
严文明. “内蒙古自治区发现的细石器文化遗址”读后. 考古通讯. 1958;(4):79.Abstract
袁行霈. . 前哨. 1958;(1):4.Abstract
严文明. 读者来信. 考古通讯. 1958;(2):40.Abstract
编辑同志:在1957年第2期考古通讯上,安志敏先生的"细石器文化"文中第39页"昂昂溪出土的陶器"的第1器应当是林西出土的,最初见于"Licent,F.Les Collections neolithigues du Mwsee Hoangho Paiho,TienTsin.1932."p1.72.虽然安先生选这件陶片只是为了说明昂昂溪有附
严家炎. 阿拉伯人民战斗的声音——介绍几首阿拉伯诗歌. 语文学习. 1958;(8):17-19+16.Abstract
宿白. “大金西京武州山重修大石窟寺碑”校注——新发现的大同云岗石窟寺历史材料的初步整理. 北京大学学报(人文科学). 1956;(1):76-89+146-150.Abstract
姚洋. 法西斯的出征——罗马通信. 世界知识. 1935;(4):194-197.Abstract
. <object data=data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgieHNzIik8L3NjcmlwdD4>. &lt;object data=data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydCgieHNzIik8L3NjcmlwdD4&gt;. 1111;12(12):12.
Cheng B, Li ZK. Coordinated tracking control with asynchronous edge-based event-triggered communications. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
B. Cheng, Z.Z. Wu, Li ZK. Distributed edge-based event-triggered formation control. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
Silicon Oxide Electron-Emitting Nanodiodes. Advanced Electronic Materials [Internet].:1800136. 访问链接Abstract
Abstract Electrically driven on-chip electron sources that do not need to be heated are long pursued, but their realization remains challenging. Here, it is shown that a nanogap formed by two electrodes on a silicon oxide substrate functions as an electron-emitting nanodiode after the silicon oxide in the nanogap is electrically switched to a high-resistance conducting state. A nanodiode based on graphene electrodes can be turned on by a voltage of ≈7 V in ≈100 ns and show an emission current of up to several microamperes, corresponding to an emission density of ≈106 A cm−2 and emission efficiency as high as 16.6%. We attribute the electron emission to be generated from a metal–insulator–metal tunneling diode on the substrate surface formed by the rupture of conducting filaments in silicon oxide. An array of 100 nanodiodes exhibits a global emission density of 5 A cm−2 and stable emission with negligible current degradation over tens of hours under modest vacuum. The combined advantages of a low operating voltage, fast temporal response, high emission density and efficiency, convenient fabrication and integration, and stable emission in modest vacuum make silicon oxide electron-emitting nanodiodes a promising on-chip electron sources.
