Energy-dependent optical model potentials for α and deuteron with 12 C


Pang DY, Ye YL, Xu FR. Energy-dependent optical model potentials for α and deuteron with 12 C. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics [Internet]. 2012;39:095101.


Energy-dependent phenomenological optical model potentials based on a single-folding model approach for the α- 12 C and deuteron- 12 C systems were obtained for incident energies between 10 and 100 MeV/nucleon. The Lane-consistent Bruyères Jeukenne–Lejeune–Mahaux model nucleon–nucleus potentials were used in these calculations. With only three free parameters, these potentials account satisfactorily for both angular distributions of elastic scattering cross sections and total reaction cross sections of both projectile–target systems within the energy range studied. Comparisons were made between the present potentials and other systematic phenomenological potentials.
