科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Trusina A, Papa FR, Tang C. Rationalizing translation attenuation in the network architecture of the unfolded protein response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2008;(51):20280-20285. 访问链接
Kloster M, Tang C. SCUMBLE: A method for systematic and accurate detection of codon usage bias by maximum likelihood estimation. Nucleic Acids Research [Internet]. 2008;(11):3819-3827. 访问链接
Lau K-Y, Ganguli S, Tang C. Function constrains network architecture and dynamics: A case study on the yeast cell cycle Boolean network. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics [Internet]. 2007;(5). 访问链接
Li J-L, Car R, Tang C, Wingreen NS. Hydrophobic interaction and hydrogen-bond network for a methane pair in liquid water. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2007;(8):2626-2630. 访问链接
Yang K, Ma W, Liang H, Ouyang Q, Tang C, Lai L. Dynamic simulations on the arachidonic acid metabolic network. PLoS Computational Biology [Internet]. 2007;(3):0523-0530. 访问链接
Zhang Y, Qian M, Ouyang Q, Deng M, Li F, Tang C. Stochastic model of yeast cell-cycle network. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2006;(1):35-39.
Shao D, Zheng W, Qiu W, Ouyang Q, Tang C. Dynamic studies of scaffold-dependent mating pathway in yeast. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2006;(11):3986-4001. 访问链接
Ma W, Lai L, Ouyang Q, Tang C. Robustness and modular design of the Drosophila segment polarity network. Molecular Systems Biology [Internet]. 2006. 访问链接
Kloster M, Tang C, Wingreen NS. Finding regulatory modules through large-scale gene-expression data analysis. Bioinformatics [Internet]. 2005;(7):1172-1179. 访问链接
Ma W, Tang C, Lai L. Specificity of trypsin and chymotrypsin: Loop-motion-controlled dynamic correlation as a determinant. Biophysical Journal [Internet]. 2005;(2):1183-1193. 访问链接
Kruus E, Thumfort P, Tang C, Wingreen NS. Gibbs sampling and helix-cap motifs. Nucleic Acids Research [Internet]. 2005;(16):5343-5353. 访问链接
Wingreen NS, Li H, Tang C. Designability and thermal stability of protein structures. Polymer. 2004;(2):699-705.
Moelbert S, Emberly E, Tang C. Correlation between sequence hydrophobicity and surface-exposure pattern of database proteins. Protein Science [Internet]. 2004;(3):752-762. 访问链接
Emberly EG, Mukhopadhyay R, Tang C, Wingreen NS. Flexibility of β-Sheets: Principal Component Analysis of Database Protein Structures. Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics [Internet]. 2004;(1):91-98. 访问链接
Li F, Long T, Lu Y, Ouyang Q, Tang C. The yeast cell-cycle network is robustly designed. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America [Internet]. 2004;(14):4781-4786. 访问链接
Kloster M, Tang C. Simulation and Analysis of in vitro DNA Evolution. Physical Review Letters [Internet]. 2004;(3):381011-381014. 访问链接
Zhang J, Chen R, Tang C, Liang J. Origin of scaling behavior of protein packing density: A sequential Monte Carlo study of compact long chain polymers. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2003;(13):6102-6109.
Yahyanejad M, Kardar M, Tang C. Structure space of model proteins: A principal component analysis. Journal of Chemical Physics. 2003;(9):4277-4284.
Emberly EG, Mukhopadhyay R, Wingreen NS, Tang C. Flexibility of α-helices: Results of a statistical analysis of database protein structures. Journal of Molecular Biology [Internet]. 2003;(1):229-237. 访问链接
Mukhopadhyay R, Emberly E, Tang C, Wingreen NS. Statistical mechanics of RNA folding: Importance of alphabet size. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics [Internet]. 2003;(4 1):419041-419045. 访问链接
