科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Zhu X-M, Feidenhansl R, Zabel H, Als-Nielsen J, Du R, Flynn CP, Grey F. Grazing-incidence x-ray scattering on the Cu3Au(111) phase transition. Physical Review B. 1988;(12):7157-7160.
Borchers JA, Salamon MB, Du R, Flynn CP, Rhyne JJ, Erwin RW. Magnetic characterization of Er/Y superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1988;(8):3458-3460.
Erwin RW, Rhyne JJ, Borchers J, Salamon MB, Du R, Flynn CP. Magnetoelasticity and structure of Er/Y superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1988;(8):3461-3463.
Tang C, Bak P. Mean field theory of self-organized critical phenomena. Journal of Statistical Physics. 1988;(5-6):797-802.
Sarma DS, He S, Xie XC. Mobility edge in a model one-dimensional potential. Physical Review Letters. 1988;(18):2144-2147.
Du R, Tsui F, Flynn CP. New configurations of rare-earth superlattices. Physical Review B. 1988;(4):2941-2943.
Xie XC, Sarma DS. Numerical study of conductance fluctuations based on the Kubo formula. Physical Review B. 1988;(5):3529-3532.
Xie XC, DasSarma S. Quantum interference between Landau levels in quasi-one dimensional microstructures. Solid State Communications. 1988;(7):697-700.
Demers RT, Kong S, Klein MV, Du R, Flynn CP. Raman scattering from vibrational and magnetic modes in Dy, Er, and Y films. Physical Review B. 1988;(16):11523-11533.
Bak P, Tang C, Wiesenfeld K. Self-organized criticality. Physical Review A. 1988;(1):364-374.
Sarma DS, Xie XC. Strong-field density of states in weakly disordered two-dimensional electron systems. Physical Review Letters. 1988;(6):738-741.
Nori F, Niu Q. Tc(H) for quasicrystalline micronetworks: Analytical and numerical results. Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter. 1988;(1-2):105-112.
Sarma DS, Xie XC. Theory of electronic density of states of a two-dimensional disordered system in the presence of a strong magnetic field (invited). Journal of Applied Physics. 1988;(10):5465-5468.
Xie XC, DasSarma S. Aharonov-Bohm effect in the hopping conductivity of a small ring. Physical Review B. 1987;(17):9326-9328.
Pacault A, Ouyang Q, Kepper DP. Bistable and oscillating chemical reactions. Journal of Statistical Physics. 1987;(5-6):1005-1016.
Ouyang Q, Tam WY, DeKepper P, McCormick WD, Noszticzius Z, Swinney HL. Bubble-free belousov-zhabotinskii-type reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry®. 1987;(8):2181-2184.
DasSarma S, Xie XC. Calculated transport properties of ultrasubmicrometer quasi-one-dimensional inversion lines. Physical Review B. 1987;(18):9875-9878.
Kohmoto M, Sutherland B, Tang C. Critical wave functions and a Cantor-set spectrum of a one-dimensional quasicrystal model. Physical Review B. 1987;(3):1020-1033.
Borchers J, Sinha S, Salamon MB, Du R, Flynn CP, Rhyne JJ, Erwin RW. Magnetic and structural characterization of Dy-Y superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1987;(8):4049-4051.
Erwin RW, Rhyne JJ, Salamon MB, Borchers J, Sinha S, Du R, Cunningham JE, Flynn CP. Magnetic structure of Dy-Y superlattices. Physical Review B. 1987;(13):6808-6825.
