
Lin H, Zhang P. Comparing Topics of Scholars’ Blog Posts in an Academic Social Networking Site and Publication Keywords, in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020. Virtual Event, China: Association for Computing Machinery; 2020:499–500. 访问链接
C C, Wang J, L L, WG X, JG*. L. Comparison of fluorotelomer alcohol emissions from wastewater treatment plants into atmospheric and aquatic environments. Environment Internatinal [Internet]. 2020;139(105718). 访问链接Abstract
Recent studies have revealed that wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are an important source of fluorotelomer alcohols (FTOHs) in the environment. However, it remains unclear whether volatilization to the atmosphere or discharge with wastewater effluent into receiving water bodies is the dominant pathway through which FTOHs enter the environment; it also remains unclear how the relative importance of these two emission pathways varies among seasons and homologs. Here, we estimated the emissions of 6:2 and 8:2 FTOHs through these two pathways from a typical WWTP in Beijing, China, by measuring height-dependent air concentrations above the wastewater surface; we also measured wastewater concentrations among the four annual seasons. Our results showed that atmospheric emissions dominate total annual FTOH emissions, but are not dominant in every single season. Emission to the aquatic environment is dominant during seasons with less wind (i.e., summer and fall). While the abundance of 6:2 FTOH has increased in recent years, 8:2 FTOH remains the major FTOH homolog released into the environment in China. This study provides comprehensive information regarding FTOH emissions from WWTPs to the environment and practical guidance for future monitoring practices.
Liu K, Ostadhassan M, Xu X. A comparison study of the unloading behavior in shale samples in nanoindentation experiments using different models. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020;186:106715.Abstract
Recently, nanoindentation has become an increasingly popular method for geomechanical analysis of rock samples in petroleum industry. Unloading curves of shale samples from the nanoindentation, which are considered as the pure elastic response, are used to determine the mechanical properties such as Young's modulus. In order to find a suitable model to characterize the unloading behavior of shale samples, in this study, we collected one Bakken Shale sample and performed nanoindentation tests on aliquots. First, the characteristics of the unloading curves were analyzed and then parameters such as: contact displacement and Young's modulus, based on two different prominent models (Oliver-Pharr model and Zeng-Chiu model) were calculated. Finally, values obtained from these two models were compared. The results showed that the unloading curves from the shale samples are nonlinear while Oliver-Pharr and Zeng-Chiu models both can be applied to represent the unloading curves. The mean Young's modulus from Oliver-Pharr model is around 1.2 times the value from Zeng-Chiu model. Using the Mori-Tanaka method, the upscaled Young's modulus value (32.14 GPa) from the Oliver-Pharr model is slight larger than the value from Zeng-Chiu model (28.70 GPa). In conclusion, the Oliver-Pharr model and Zeng- Chiu model can be both applied to study the unloading behavior of the nanoindentation curves.
Yi H, Liu H, Wang Z, Xue H, Sylvia S, Shi H, Teuwen DE, Han Y, Qin J. The Competence of Village Clinicians in the Diagnosis and Management of Childhood Epilepsy in Southwestern China and Its Determinants: A Cross-Sectional Study. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 2020;3:100031.
Guo W, Sylvia S, Umble K, Chen Y, Zhang X, Yi* H. The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in rural China: A nationally representative assessment. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. 2020;2:100026.
Peng C, Wu X, Qu T. Competing speaker count estimation on the fusion of the spectral and spatial embedding space, in INTERSPEECH 2020. Shanghai China; 2020:3077-3081.
Xiong YZ, Tan DL, Zhang YX, Yu C. Complete cross-frequency transfer of tone frequency learning after double training. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General [Internet]. 2020;149(1):94-103. 访问链接Abstract
A person’s ability to discriminate fine differences in tone frequency is vital for everyday hearing such as listening to speech and music. This ability can be improved through training (i.e., tone frequency learning). Depending on stimulus configurations and training procedures, tone frequency learning can either transfer to new frequencies, which would suggest learning of a general task structure, or show significant frequency specificity, which would suggest either changes in neural representations of trained frequencies, or reweighting of frequency-specific neural responses. Here we tested the hypothesis that frequency specificity in tone frequency learning can be abolished with a double-training procedure. Specifically, participants practiced tone frequency discrimination at 1 or 6 kHz, presumably encoded by different temporal or place coding mechanisms, respectively. The stimuli were brief tone pips known to produce significant specificity. Tone frequency learning was indeed initially highly frequency specific (Experiment 1). However, with additional exposure to the other untrained frequency via an irrelevant temporal interval discrimination task, or even background play during a visual task, learning transferred completely (1-to-6 kHz or 6-to-1 kHz) (Experiments 2-4). These results support general task structure learning, or concept learning in our term, in tone frequency learning despite initial frequency specificity. They also suggest strategies to design efficient auditory training in practical settings.
Zheng Y, Li X, Liu J, Zhang Q, Zhu T. A component-specific exposure-mortality model for ambient PM2. 5 in China: findings from a nationwide epidemiology based on outputs from a chemical transport model. Faraday Discussions. 2020.
Zhang S, Zhao J, Yao M*. A comprehensive and comparative evaluation of primers for metabarcoding eDNA from fish. Methods in Ecology and Evolution [Internet]. 2020;11(12):1609-1625. 访问链接
Lin CS, Huang RJ, Xu W, Duan J, Zheng Y, Chen Q, Hu WW, Li YJ, Ni HY, Wu YF, et al. Comprehensive Source Apportionment of Submicron Aerosol in Shijiazhuang, China: Secondary Aerosol Formation and Holiday Effects. Acs Earth and Space Chemistry. 2020;4:947-957.Abstract
To get a comprehensive source apportionment of the non-refractory submicron aerosol (NR-PM,), a merged dataset of the organic fragments and the inorganic species, measured by an aerosol chemical speciation monitor (ACSM) during winter 2014 in Shijiazhuang, was used as input for positive matrix factorization (PMF) analysis using the multilinear engine (ME-2) algorithm. Four primary factors were resolved by constraining the profiles of the previously separated organic factors, while three unconstrained secondary factors were resolved. Secondary factors (sum of organic and inorganic components) accounted for over half of NR-PM, during normal days (NDs, 58% or 105.7 mu g m(-3)) and Chinese New Year (CNY, 79% or 72.6 mu g m(-3)). Among the organic components of the total secondary aerosol, 38-48% (8.0-14.4 mu g m(-3)) of the oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) was attributed to the nitrate-rich OOA (i.e., OOA-NO3) factor, indicating that a part of the OOA was freshly formed and/or had similar volatility as nitrate. In comparison, a portion of 25-26% (5.5-7.7 mu g m(-3)) of the OOA was attributed to the regionally transported sulfate-rich OOA (i.e., OOA-SO4) while 26-37% (7.3-7.4 mu g m(-3)) of the OOA to aged primary aerosol. The positive relationship between OOA-SO4 and aerosol liquid water content (ALWC) in the same air mass suggested an aqueous-phase reaction pathway, which produced nearly half as much OOA as sulfate (12.0-17.0 mu g m(-3)), while photochemical reactions could produce similar amounts of OOA as nitrate (8.6-15.4 mu g m(-3)), as indicated by the positive relationship between OOA-NO3 and O-x (O-3 + NO2). During CNY, the NR-PM, concentrations (91.9 mu g m(-3)) were reduced by similar to 50% when compared to the nonholiday periods (182.7 mu g m(-3)). This reduction was primarily due to the reduced anthropogenic activities, resulting in a 65-89% reduction in the primary emissions from traffic, cooking, biomass burning, and coal combustion, as well as a 1-44% reduction in secondary factors. The results in our study have significant implications for controlling primary emissions, while joint measures over a regional scale are needed to reduce the secondary aerosols in Shijiazhuang.
Jia T, Ju Y, Gu J. A compute-adaptive elastic clock chain technique with dynamic timing enhancement for 2D PE array based accelerators, in International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC).; 2020.
Ma L, Zhang C, Wang Y, Ruan W, Wang J, Tang W, Ma X, Gao X, Gao J. Concare: Personalized clinical feature embedding via capturing the healthcare context, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.Vol 34.; 2020:833–840.
Li F, Wei Z, He K, Blaney L, Cheng X, Xu T, Liu W, Zhao D. A concentrate-and-destroy technique for degradation of perfluorooctanoic acid in water using a new adsorptive photocatalyst. Water Research [Internet]. 2020;185:116219. 访问链接Abstract
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have emerged as a major concern in aquatic systems worldwide due to their widespread applications and health concerns. Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is one of the most-detected PFAS. Yet, a cost-effective technology has been lacking for the degradation of PFAS due to their resistance to conventional treatment processes. To address this challenge, we prepared a novel adsorptive photocatalyst, referred to Fe/TNTs@AC, based on low-cost commercial activated carbon (AC) and TiO2. The composite material exhibited synergistic adsorption and photocatalytic activity and enabled a novel “concentrate-&-destroy” strategy for rapid and complete degradation of PFOA in water. Fe/TNTs@AC was able to adsorb PFOA within a few minutes, thereby effectively concentrating the target contaminant on the photoactive sites. Subsequently, Fe/TNTs@AC was able to degrade >90% of PFOA that was preconcentrated on the solid in 4 h under UV irradiation (254 nm, 21 mW cm‒2), of which 62% was completely mineralized to F−. The efficient photodegradation also regenerated Fe/TNTs@AC, eliminating the need for expensive chemical regenerants, and after six cycles of adsorption/photodegradation, the material showed no significant drop in adsorption capacity or photocatalytic activity. Simulations based on the density functional theory (DFT) revealed that Fe/TNTs@AC adsorbs PFOA in the side-on parallel mode, facilitating the subsequent photocatalytic degradation of PFOA. According to the DFT analysis, scavenger tests, and analysis of degradation intermediates, PFOA decomposition is initiated by direct hole oxidation, which activates the molecule and leads to a series of decarboxylation, C–F bond cleavage, and chain shortening reactions. The innovative “concentrate-&-destroy” strategy may significantly advance conventional adsorption or photochemical treatment of PFAS-contaminated water and holds the potential to degrade PFOA, and potentially other PFAS, more cost-effectively.
Tao Y, Cho S-G, Zhang Z. A configurable successive-cancellation list polar decoder using split-tree architecture. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits [Internet]. 2020;56:612–623. 访问链接
Fu Z(PhD student), Chen J *. Congruent audiovisual speech enhances cortical envelope tracking during auditory selective attention, in 21th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (INTERSPEECH). Shanghai, China; 2020:116–120.
Bu Y, Wang B, Chinchilla-Rodríguez Z, Sugimoto CR, Huang Y, Huang W. Considering author sequence in all-author co-citation analysis. Information Processing and Management. 2020;57(6):102300.
Constructions and properties of a class of random scale-free networks . Chaos [Internet]. 2020. 访问链接
Xie J. Continuous functions on Berkovich spaces. [Internet]. 2020. arXiv:2011.12078
Zhao X, Liu H, Fang B, Zhang Q, Ding H, Li T. Continuous participation in social activities as a protective factor against depressive symptoms among older adults who started high-intensity spousal caregiving: findings from the China health and retirement longitudinal survey. Aging & Mental Health. 2020:1-9.
Huang RJ, He Y, Duan J, Li YJ, Chen Q, Zheng Y, Chen Y, Hu WW, Lin CS, Ni HY, et al. Contrasting sources and processes of particulate species in haze days with low and high relative humidity in wintertime Beijing. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2020;20:9101-9114.Abstract
Although there are many studies of particulate matter (PM) pollution in Beijing, the sources and processes of secondary PM species during haze periods remain unclear. Limited studies have investigated the PM formation in highly polluted environments under low- and high-relative-humidity (RH) conditions. Herein, we present a systematic comparison of species in submicron particles (PM1) in wintertime Beijing (29 December 2014 to 28 February 2015) for clean periods and pollution periods under low- and high-RH conditions. PM1 species were measured with an aerosol chemical species monitor (ACSM) and an Aethalometer. Sources and processes for organic aerosol (OA) were resolved by positive matrix factorization (PMF) with a multilinear engine 2 (ME-2). The comparisons for clean, low-RH pollution and high-RH pollution periods are made from three different aspects, namely (a) mass concentration, (b) mass fraction and (c) growth rate in diurnal profiles. OA is the dominant component of PM1, with an average mass concentration of 56.7 mu g m(-3) (46 %) during high-RH pollution and 67.7 mu g m(-3) (54 %) during low-RH pollution periods. Sulfate had higher concentration and mass fraction during high-RH pollution periods, while nitrate had higher concentration and mass fraction during low-RH pollution periods. The diurnal variations of nitrate and oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) showed a daytime increase in their concentrations during all three types of periods. Nitrate had similar growth rates during low-RH (0.40 mu g m(-3) h(-1)) and high-RH (0.55 mu g m(-3) h(-1)) pollution periods. OOA had a higher growth rate during low- RH pollution periods (1.0 mu g m(-3) h(-1)) than during high-RH pollution periods (0.40 mu g m(-3) h(-1)). In contrast, sulfate had a decreasing trend during low-RH pollution periods, while it increased significantly with a growth rate of 0.81 mu g m(-3) h(-1) during high-RH pollution periods. These distinctions in mass concentrations, mass fractions and daytime growth rates may be explained by the difference in the formation processes affected by meteorological conditions. In particular, photochemical oxidation and aqueous-phase processes may both produce sulfate and nitrate. The relative importance of the two pathways, however, differs under different meteorological conditions. Additional OOA formation under high-RH (> 70 %) conditions suggests aqueous-related formation pathways. This study provides a general picture of the haze formation in Beijing under different meteorological conditions.
