
Bian M, Chen Z, Qu B, Xiao L. Highly Efficient Organic Blue Electroluminescent Materials and Devices with Mesoscopic Structures. CHEMICAL RECORD. 2019;19:1562-1570.Abstract
Due to the difficulty in achieving high efficiency and high color purity simultaneously, blue emission is the limiting factor for the performance and stability of OLEDs. Since 2003, we have been working on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), especially on blue light. After a series of molecular designs, novel strategies have been proposed from different aspects. At first, highly efficient deep blue emission could be achieved through molecular design with highly twisted structure to suppress fluorescence quenching and redshift. Deep blue emitters with high efficiency in solid state, a twisted structure with aggregation induced emission (AIE) characteristics was incorporated to inhibit molecular aggregation, and triplet-triplet fusion (TTF) and hybridized localized charge transfer (HLCT) were adopted to increase the ratio of triplet exciton used. Secondly, a highly efficient blue OLED could be achieved through improving charge transport. New electron transport materials (ETMs) with wide band gap were developed to control charge transport balance in devices. Thirdly, a highly efficient deep blue emission could be achieved through a mesoscopic structure of out-coupling layer. A mesoscopic photonic structured organic thin film was fabricated on the top of metal electrode by self-aggregation in order to improve the light out-coupling efficiency.
Bian M, Chen Z, Qu B, Xiao L. Highly Efficient Organic Blue Electroluminescent Materials and Devices with Mesoscopic Structures. CHEMICAL RECORD. 2019;19:1562-1570.Abstract
Due to the difficulty in achieving high efficiency and high color purity simultaneously, blue emission is the limiting factor for the performance and stability of OLEDs. Since 2003, we have been working on organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), especially on blue light. After a series of molecular designs, novel strategies have been proposed from different aspects. At first, highly efficient deep blue emission could be achieved through molecular design with highly twisted structure to suppress fluorescence quenching and redshift. Deep blue emitters with high efficiency in solid state, a twisted structure with aggregation induced emission (AIE) characteristics was incorporated to inhibit molecular aggregation, and triplet-triplet fusion (TTF) and hybridized localized charge transfer (HLCT) were adopted to increase the ratio of triplet exciton used. Secondly, a highly efficient blue OLED could be achieved through improving charge transport. New electron transport materials (ETMs) with wide band gap were developed to control charge transport balance in devices. Thirdly, a highly efficient deep blue emission could be achieved through a mesoscopic structure of out-coupling layer. A mesoscopic photonic structured organic thin film was fabricated on the top of metal electrode by self-aggregation in order to improve the light out-coupling efficiency.
Bian M, Chen Z, Qu B, Xiao L. Highly Efficient Organic Blue Electroluminescent Materials and Devices with Mesoscopic Structures. CHEMICAL RECORD. 2019;19:1562-1570.
Wang D, Wu C, Qi X, Luo W, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Guo X, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Neglectable Hysteresis and Increased Open Circuit Voltage via a Nickel Chloride Interface Modification. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS. 2019;2:5883+.
Wang D, Wu C, Qi X, Luo W, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Guo X, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Neglectable Hysteresis and Increased Open Circuit Voltage via a Nickel Chloride Interface Modification. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS. 2019;2:5883-5888.Abstract
Interface modification engineering has been widely used as a flexible and effective method to optimize the performance of perovskite photovoltaic devices. Herein, we adopt NiCl2 as a modifier to passivate the interface at the electron transporting layer (ETL) and perovskite layer to drive high-efficiency perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with increased open circuit voltage (V-oc) and neglectable hysteresis. The devices based on SnO2/NiCl2 ETL achieved a high V-oc (1.17 V) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) (19.46%). The improvement is attributed to the increased energy level of the conduction band minimum (E-CBM) and reduced defect states by NiCl2 interface modification. Our findings provide an effective way to obtain higher V-oc and PCE values as well as neglectable hysteresis for planar PSCs.
Wang D, Wu C, Qi X, Luo W, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Guo X, Qu B, Xiao L, Chen Z. Highly Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells with Neglectable Hysteresis and Increased Open Circuit Voltage via a Nickel Chloride Interface Modification. ACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS. 2019;2:5883-5888.Abstract
Interface modification engineering has been widely used as a flexible and effective method to optimize the performance of perovskite photovoltaic devices. Herein, we adopt NiCl2 as a modifier to passivate the interface at the electron transporting layer (ETL) and perovskite layer to drive high-efficiency perovskite solar cells (PSCs) with increased open circuit voltage (V-oc) and neglectable hysteresis. The devices based on SnO2/NiCl2 ETL achieved a high V-oc (1.17 V) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) (19.46%). The improvement is attributed to the increased energy level of the conduction band minimum (E-CBM) and reduced defect states by NiCl2 interface modification. Our findings provide an effective way to obtain higher V-oc and PCE values as well as neglectable hysteresis for planar PSCs.
Wang M, Li X, Xiong X, Song J, Gu C, Zhan D, Hu Q, Li S, Wu Y. High-Performance Flexible ZnO Thin-Film Transistors by Atomic Layer Deposition. IEEE Electron Device Letters. 2019;40:419-422.
Griffin D, Zhao X, McLinden CA, Boersma F, Bourassa A, Dammers E, Degenstein D, Eskes H, Fehr L, Fioletov V, et al. High-Resolution Mapping of Nitrogen Dioxide With TROPOMI: First Results and Validation Over the Canadian Oil Sands. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 2019;46:1049-1060.Abstract
TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), on-board the Sentinel-5 Precurser satellite, is a nadir-viewing spectrometer measuring reflected sunlight in the ultraviolet, visible, near-infrared, and shortwave infrared. From these spectra several important air quality and climate-related atmospheric constituents are retrieved, including nitrogen dioxide (NO2) at unprecedented spatial resolution from a satellite platform. We present the first retrievals of TROPOMI NO2 over the Canadian Oil Sands, contrasting them with observations from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument satellite instrument, and demonstrate TROPOMI's ability to resolve individual plumes and highlight its potential for deriving emissions from individual mining facilities. Further, the first TROPOMI NO2 validation is presented, consisting of aircraft and surface in situ NO2 observations, and ground-based remote-sensing measurements between March and May 2018. Our comparisons show that the TROPOMI NO2 vertical column densities are highly correlated with the aircraft and surface in situ NO2 observations, and the ground-based remote-sensing measurements with a low bias (15-30 %); this bias can be reduced by improved air mass factors. Plain Language Summary Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is a pollutant that is linked to respiratory health issues and has negative environmental impacts such as soil and water acidification. Near the surface the most significant sources of NO2 are fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning. With a recently launched satellite instrument (TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument [TROPOMI]), NO2 can be measured with an unprecedented combination of accuracy, spatial coverage, and resolution. This work presents the first TROPOMI NO2 measurements near the Canadian Oil Sands and shows that these measurements have an outstanding ability to detect NO2 on a very high horizontal resolution that is unprecedented for satellite NO2 observations. Further, these satellite measurements are in excellent agreement with aircraft and ground-based measurements.
Li X, Yu Z, Xiong X, Li T, Gao T, WANG R, HUANG R, Wu Y. High-speed black phosphorus field-effect transistors approaching ballistic limit. Science advances. 2019;5:eaau3194.
Xu X, Zhao Q, Yuan X, Benjamin SC. High-Threshold Code for Modular Hardware With Asymmetric Noise. Physical Review Applied. 2019;12(6):064006.
Lu W, Li X, ZhifengLiu, Cheng Q. How do author-selected keywords function semantically in scientific manuscripts?. Knowledge Organization. 2019;46(6):403-418.
An J, Na Y, Zhang P. How do parents of children with ASD use information grounds to seek for ASD‐related information?. Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 2019;56(1):10-20.
Hu S, Zou L, Zhu Z. How Question Generation Can Help Question Answering over Knowledge Base, in Natural Language Processing and Chinese Computing - 8th CCF International Conference, NLPCC 2019, Dunhuang, China, October 9-14, 2019, Proceedings, Part I.; 2019:80–92. link
Gao Y, Zhou F, Ciais P, Miao C, Yang T, Jia Y, Zhou X, Klaus B-B, Yu G, Yang T. Human Activities Aggravate Nitrogen Deposition Pollution to Inland Water over China. National Science Review. 2019:doi: 10.1093/nsr/nwz073.
Yuan X. Hypothesis testing and entropies of quantum channels. Physical Review A. 2019;99(3):032317.
Tong L, Lin H, Zhang P. “I don't understand it so it can't be good”: Users' acg domain expertise and perceived quality of video tags, in Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology.Vol 56.; 2019:780-782. 访问链接Abstract
ABSTRACT Tag quality is an important factor to the success of social tagging systems and platforms. Users' domain expertise may influence they perceive tag quality. This study aims to explore how users of different domain experience (frequent user, occasional user, and non-user) perceive the quality of the same tags. We examined an online video community, Bilibili, which specializes in Anime, Comic and Games (ACG) subculture. We asked 60 users to watch 15 videos and rate the 95 tags of these videos, and found that: 1) Users with more domain expertise give higher ratings for tags' relevance to the videos and their retrieval value; 2) Occasional users have the lowest understandability rating, followed by non-users, and frequent users; 3) users think high-frequency tags are less suitable for retrieval. These results may provide insights to high quality tag selection for personalized recommendation and retrieval.
Liu J, Li X, Yang Y, Wang H, Wu Y, Lu X, Chen M, Hu J, Fan X, Zeng L, et al. An IBBCEAS system for atmospheric measurements of glyoxal and methylglyoxal in the presence of high NO2 concentrations. Atmospheric Measurement Technique. 2019;12(8):4439–4453.Abstract
A system based on incoherent broadband cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (IBBCEAS) has been developed for simultaneous measurement of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), glyoxal (GLY), and methylglyoxal (MGLY). In this system, the measured light absorption at around 460 nm is spectrally resolved. The concentration of absorbers is determined from a multicomponent fit. At an integration time of 100 s, the measurement sensitivity (2 sigma) for NO2, GLY, and MGLY is 18, 30, and 100 ppt, respectively. The measurement uncertainty, which mainly originates from path length calibration, sampling loss, and uncertainty of absorption cross sections is estimated to be 8% for NO2, 8% for GLY, and 16% for MGLY. When deploying the instrument during field observations, we found significant influence of NO2 on the spectra fitting for retrieving GLY and MGLY concentrations, which is caused by the fact that NO2 has a higher absorption cross section and higher ambient concentration. In order to minimize such an effect, a NO2 photolytic convertor (NPC), which removes sampled NO2 at an efficiency of 76 %, was integrated on the IBBCEAS system. Since sampled GLY and MGLY are mostly (>= 95 %) conserved after passing through the NPC, the quality of the spectra fitting and the measurement accuracy of ambient GLY and MGLY under NO2-rich environments could be improved.
Wu H, Fu P, Morris JP, Settgast RR, Ryerson FJ. ICAT: A numerical scheme to minimize numerical diffusion in advection-dispersion modeling and its application in identifying flow channeling. Advances in Water Resources [Internet]. 2019;134:103434. 访问链接
Yin Q, Sun K, Xiang X, Juan J, Cao Y, Song J, Yang Y, Shi M, Tian Y, Liu K, et al. Identification of Novel CXCL12 Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Chinese Sib-Pair Study. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers. 2019;23:435-441.Abstract
Aims: To discover possible relationships between CXCL12 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its risk factors. Methods: The present sib-pair study was conducted in a rural community of Beijing, China. SNPs rs2297630, rs1746048, and rs1801157 located within or nearby the CXCL12 gene were genotyped using the allele-specific polymerase chain reaction method. Haseman-Elston regression was used to investigate linkages between these SNPs and T2DM. A generalized estimating equation logistic regression model was used to discover associations between the SNPs, T2DM, and its risk factors. Results: A total of 3171 participants were recruited, comprising 2277 sib pairs. After Bonferroni correction (alpha = 0.016), rs2297630 was found to be significantly linked to (p = 0.003) and associated with T2DM (AA vs. GG/GA: OR = 2.26, 95% CI: 1.31-3.88, p = 0.003). There were interactions between rs2297630 and dyslipidemia (p < 0.001) and between rs1746048 and hypertension (p = 0.011). Compared to dyslipidemia-free subjects with rs2297630 GG/GA genotypes, dyslipidemia patients with rs2297630 AA had a higher risk of T2DM (OR = 4.15, 95% CI: 2.24-7.67, p < 0.001). Compared to hypertension-free subjects with rs1746048 CC genotypes, hypertension-free subjects with rs1746048 CT/TT had a decreased risk of T2DM (OR = 0.77, 95% CI: 0.60-0.99, p = 0.045). Conclusions: A novel linkage and association was found between rs2297630 and T2DM. Moreover, novel interactions were found between rs2297630 and dyslipidemia as well as rs1746048 and hypertension. These findings will help identify individuals at higher risk of developing T2DM.
Yin Q, Sun K, Xiang X, Juan J, Cao Y, Song J, Yang Y, Shi M, Tian Y, Liu K, et al. Identification of Novel Genetic Polymorphisms Associated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Chinese Sib-Pair Study. Genet Test Mol Biomarkers. 2019;23(7):435-441.Abstract
To discover possible relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its risk factors. The present sib-pair study was conducted in a rural community of Beijing, China. SNPs rs2297630, rs1746048, and rs1801157 located within or nearby the gene were genotyped using the allele-specific polymerase chain reaction method. Haseman-Elston regression was used to investigate linkages between these SNPs and T2DM. A generalized estimating equation logistic regression model was used to discover associations between the SNPs, T2DM, and its risk factors. A total of 3171 participants were recruited, comprising 2277 sib pairs. After Bonferroni correction ( = 0.016), rs2297630 was found to be significantly linked to ( = 0.003) and associated with T2DM (AA vs. GG/GA: OR = 2.26, 95% CI: 1.31-3.88,  = 0.003). There were interactions between rs2297630 and dyslipidemia ( < 0.001) and between rs1746048 and hypertension ( = 0.011). Compared to dyslipidemia-free subjects with rs2297630 GG/GA genotypes, dyslipidemia patients with rs2297630 AA had a higher risk of T2DM (OR = 4.15, 95% CI: 2.24-7.67,  < 0.001). Compared to hypertension-free subjects with rs1746048 CC genotypes, hypertension-free subjects with rs1746048 CT/TT had a decreased risk of T2DM (OR = 0.77, 95% CI: 0.60-0.99,  = 0.045). A novel linkage and association was found between rs2297630 and T2DM. Moreover, novel interactions were found between rs2297630 and dyslipidemia as well as rs1746048 and hypertension. These findings will help identify individuals at higher risk of developing T2DM.
