


2017.9 -2022

北京大学中文系/Department of Chinese literature and language, Peking University, China

博士研究生在读(中国现代文学方向)/PhD candidate in Modern Chinese Literature

2018.8- 2018.12

新加坡南洋理工大学人文与艺术学院/Department of Humanities and Arts, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore

访问学生/Exchange student

2013.9 to 2017.7

北京大学中文系/Department of Chinese literature and language, Peking University, China

学士学位(中国文学方向)Bachelor Degree 

研究兴趣/Research Interests


Modern Chinese Literature, especially in Left-wing literature in 1930s and 1940s;Poetry Reviews

论文发表/Publications and Conference Presentations

· “《抵抗写作及其隐暗面——萧军〈八月的乡村〉与伪满洲国文坛》[Resistance Writing and its "Darker Side"_ Xiao Jun's August in Village and the Submerge of Manchukuo],in 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》[Modern Chinese Literature Studies],2021.Vol.12”

 “《跨域·越轨·诠释——重读萧红的〈生死场〉》”[A Re-interpretation on The Field of Life and Death from an Inter-Disciplinary Perspective], in《文学评论》[Literary Review], 2020 Vol.3

·  “《上海沦陷生态与师陀的创作选择》”[The Submerge of Shanghai and Shi Tuo's Choices in the Creation——An Inquiry on Xia Houqi] in《现代中文学刊》[Journal of Modern Chinese Literature], 2019 Vol.2

·  “《屠猫狂欢:小事件如何通往大历史?》”[Grand Narrative Departed from a Partially Phenomenon——A Book Review of The Great Cat Massacre] in《写作》[Writing], 2020 Vol.3

·  “《回到怎样的“文学故乡”?》”[Back to a literary utopia?] in《诗刊》Poetry Periodical, 2018 vol.14 

·  “《走向一种更为宽广的生活——读武强华组诗》”[Toward a wilder concept of life—— Comments on Wu Qianghua’s poems] in 《诗刊》Poetry Periodical, 2017 vol.9

·  “《打工诗歌的阅读伦理》”[The ethics of reading Dagong poetry] in《文艺报》,Feb.26th,2018


· Writing Beyond Borders: Teju Cole’s writing and its message , Presented on The Global and the Local, NYU-PKU-ANU-U-Tokyo Winter Institute, Australian National University, 2019.1

· 北京大学中文系 “全球化时代的地方文化研究——《安顺城记》主题研讨会”,2020.4