
Xun Pang and Licheng Liu, “A Bayesian Multifactor Spatio-Temporal Model for Estimating Time-Varying Network Interdependence”. Political Science Research and Methods (Accepted) [Internet]. 2022. SSRN full-textAbstract
This paper proposes a Bayesian multilevel spatio-temporal model with a time-varying spatial autoregressive coefficient to estimate temporally heterogeneous network interdependence. To tackle the classic reflection problem, we use multiple factors to control for confounding caused by latent homophily and common exposures. We develop a Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm to estimate parameters and adopt Bayesian shrinkage to determine the number of factors. Tests on simulated and empirical data show that the proposed model improves identification of network interdependence and is robust to misspecifcation. Our method is applicable to various types of networks and provides a simpler and more flexible alternative to coevolution models.
Xun Pang and Luwei Ying, “US-China Competition in VotingCoalition Formation in United Nations General Assembly," Under Review. 2022.Abstract
The regime divide is one of the most studied cleavages in international politics, and the current discussion centers on whether the great power competition between the United States and China divides the world along regime lines. This paper focuses on the US-China competition in forming voting alignments in the United Nations General Assembly and disentangles the effects of regime type on actions, preferences, and strategic calculations of the rival powers and developing countries. We develop a formal model to theorize the competition and convert the game into a Bayesian statistical estimator. Empirical evidence suggests that the US-China competition increases the democracy/authoritarianism voting cleavage. States' regime-oriented voting or vote-buying choices, however, are not driven by their sincere preferences but by differential strategies shaped by regime type. These findings shed light on the nature of the US-China competition and its implications for the world order.
Xun Pang, Licheng Liu, Yiqing Xu, “A Bayesian Alternative to Synthetic Control for Comparative Case Studies”, Political Analysis. Political Analysis [Internet]. 2022;30(2). full-textAbstract
This paper proposes a Bayesian alternative to the synthetic control method for comparative case studies with a single or multiple treated units. We adopt a Bayesian posterior predictive approach to Rubin’s causal model, which allows researchers to make inferences about both individual and average treatment effects on treated observations based on the empirical posterior distributions of their counterfactuals. The prediction model we develop is a dynamic multilevel model with a latent factor term to correct biases induced by unit-specific time trends. It also considers heterogeneous and dynamic relationships between covariates and the outcome, thus improving precision of the causal estimates. To reduce model dependency, we adopt a Bayesian shrinkage method for model searching and factor selection. Monte Carlo exercises demonstrate that our method produces more precise causal estimates than existing approaches and achieves correct frequentist coverage rates even when sample sizes are small and rich heterogeneities are present in data. We illustrate the method with two empirical examples from political economy. (For software to implement the method, please visit https://github.com/liulch/bpCausal)
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种交易数据的预传输方法、区块链系统和共识节点. China patent CN 202211737964.5.
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种区块链系统中的共识方法. China patent CN 202211216361.0.
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种区块链网络中的共识数据分发方法和区块链网络. China patent CN 202211737971.5.
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种区块链网络中的共识数据分发方法和区块链网络. China patent CN 202211735064.7.
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种区块链网络的组网方法、区块链网络和节点设备. China patent CN 202211742874.5.
虎振兴等.; 2022. 一种区块链网络的组网方法、区块链网络和节点设备. China patent CN 202211739524.3.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 王奕文.; 2022. 一种基于声压图学习的球谐系数升阶方法及声场描述方法. China patent CN 202210650517.X.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 高山.; 2022. 一种基于稀疏网络模型的声场球谐函数信号频域扩展方法. China patent CN 202210231178.1.
曲天书, 吴玺宏, 高山.; 2022. 一种房间混响环境下直达声和一次反射声定向方法. China patent CN 202210233276.9.
张远银, 刘喜武, 袁红军.; 2022. 一种页岩油气层孔隙压力预测方法及系统. China patent CN ZL 2017 1 0648490.X.
张逸凡. “不见夺之理则天下乐从”?——增值税对政治问责之影响的跨国分析. 北京大学. 2022.Abstract
胡建信. 与国际社会共同治理新污染物环境问题. 与国际社会共同治理新污染物环境问题 [Internet]. 2022. 访问链接
郭颖 王明星, 段炜钰. 专利的技术新兴度与其技术影响力间关系研究. 科学学研究. 2022;40.
刘尚君, 罗雅楠, 郭帅, 郑晓瑛. 中国人口健康报告制度建立及经济学评价. 中国公共卫生. 2022;38:364–370.Abstract
高珂, 吴靖 孙瑞琪. 中国影子银行研究现状及展望. 山东青年政治学院学报. 2022.
中国数字生态指数的测算与分析. 社会科学文摘. 2022.Abstract
近年来,全国各地高度重视数字经济发展,并使之成为带动经济高质量发展的新引擎。各地数字政府的建设也进入快车道,智慧城市、城市大脑等综合政务信息化普遍发展。普惠金融、数字乡村等领域的发展也极大促进了数字社会的发展水平。与此同时,数字基础设施、数据资源开放、数字人才创新、网络信息安全等领域发展不平衡、不充分、不协调的问题也逐渐引起重视。以大数据、人工智能、区块链等为代表的数字技术,正在对产业经济、社会发展和政府治理等领域产生广泛而深刻的影响。由于数字技术具有显著的跨界融合、价值溢出、网络效应等特征,数字经济、数字社会乃至数字政府等发展之间密切关联、相互影响、难以剥离,从整体上构成了更为宏观的数字生态。《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十四个五年规划和2035年远景目标纲要》明确提出,要“打造数字经济新优势,加快数字社会建设步伐,提高数字政府建设水平,营造良好的数字生态”。这是“数字生态”概念首次出现在国家战略规划文件中。因此,仅仅衡量数字经济规模已不能够全面评估数字中国的建设水平,数字中国需要从更为宏观和广阔的数字生态视角进行评估,对现阶段中国不同地区数字生态发展格局进行整体上和系统性比较分析更具有重要意义。      现有相关指数研究主要从数字经济或智慧城市的角度来探讨数字技术对经济社会的影响、作用与意义等,尚无一套从“投入→转化→产出”逻辑构建包含数字经济、数字政府和数字社会等内涵的数字生态指数。自2019年起,北京大学大数据分析与应用技术国家工程实验室(以下简称“国家工程实验室”)研制并于2020年首次发布“数字生态指数”,以多源、多方、多维、多视角的动态方式和大数据的手段对各地数字生态进行全面、充分和精准刻画。本文旨在介绍数字生态指数的指标构建、测算方法以及全国数字生态指数分析,从而将分散在不同领域的指数研究进 行综合,为国家数字化全面建设尤其是数字中国战略落地提供指数工具与决策撑。
王娟,张一,黄晶,李由君,宋洁,张平文. 中国数字生态指数的测算与分析. 电子政务 [Internet]. 2022;(3):4-16. 访问链接Abstract
