About ME

I’m a curious researcher with a passion for uncovering the cultural mysteries of our data-driven world. To me, data isn’t just a bunch of numbers, it’s the story of who we are, how we think, and how we interact. My research dives deep into the intersection of technology, data, and social justice, with a mission to figure out how we can use these tools to create a fairer, more inclusive society. Spoiler alert: I believe we can totally hack the system for good!
I love asking big, bold questions like, What if we could rewrite the rules of society? and exploring how data can help us break down old barriers and build something better. If you’re into challenging the status quo and dreaming up ways to make the world a more just place, let’s chat!

And hey, if you're just here for my CV, no worries, you can grab it by clicking the link below. But if, by some chance, the link has mysteriously vanished (definitely the website's fault, not yours!), feel free to shoot me an email at yunjietang@stu.pku.edu.cn. I'll make sure you get it!