科研成果 by Type: 期刊论文

Thouless DJ, Ao P, Niu Q. Vortex dynamics in superfluids and the Berry phase. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 1993;(1-4):42-49.
Eight water-soluble organic anions were measured in 70 aerosol samples and 10 snow samples at Barrow, Alaska in March-April, 1989. The ranking of the ions in aerosols according to total (coarse+fine aerosol) median concentrations was acetate (44 ng m-3), oxalate (27), benzoate (23), formate (22), propionate (6), methanesulfonate (5), lactate (4), and pyruvate (4). When added up, the median organic anion mass was 156 ng m-3. The organic anions/nssSO4= mass ratio had a median of 0.18 and 0.07 in the coarse (>l mum) and fine (<1 mum) size fractions, respectively, but can be very high on occasions. On average, the organic anions made up more than 10% of the water-soluble aerosol mass. A similar ranking in concentration was also found for the organic ions in the snow pack samples. The organic anion/nssSO4= mass ratio in these samples was >0.5, substantially higher than in aerosols.
Salamon MB, Shi J, Overend N, Howson MA. XY-like critical behavior of the thermodynamic and transport properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x in magnetic fields near Tc. Physical Review B. 1993;(9):5520-5523.
Xiao R-P, Lakatta EG. β1-Adrenoceptor stimulation and β2-adrenoceptor stimulation differ in their effects on contraction, cytosolic Ca2+, and Ca2+ current in single rat ventricular cells. Circulation Research [Internet]. 1993;(2):286-300. 访问链接
沙宗平. 从“凯拉姆”思潮到“凯拉姆学”——伊斯兰哲学初探(上). 阿拉伯世界. 1993;(03):39-41+56.Abstract
<正> “凯拉姆”是阿拉伯文“Kalam”的音译,意为语言、言论,后来成为伊斯兰教教义学的专名,指有关教义与信条的依据逻辑的或辩证的方式而表明的言论.研究教义的人则被称为“穆台凯里姆”(Mutakkalimun).传统的伊斯兰教史学家并不否认凯拉姆学与希腊哲学间的联
林峰, 戴龙基. 加拿大图书情报系统概况. 世界经济与政治论坛. 1993;(02):40-43.Abstract
<正> 加拿大图书馆的发展,一般地讲,是与下列因素相关的:地理环境、人口、经济、政治和政府体制,以及历史的演变。除此以外,加拿大的图书馆形成还与美国的影响有着直接的
宣捷, 林官明, 丁润田, 霍焕, 谷青, 彭应登, 全宝玲. 在湍流和复杂地形条件下减少煤堆尘排放的几种防护措施的效率. 中国环境科学. 1993;13(5):350-.
余道衡, 贾积有. 用参数正交选优神经网络算法解货郎问题. 电子学报. 1993;(07):16-22.Abstract
戴龙基. 美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究所东亚图书馆见闻录. 编辑之友. 1993;(01):74-76.Abstract
<正> 1992年4月中旬,在郁金香花盛开的时节,我到圣佛朗西斯科参加学术会议,在朋友的安排下,有幸到慕名已久的斯坦福大学胡佛研究所东亚图书馆去参观。汽车一驶进校区,与喧闹的市区形成一鲜明的对比,这里除了从四周的绿树丛中。透过晨曦中的薄雾,偶尔传来一两声清脆的鸟鸣外,再也听不到其他声音。路旁整齐的棕榈树,轻轻摇动着巨大的枝叶,像是在向我们表示欢迎。
Tao KY, Gao F, Wen LY, Chen ZM, Zang YR, Li HX. Acid-base and catalytic properties of (K,Na) ZSM-5 zeolites. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities. 1992;13(10):1274-1278.
Yang Z, Cui YX, Wong HNC, Wang RJ, Mak TCW, Chang HM, Lee CM. Anodic oxidation as a synthetic expedient to naphthoquinone and anthraquinone ketals. Tetrahedron. 1992;(16):3293-3302.
He S, Xie X-cheng, Zhang F-C. Anyons, boundary constraint, and hierarchy in fractional quantum hall effect. Physical Review Letters. 1992;(23):3460-3463.
Rao Y, Bodmer R, Jan LY, Jan YN. The big brain gene of Drosophila functions to control the number of neuronal precursors in the peripheral nervous system. Development [Internet]. 1992;(1):31-40. 访问链接
Luo Y, Jiang X, Lai L, Qu C, Xu X, Tang Y. Building protein backbones from Cα coordinates. Protein Engineering [Internet]. 1992;(2):147-150. 访问链接
Liu C, Niu Q. Centralized distribution of adiabatic current in a split Bloch band. Physical Review B. 1992;(16):9046-9053.
Tu Y, Cross MC. Chaotic domain structure in rotating convection. Physical Review Letters. 1992;(17):2515-2518.
Tu Y, Cross MC. Chaotic domain structure in rotating convection. Physical Review Letters. 1992;(17):2515-2518.
Salamon MB, Shi J. Comment on High-field scaling behavior of thermodynamic and transport quantities of YBa2Cu3O7- near the superconducting transition. Physical Review Letters. 1992;(10):1622-.
Kantor Y, Li H, Kardar M. Conformations of polyampholytes. Physical Review Letters. 1992;(1):61-64.
Sakai M, Danziger RS, Xiao R-P, Spurgeon HA, Lakatta EG. Contractile response of individual cardiac myocytes to norepinephrine declines with senescence. American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology [Internet]. 1992;(1 31-1):H184-H189. 访问链接
