
课题组常年招聘博士后,开展与土壤重金属污染相关的水固界面反应以及纳米颗粒物、矿物和有机质相互作用的基础性科研工作。请申请人将简历、一篇代表作和推荐人的联系方式(合并成一个pdf)于每年的2月和9月底前发送至huyandi@pku.edu.cn(邮件主题:“博士后申请+姓名”) 。初选通过后,以邮件或电话通知候选人。





4、符合下列条件之一者优先考虑:掌握多项纳米材料的表征技术:如AFM、DLS、SEM, TEM;在专业一流期刊上发表两篇以上一作文章;具有较强的逻辑思维能力和英文写作能力。






Postdoc Recruiting

The Laboratory invites applicants for a postdoctoral research position that is funded by the PKU postdoc program.The successful applicant will join a research group led by Dr. Yandi Hu. Potential research topics include:

1) Mechanisms of the mineral-fluid interface reaction and its application for soil heavy metal immobilization/remediation;

2) Mechanisms of reaction between nano-particles/minerals and organic matter.


- Major in environmental science, geochemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering, or related fields;

- Hold a doctoral degree for less than three years at the time of application;

- Responsible, cooperative, and good communication skills.

- Have published SCI research papers in relevant fields as the first author. Strong laboratory and scholarly writing skills.

Successful applicants can enjoy a competitive salary including insurance and housing fund based on Peking University postdoctoral management and can be assisted in the application for Peking University BOYA Postdoctoral Program or International Postdoctoral Program. Outstanding candidates will have an opportunity to obtain a joint training position to study in the international top research institutions. To apply, please send a CV, publication list, and a 2-page statement of research interest by email to Dr. Yandi Hu (huyandi@pku.edu.cn). This advertisement is valid till the job vacancy is filled.