This paper extends the current literatures on the relation between fund expenses and fund flows using data from Taiwan. Our findings for the Taiwan market differ from previous studies on the U.S. market. Specifically, we find no support for the notion of “out of sight, out of mind”. For Taiwan mutual funds, net flows and inflows are negatively related to operating expenses but not front-end loads. The discrepancy between our results and those reported for the U.S. market may be attributed to the fee structure in Taiwan, where operating expenses are much higher than front-end loads and seem to have a bigger impact on fund performance. The negative relation between net flows (inflows) and operating expenses is more pronounced for funds with high institutional investor participation and funds charging high operating expenses. However, investor types show no significant impact on the relations between front-end loads and various measures of fund flows.
According to the Montreal Protocol, China is required to phase-out hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) by 2030. Compound 1,1-dichloro-1-fluoroethane (CH3CCl2F, HCFC-141b) has an ozone depleting potential (ODP, 0.11) and global warming potential (GWP, 782), and is widely used in the polyurethane foam and solvent sectors in China. This study compiles a comprehensive emission inventory of HCFC-141b during 2000–2013 and makes a projection to 2050. Our results showed that HCFC-141b emissions in China increased from 0.8 Gg/yr (0.6 CO2-eq Tg/yr) in 2000 to 15.8 Gg/yr (12.4 CO2-eq Tg/yr) in 2013 with an accelerated growth rate. The provincial emission distribution showed that Shandong, Jiangsu, and Guangdong are key emission areas in China. A large amount of stock was retained in installed equipment, which may have an impact in the future. For future phasing-out, it was estimated that under the Montreal Planned Phase-out scenario (MPP), the accumulative reduction of HCFC-141b emissions during 2014–2050 would be 3071.0 Gg (2401.5 CO2-eq Tg) compared to that under the Business-as-usual (BAU) scenario. This study reviewed and predicted HCFC-141b emissions and their environmental impacts in China.
A 2D metastable carbon allotrope, penta-graphene, composed entirely of carbon pentagons and resembling the Cairo pentagonal tiling, is proposed. State-of-the-art theoretical calculations confirm that the new carbon polymorph is not only dynamically and mechanically stable, but also can withstand temperatures as high as 1000 K. Due to its unique atomic configuration, penta-graphene has an unusual negative Poisson’s ratio and ultrahigh ideal strength that can even outperform graphene. Furthermore, unlike graphene that needs to be functionalized for opening a band gap, penta-graphene possesses an intrinsic quasi-direct band gap as large as 3.25 eV, close to that of ZnO and GaN. Equally important, penta-graphene can be exfoliated from T12-carbon. When rolled up, it can form pentagon-based nanotubes which are semiconducting, regardless of their chirality. When stacked in different patterns, stable 3D twin structures of T12-carbon are generated with band gaps even larger than that of T12-carbon. The versatility of penta-graphene and its derivatives are expected to have broad applications in nanoelectronics and nanomechanics.
When an observer reports a letter flanked by additional letters in the visual periphery, the response errors (the crowding effect) may result from failure to recognize the target letter (recognition errors), from mislocating a correctly recognized target letter at a flanker location (target misplacement errors), or from reporting a flanker as the target letter (flanker substitution errors). Crowding can be reduced through perceptual learning. However, it is not known how perceptual learning operates to reduce crowding. In this study we trained observers with a partial-report task (Experiment 1), in which they reported the central target letter of a three-letter string presented in the visual periphery, or a whole-report task (Experiment 2), in which they reported all three letters in order. We then assessed the impact of training on recognition of both unflanked and flanked targets, with particular attention to how perceptual learning affected the types of errors. Our results show that training improved target recognition but not single-letter recognition, indicating that training indeed affected crowding. However, training did not reduce target misplacement errors or flanker substitution errors. This dissociation between target recognition and flanker substitution errors supports the view that flanker substitution may be more likely a by-product (due to response bias), rather than a cause, of crowding. Moreover, the dissociation is not consistent with hypothesized mechanisms of crowding that would predict reduced positional errors.
Ao Y, Liu Y, Yang C, Liu F, Zhang P, Lu Y, Du Y. Performance evaluation of HPGMG on Tianhe-2: early experience. In: Proc. 15th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 9531. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2015. 访问链接
Phase transition in odd-N isotopes 99,101,103 Pd are investigated via the E-GOS (E-Gamma Over Spin) curves, which strongly suggest a structure evolution from vibration to rotation along the yrast lines with increasing spin. Theoretical calculations have been performed for the ground state bands of 99,101,103 Pd in the framework of the cranked shell model (CSM) and the alignment properties observed experimentally are analyzed employing this model. The results show that the phase transition in the ground state bands of 99,101,103 Pd can be interpreted as the valence nucleons start to occupy the g 9/2 proton orbitals with increasing spin which would polarize the core to a small, but rigid quadrupole deformation.
We studied the picosecond time-resolved fluorescent spectroscopy of 1-anilino-8-naphthalene sulfonate (ANS), which binds to the staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) of the wild-type (WT) and the molten globule (MG) state. Three ANS emission bands at approximately 530nm, approximately 495nm, and approximately 475nm are resolved, corresponding to three ANS states: the free ANS in solution and associated form adsorbing to surface sites and binding to active sites. The surface hydrophobicity of the WT is moderate and different from the MG state, as shown both in the position of the bands and by the concentration dependent ANS fluorescent decay. For MG, the decay of two blue bands accelerated with the increment of the ANS concentration, whereas the WT did not show this dependency. However, when pdTp, an inhibitor, was attached to the active site of the MG state, band 2 decay was also independent of the ANS concentration. These results indicate that the protein hydrophobic sites have two types of interactions with ANS.