020;224.Abstract
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is one of the most important intermediate products of atmospheric photochemical reactions and is also a radical source that promotes ozone formation. Given its high solubility, HCHO is likely to exist in particulate form. In this work, gaseous HCHO (HCHOg) and particulate HCHO (HCHOp) were separated and collected by a rotating wet annular denude (RWAD) and an aerosol growth chamber-coil aerosol cooler (AC). The collected HCHO from the RWAD and AC are measured by two online Hantzsch method-based formaldehyde analyzers. The comprehensive campaign was held in the Yangtze River Delta of China from 15 May to 18 June 2018, which is during the harvest season. Several biomass burning events were identified by using acetonitrile as a tracer. During the period influenced by biomass burning, the mixing ratios of HCHOg and HCHOp were respectively 122% and 231% higher than those during other time periods. The enhancement ratio of HCHOg to acetonitrile obtained from this work generally agrees with those from the existing literature. Biomass burning contributed 14.8% to HCHOg, but the abundant freshly discharged precursors it emitted greatly promoted the secondary production of HCHOg. We suggest that the high concentration of HCHOp during the biomass burning period was from uptake of HCHOg by aerosols during their transportation; the liquid state particles are conducive to HCHOg uptake. High relative humidity, a low particle rebound fraction f, as well as low temperatures may result in higher uptake coefficient values.
Xu R, Li X, Dong HB, Wu Z, Chen S, Fang X, Gao J, Guo S, Hu M, Li D, et al. Measurement of gaseous and particulate formaldehyde in the Yangtze River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment. 2020;224:117114.Abstract
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is one of the most important intermediate products of atmospheric photochemical reactions and is also a radical source that promotes ozone formation. Given its high solubility, HCHO is likely to exist in particulate form. In this work, gaseous HCHO (HCHOg) and particulate HCHO (HCHOp) were separated and collected by a rotating wet annular denude (RWAD) and an aerosol growth chamber–coil aerosol cooler (AC). The collected HCHO from the RWAD and AC are measured by two online Hantzsch method-based formaldehyde analyzers. The comprehensive campaign was held in the Yangtze River Delta of China from 15 May to 18 June 2018, which is during the harvest season. Several biomass burning events were identified by using acetonitrile as a tracer. During the period influenced by biomass burning, the mixing ratios of HCHOg and HCHOp were respectively 122% and 231% higher than those during other time periods. The enhancement ratio of HCHOg to acetonitrile obtained from this work generally agrees with those from the existing literature. Biomass burning contributed 14.8% to HCHOg, but the abundant freshly discharged precursors it emitted greatly promoted the secondary production of HCHOg. We suggest that the high concentration of HCHOp during the biomass burning period was from uptake of HCHOg by aerosols during their transportation; the liquid state particles are conducive to HCHOg uptake. High relative humidity, a low particle rebound fraction f, as well as low temperatures may result in higher uptake coefficient values.
Shang Z, Abdalla M, Kuhnert M, Albanito F, Zhou F, Xia L, Smith P. Measurement of N2O emissions over the whole year is necessary for estimating reliable emission factors. Environmental Pollution [Internet]. 2020:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2019.113864. 访问链接Abstract
Nitrous oxide emission factors (N2O-EF, percentage of N2O–N emissions arising from applied fertilizer N) for cropland emission inventories can vary with agricultural management, soil properties and climate conditions. Establishing a regionally-specific EF usually requires the measurement of a whole year of N2O emissions, whereas most studies measure N2O emissions only during the crop growing season, neglecting emissions during non-growing periods. However, the difference in N2O-EF (ΔEF) estimated using measurements over a whole year (EFwy) and those based on measurement only during the crop-growing season (EFgs) has received little attention. Here, we selected 21 studies including both the whole-year and growing-season N2O emissions under control and fertilizer treatments, to obtain 123 ΔEFs from various agroecosystems globally. Using these data, we conducted a meta-analysis of the ΔEFs by bootstrapping resampling to assess the magnitude of differences in response to management-related and environmental factors. The results revealed that, as expected, the EFwy was significantly greater than the EFgs for most crop types. Vegetables showed the largest ΔEF (0.19%) among all crops (0.07%), followed by paddy rice (0.11%). A higher ΔEF was also identified in areas with rainfall ≥600 mm yr−1, soil with organic carbon ≥1.3% and acidic soils. Moreover, fertilizer type, residue management, irrigation regime and duration of the non-growing season were other crucial factors controlling the magnitude of the ΔEFs. We also found that neglecting emissions from the non-growing season may underestimate the N2O-EF by 30% for paddy fields, almost three times that for non-vegetable upland crops. This study highlights the importance of the inclusion of the non-growing season in the measurements of N2O fluxes, the compilation of national inventories and the design of mitigation strategies.
Fujimori S, Hasegawa T, Takahashi K, Dai H, Liu J-Y, Matsui T, Ohashi H, Xie Y, Zhang Y. Measuring the sustainable development implications of climate change mitigation. Environmental Research Letters. 2020;15:085004.
Zhao X, Fu F, Zhou L. The mediating mechanism between psychological resilience and mental health among left-behind children in China. Children and Youth Services Review. 2020;110:104686.
Liu M, Jia S, Dong T, Zhao F, Xu T, Yang Q, Gong J, Fang M. Metabolomic and Transcriptomic Analysis of MCF-7 Cells Exposed to 23 Chemicals at Human-Relevant Levels: Estimation of Individual Chemical Contribution to Effects. Environmental Health PerspectivesEnvironmental Health Perspectives. 2020;128.
Dang C, Xia Y, Zheng M, Liu T, Liu W, Chen Q, Ni J. Metagenomic insights into the profile of antibiotic resistomes in a large drinking water reservoir. Environment International [Internet]. 2020;136:105449. 访问链接Abstract
Reservoirs play a vital role in the control and management of surface water resources. However, the long water residence time in the reservoir potentially increases the storage and accumulation of antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs). The full profiles and potential health risks of antibiotic resistomes in reservoirs are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the antibiotic resistomes of water and sediment during different seasons in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, which is one of the largest reservoirs in China, using a metagenomic sequencing approach. A total of 436 ARG subtypes belonging to 20 ARG types were detected from 24 water and 18 sediment samples, with an average abundance of 0.138 copies/cell. The overall ARG abundance in the sediment was higher than that in the water, and bacitracin and vancomycin resistance genes were the predominant ARG types in the water and sediment, respectively. The overall ARG abundance in the dry season was higher than that in the wet season, and a significant difference in ARG subtype compositions was observed in water, but not in the sediment, between the different seasons. The potential horizontal gene transfer frequency in the water was higher than that in the sediment, and the ARGs in water mainly came from the sediment upstream of the reservoir. The metagenomic assembly identified 14 contigs as ARG-carrying pathogens including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and 3 of 14 carried virulence factors. Overall, the potential public health risks posed by resistomes in the water of the Danjiangkou Reservoir were higher in the dry season than in the wet season. Based on these results, strategies including sediment control and pathogen monitoring are suggested for water safety management in drinking water reservoirs.
Dang C, Xia Y, Zheng M, Liu T, Liu W, Chen Q, Ni J. Metagenomic insights into the profile of antibiotic resistomes in a large drinking water reservoir. Environment InternationalEnvironment International. 2020;136.Abstract
Reservoirs play a vital role in the control and management of surface water resources. However, the long water residence time in the reservoir potentially increases the storage and accumulation of antibiotic resistant genes (ARGs). The full profiles and potential health risks of antibiotic resistomes in reservoirs are largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the antibiotic resistomes of water and sediment during different seasons in the Danjiangkou Reservoir, which is one of the largest reservoirs in China, using a metagenomic sequencing approach. A total of 436 ARG subtypes belonging to 20 ARG types were detected from 24 water and 18 sediment samples, with an average abundance of 0.138 copies/cell. The overall ARG abundance in the sediment was higher than that in the water, and bacitracin and vancomycin resistance genes were the predominant ARG types in the water and sediment, respectively. The overall ARG abundance in the dry season was higher than that in the wet season, and a significant difference in ARG subtype compositions was observed in water, but not in the sediment, between the different seasons. The potential horizontal gene transfer frequency in the water was higher than that in the sediment, and the ARGs in water mainly came from the sediment upstream of the reservoir. The metagenomic assembly identified 14 contigs as ARG-carrying pathogens including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and 3 of 14 carried virulence factors. Overall, the potential public health risks posed by resistomes in the water of the Danjiangkou Reservoir were higher in the dry season than in the wet season. Based on these results, strategies including sediment control and pathogen monitoring are suggested for water safety management in drinking water reservoirs.
