11月22日 9:00-12:00:Historical review of optical microscopy (Prof. J. Paul Robinson, Purdue University)
I. History of imaging: from Robert Hooke to modern microscopy
II. Basic microscopy techniques
11月22日 14:00-17:00:Surface Plasmon and SERS in Optical Microscopy and Imaging (Prof. Donghyun
Kim, Yonsei University)
I. Understanding resolution, labels, SPR, and SERS
II. Labeled imaging techniques: Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM) and
Plasmon enhanced microscopy (PEM)
III. Label-free imaging techniques: Surface plasmon microscopy (SPM), Surface enhanced
Raman spectroscopy (SERS) imaging
11月23日 9:00-12:00:Faster, Deeper, and Higher resolution imaging for brain (Prof. Shi-Wei Chu, National
Taiwan University)
I. Why brain imaging is important and what is the current bottleneck?
II. Four important considerations of imaging: contrast, resolution, speed, and depth.
III. How to reach the dream of whole brain single neuron functional imaging, or even single
synapse imaging?
11月23日 14:00-17:00:Super-resolution and light-sheet microscopy (Prof. Bo Huang, University of California)
I. Principles of single-molecule-switching-based super-resolution microscopy (STORM, PALM,
II. Practical considerations and limitations of STORM/PALM
III. Quantitative interpretation of single-molecule localization images
IV. Light-sheet microscopy
11月24日 9:00-12:00:Phase retrieval and Fourier ptychographic imaging: a tutorial using Matlab (Prof. Guoan
Zheng, University of Connecticut)
# Please bring a laptop with Matlab installed. We will run simulations based on Matlab. Basic
knowledge of Matlab is required.