
Yang Xie#, Ziqiao Zhou# QSMZJPQLYSHD* TL*. Social-economic transitions and vulnerability to extreme temperature events from 1960 to 2020 in Chinese Cities. iScience. 2024;27:109066.
Li M, Zhi Q, Dong Y, Ye L, Jia T. SPARK: An Efficient Hybrid Acceleration Architecture with Run-Time Sparsity-Aware Scheduling for TinyML Learning, in Design Automation Conference (DAC).; 2024.
Liu Y, Chen Z, Zhao W, Zhao T, Jia T, Wang Z, HUANG R, Ye L, Ma Y. Sparsity-Aware In-Memory Neuromorphic Computing Unit with Configurable Topology of Hybrid Spiking and Artificial Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2024.
Liu Y, Chen Z, Zhao W, Zhao T, Jia T, Wang* Z, HUANG R, Ye L, Ma* Y. Sparsity-Aware In-Memory Neuromorphic Computing Unit With Configurable Topology of Hybrid Spiking and Artificial Neural Network. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) [Internet]. 2024. Links
Wang E, Zeng H, Duan W, Huang* H. Spontaneous Inversion Symmetry Breaking and Emergence of Berry Curvature and Orbital Magnetization in Topological ZrTe5 Films. Phys. Rev. Lett. [Internet]. 2024;132:266802. 访问链接
Wei Y, Wan* Y, Tanenhaus MK. Spontaneous perspective‑taking in real‑time language comprehension: Evidence from eye‑movements and grain of coordination. Scientific Reports [Internet]. 2024;14:8031. Full textAbstract
Linguistic communication requires interlocutors to consider differences in each other’s knowledge (perspective-taking). However, perspective-taking might either be spontaneous or strategic. We monitored listeners’ eye movements in a referential communication task. A virtual speaker gave temporally ambiguous instructions with scalar adjectives (“big” in “big cubic block”). Scalar adjectives assume a contrasting object (a small cubic block). We manipulated whether the contrasting object (a small triangle) for a competitor object (a big triangle) was in common ground (visible to both speaker and listener) or was occluded so it was in the listener’s privileged ground, in which case perspective-taking would allow earlier reference-resolution. We used a complex visual context with multiple objects, making strategic perspective-taking unlikely when all objects are in the listener’s referential domain. A turn-taking, puzzle-solving task manipulated whether participants could anticipate a more restricted referential domain. Pieces were either confined to a small area (requiring fine-grained coordination) or distributed across spatially distinct regions (requiring only coarse-grained coordination). Results strongly supported spontaneous perspective-taking: Although comprehension was less time-locked in the coarse-grained condition, participants in both conditions used perspective information to identify the target referent earlier when the competitor contrast was in privileged ground, even when participants believed instructions were computer-generated.
Zheng B, Liu L, Huang G, Baetz B, Zhai M, Zhang K, Lu C. Sustainable Water Resources Management through Disaggregated Multi-Region Virtual Water Flow and Interaction Analysis. Water Resour Manage [Internet]. 2024. 访问链接
Liu T. A three-dimensional reservoir-scale Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical model of enhanced geothermal systems, in Interpore 2024.; 2024. 访问链接Abstract
The heat energy resource in the deep earth (3 ∼10 km), which is carried by Hot Dry Rocks (HDR), has a huge capacity for geothermal power generation. As a type of conductive geothermal energy, HDR has low rock permeability, so that Enhanced/Engineered Geothermal System (EGS) is developed to artificially increase the heat exchange area and further extract the deep geothermal energy with the connected natural fractures and hydraulic stimulated fracture network. The coupled Thermal-Hydrological-Mechanical (THM) processes largely control the heat recovery efficiency from HDR, and thus real 3D reservoir scale investigations that account for the multiphysics coupling mechanisms are needed to inform geothermal energy recovery from HDR.In this work, we built a three-dimensional THM model for the EGS of Qiabuqia HDR (Zhang et al. 2018, Gonghe Basin, China) by taking advantage of the novel simulation framework, GEOSX (Settgast et al. 2022). As a rapidly growing open-source multi-physics simulator, GEOSX has highly scalable algorithms for solving complex fluid flow, thermal, and geomechanical coupled systems. Preliminary geological data of the targetarea has been acquired by exploratory wells (e.g., GR1, GR2, DR3, DR4). There is also a trial production well GH-01. In our model, we considered a dual-well utilization system. Our 3D model focuses on reservoir-scale THM coupling, and takes into consideration the geostress directions in configuring the faults and (hydraulic)fractures, which are explicitly handled with EDFM (Embedded Discrete Fracture Model) method. The simulated results of heat recovery efficiency under different production scenarios provide guidance information for engineering practices.
He L, Liu W, Li Y, Wang J, Kuwata M, Liu YJ. Wall loss of semi-volatile organic compounds in a Teflon bag chamber for the temperature range of 262–298 K: mechanistic insight on temperature dependence. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques [Internet]. 2024;17(2):755–764. 访问链接Abstract
Teflon bag chambers have long been used for investigating atmospheric chemical processes, including secondary organic aerosol formation. The wall-loss process of gas-phase species in Teflon bag chambers has typically been investigated at around room temperature. Recent laboratory studies started employing Teflon bag chambers at sub-273 K conditions for simulating wintertime and upper-tropospheric environments. However, temperature dependence in vapor-wall-loss processes of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in a Teflon bag chamber has not been well investigated. In this study, we experimentally investigated wall-loss processes of C14–C19 n-alkanes in a 1 m3 Teflon bag for the temperature range of 262 to 298 K. Enhanced wall losses of the tested n-alkanes were observed following the decrease in temperature. For instance, 65 %​​​​​​​ of C14 n-alkane was lost to the wall 15 h after injection at room temperature, while the corresponding value was 95 % at 262 K. The experimental data were analyzed using a two-layer kinetic model, which considers both absorption of gas-phase species to the surface layer of the Teflon wall and diffusion to the inner layer. The experimental data demonstrated that absorption of gas-phase species by the surface layer was enhanced at lower temperatures. The temperature dependence in absorption was well accounted for using the equilibrium-dissolution model of organic compounds to the Teflon surface by considering reduced saturation vapor pressure at lower temperatures. On the contrary, diffusion of n-alkanes from the surface to the inner layer slowed down at reduced temperatures. Mechanistic studies on these processes will need to be conducted in the future to quantitatively predict the influence of temperature-dependent wall-loss processes of SVOCs on laboratory experimental results.
Huang C, Tian L, Wang J, Jiang L, Zhang K. Water-CO2 wettability on sandstone surface with asphaltene adsorption: Molecular dynamics simulation. Fuel [Internet]. 2024;360:130558. 访问链接Abstract
The reactions between CO2 slugs and crude oil induce a substantial amount of asphaltene precipitation and adsorption on the rock surface during the CO2 alternative water flooding process. When the subsequent water slug passes through the core pores after asphaltene adsorption, it will displace the previous CO2 slug. The wettability of water and CO2 on the asphaltene-adsorbed rock surface will directly determine the magnitude and direction of the capillary force of the two media, which in turn affects their flow resistance and flow pattern analysis. In this paper, the systems of CO2/water/sandstone and CO2/water/asphaltene adsorption sandstone were established by molecular dynamics simulation technology. The effects of asphaltene adsorption, thickness of the asphaltene adsorption layer, CO2 density, mass fraction and type of salt in water on the wettability of water on sandstone surfaces were studied. The results reveal that asphaltene adsorption significantly reduces the wettability of water on the original powerful water-wetting sandstone surface, making it easier to see how CO2 density affects the wettability of water on the asphaltene-adsorbed sandstone surface. The increased CO2 density will continue to lower the wettability of water on the asphaltene-adsorbed sandstone surface, even causing it to become wet with CO2. The adsorption thickness of asphaltene does not affect the wettability of water and CO2 on the asphaltene-adsorbed sandstone surface, and just a layer of 5A-thick asphaltene adsorption can significantly reduce the wettability of water on sandstone surfaces. Furthermore, a rise in salinity in water has a detrimental impact on the wettability of water on the asphaltene-adsorbed sandstone surface, with divalent salts having a stronger negative effect than monovalent salts.
Yuan ZW; ZW; Y. We’ve Got You Covered! The Effect of Public Health Insurance on Rural Entrepreneurship in China. Journal of Public Economics [Internet]. 2024;235(105150). 访问链接Abstract
Rural households contend with numerous uninsured risks that hinder their ability to leverage profitable yet risky opportunities. We study whether the provision of insurance coverage for medical expenditure, one of the most substantial and unpredictable risk, can stimulate entrepreneurship and other risky financial decisions among rural households. We leverage the progressive nationwide rollout of a universal public health insurance program in rural China. We find that the introduction of health insurance led to a substantial increase in rural households engagement in entrepreneurship. This increase is mainly driven by the risk sharing of health insurance, rather than a reduction in realized medical expenses. The entrepreneurship-promoting effect is also evident at an aggregate level, fostering the growth of smallholder businesses in rural counties. Our findings shed light on the understudied, favorable impact of health insurance on household’s risk taking in rural markets of developing countries.
Gu J. Wealth Management Report for Mid-High Net Worth Families. 1st ed. Singapore: Springer; 2024 pp. 358. 访问链接Abstract
This book analyzes the wealth management of mid-high net worth individuals and families. As China's economy develops and people's living standards improve, more and more families are becoming well-off and the middle-income group continues to expand. After creating wealth and becoming rich, better guarding, spreading and enjoying wealth is not only an urgent challenge faced by more and more micro-families, but also an inevitable need to enrich and energize people's livelihood and the connotation of a good life. Mid-high net worth people are an organic part of China's middle-income group, as well as the future coordinates of many families that have just crossed into the middle-income group. An accurate portrait of this group and an in-depth study of the needs, habits, ways and effects of their family wealth management and distribution are conducive to better responding to the demands of affluent families to "keep, pass on and enjoy wealth," as well as exploring the path of solidly promoting common prosperity at the micro-family level. From this perspective, Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University has conducted a panoramic analysis on mid-high net worth people from panel survey with more 16,000 households in China after 10 years of tracking and investigation, from six aspects: behavioral patterns, financial asset allocation, non-financial asset allocation, commercial insurance allocation, children's commercial medical insurance allocation and pension insurance allocation, the importance of which is self-evident. As the first systematic work on asset allocation and insurance protection of Chinese middle and high net worth families, although part of the purpose is to explore the demand for insurance protection and develop the commercial insurance market, there is no doubt that this study is an important reference for the government to formulate social security policies and for financial institutions to optimize the supply of family wealth services.
陈昂轩, 贾积有, 苏晗宇. 人工智能赋能语言评估的研究热点、主题脉络及风险审视. 外语电化教学. 2024;2024(2):3-12+101.
董申, 王松, 马莉萍. 基于扎根理论的在职学生在线学习注意力驱动机制研究. 职教论坛 [Internet]. 2024;40(02):90-98. 访问链接Abstract
刘俊宙,陈嘉喆,景侨楠,张少轩,陈安娜,陆蓉静,刘建国*. 塑料中高关注物质(SVHCs)的赋存分布、物质流及环境释放研究进展. 环境科学. 2024.Abstract
编 谢侃侃、张忞煜、曹寅. 季风亚洲:全球视野下的跨印度洋文化网络. 北京: 北京大学出版社; 2024.
马莉萍, 倪奥华, 赵书艺, 王牛. “择智”与“择志”:对强基计划人才选拔效果的实证研究. 国家教育行政学院学报 [Internet]. 2024;(01):58-68. 访问链接Abstract
政务问答机器人性能基准测试平台. 2024.
黄季焜, 苏岚岚, 王悦. 数字技术促进农业农村发展:机遇、挑战和推进思路. 中国农村经济 [Internet]. 2024;1:21-40. 访问链接
数字政府发展监测平台. 2024.
